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Surgical Strike

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Title Screen

Surgical Strike

Developer: The Code Monkeys
Publishers: Sega (US/EU/JP), Tec Toy (BR)
Platforms: Sega CD, Sega CD 32X
Released in JP: December 22, 1995
Released in US: June 1995
Released in EU: September 1995
Released in BR: January 1996

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.

Surgical Strike is an FMV game perhaps better known for the exceptional rarity of its enhanced CD 32X version, which appears to have only had a very limited release in Brazil. The advertised upgrade offer (most prominently seen on the US box) is believed to have never shipped to customers who sent in the registration card to request it.

Hidden Credits

Present in BIB.TXT.

Unit 39 Concourse House Estate
432 Dewsbury Road
Leeds LS11 7DF
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Telephone (0113) 2710996
Facsimile (0113) 2713572
(Source: Original TCRF research)