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Super Smash Bros./Меню отладок

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This page is a translated version of the page Super Smash Bros./Debug Menus and the translation is 15% complete.
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This is a sub-page of Super Smash Bros./Debug Menus.

Как игра-файтинг, это неудивительно что Super Smash Bros. имеет много отладочных материалов, которые из них даже добавлены в локализации. Для европейских кодов, эти должны быть включены (даже на эмуляторе): F10396B0 2400 DE000400 0000

Системная отладка

Версия Код GameShark
США 800A4AD0 0003
Япония 800A2A90 0003
Европа 800AD330 0004
Австралия 800A5210 0004
iQue (Китай) 800A5650 0003

Это меню позволяет вас слушать всю музыку и звуки (включая неиспользованные), посмотреть переходы, применять различные фильтры MIDI на музыку, а также ряда опций, которые были использованы в тестировании, но не имеют текущей функции. Также имеет крутящейся синяя коробка "злого Кирби". Если кнопка "Z" нажата в странном дисплее, то появится то, что появляется для следа аналогового джойстика и нажатия кнопок.

  • Continue - Removes the menu from sight, although it can be reenabled by pressing Start.
  • rumble - Was presumably used for testing differing rumble intensities, although it doesn't actually trigger anything and appears to be just for show. Can be toggled from 0 to 10.
  • frame - Has no in-game effect, and it is unknown what function it would've been used for. Can be toggled from 0 all the way to 8000.
  • STOP RUMBLE - Self-explanatory.
  • call - Contains all the 12 crowd cheers in the game:
Debug Number Character
0 Mario
1 Fox
2 Donkey Kong
3 Samus
4 Luigi
5 Link
6 Yoshi
7 Captain Falcon
8 Kirby
9 Pikachu
10 Jigglypuff
11 Ness
  • fgm - Contains all sounds in the game — both those used and those unused. There are a lot of duplicates interspliced in here, and all of the crowd chants from the "call" option above are also present. The maximum it can be toggled to differ depending on the version of the game:
Version FGM Count
Japan 669
US 695
PAL 905
  • STOP FGM - Removes any lingering sound effects.
  • bgm - Contains all 46 music tracks in the game:
Debug Number Music Notes
0 Dream Land
1 Planet Zebes
2 Mushroom Kingdom
3 Fast Mushroom Kingdom Plays when the timer reaches 1 minute in a timed match in Mushroom Kingdom.
4 Sector Z
5 Congo Jungle
6 Peach's Castle
7 Saffron City
8 Yoshi's Island
9 Hyrule Castle
10 Character selection screen
11 Unused victory fanfare
12 Mario's victory theme Plays in the results screen after a match in VS Mode, each series has its own version.
13 Metroid's victory theme
14 Donkey Kong's victory theme
15 Kirby's victory theme
16 Star Fox's victory theme
17 EarthBound's victory theme
18 Yoshi's victory theme
19 F-Zero's victory theme
20 Pokémon's victory theme
21 The Legend of Zelda's victory theme
22 Results screen
23 Master Hand's portrait Plays in the portrait of Master Hand in 1P Game.
24 Master Hand's intro Plays in Master Hand's intro in 1P Game before the match begins.
25 Master Hand's Stage Plays during the battle with Master Hand, also in 1P Game.
26 Bonus stage Plays at the "Break the Targets!" and "Board the Platforms!" stages.
27 1P Game special bonus screen Plays in the special bonus screen after defeating the opponent(s) in a level in 1P Game.
28 Bonus stage victory Plays in the special bonus screen after a bonus stage if the player successfully completed the task.
29 Master Hand results screen Plays in the special bonus screen after defeating Master Hand.
30 Bonus stage failure Plays in the special bonus screen after a bonus stage if the player failed to complete the task.
31 Continue screen Plays when the player is asked to continue or to not continue.
32 Game over Plays if the player choose "No" in the continue screen.
33 Game intro Plays during the game's opening.
34 How to Play Plays in the "How to Play" movie.
35 1P Game "VS. Screen" Plays during every "VS. Screen" portrait in 1P Game except Master Hand.
36 Fighting Polygon Team's Stage Plays during the battle against the Fighting Polygon Team in 1P Game.
37 Metal Mario's Stage Plays during the battle against Metal Mario in 1P Game.
38 Ending cutscene Plays in the short cutscene after the results screen of the battle with Master Hand.
39 Staff roll Plays during the credits.
40 Unlock Plays during the text when something gets unlocked.
41 Challenger approaching Sounds very similar but not the same as entry 35.
42 Training mode Plays in every stage in training mode.
43 Characters and VS Record Plays in the "Characters" and "VS Record" sections in the Data menu.
44 Menu Plays in all menus, except all sections in the Data menu and in the "Screen Adjust" section of the Option menu.
45 Hammer Plays when a character is under the effects of a Hammer.
46 Starman Plays when a character is under the effects of a Starman.
  • effect - Applies 6 different MIDI filters which emphasizes certain instruments depending on what option you select. 0 plays the music without any filters applied.
  • STOP BGM - Stops the music.
  • Aeroplane - Lets you view the game's transitions from the end of a match to the results screen. It's on Aeroplane by default, but you can switch it to any of the game's transitions: Check, Gakubuthi (translates to "frame"), Kannon, Star, Sudare1, Sudare2, Camera, Block, RotScale and Curtain. It also acts as a "Reset" function, booting up the menu again and changing the background color in the process.
  • cic - Can be toggled from 0 to 255, but does nothing when pressed. It is unknown what "cic" stands for, and what it may have activated during testing.
  • boot - Again has no function. It can also be toggled from 0 to 255.
  • TvType - Apparently doesn't have a function, but could have served to test the game's performance on different types of televisions. Similarly to "boot", can be toggled from 0 to 255. For some weird reason, it is only present in international versions.
  • Exit - Brings the title screen.
(Source: Cen)

Battle Debug

Rehearsal for the "Donkey Kong 64" intro?
Version Action Replay code
US 800A4AD0 0004
JP 800A2A90 0004
EU 800AD330 0005

The battle debug lets you set up a timed battle on any stage, with any character. Pressing B hides the menu and pressing Start while the menu is hidden brings it back.

Pressing C-Up or C-Down on the other hand reveals a hidden feature of this menu: It also serves as an animation viewer! Each press of the buttons causes the second character (which defaults to Donkey Kong when the menu is booted up) to cycle through a rather comprehensive selection of animations, covering not only their attacks and "hurt" animations, but also their character intros, taunts, T-poses, various walking/dashing speeds, latching on to an edge, animations associated with items (complete with a few visual effects), recovering from being knocked down, "dazed" animations and even a few still frames of certain actions! There are a large amount of duplicates spliced in with these animations, and a few cause the proportions of the character model to mess up. Defeat, victory and "continue" animations are strangely missing from this collection. C-Up brings the next animation, and C-Down brings the previous animation.

  • The first row lets you change the mode.
Debug Name Function
VS mode A timed Free-for-all match. Using "No Contest" brings the results screen and then returning to the character selection screen will show the "Man" characters in the previous match selected.
1P mode 1P Game.
Staffroll Shows the staff credits.
Explain Shows the "How to Play" movie.
AutoDemo Shows an attract mode sequence with a randomised selection of characters. Plays in-game immediately following the "How to Play" video.
Congra Shows the congratulatory screen, shown in the end of 1P Game, of the character who is Player 1. This option is not present in the Japanese version, which lack the congratulatory screens altogether.
  • BattleTime - Changes the time limit of the match, going from 1 minute to 60 minutes.
  • S: - Selects a stage for 1P Game, and cycles in the respective order. It is also possible to fight the four hidden characters with the "Challenger Approaching" intro with this feature.

The remaining rows are for player settings, and each contains two sub-rows. The fourth, seventh, tenth and thirteen row changes the type of player for the first, second, third and fourth player respectively:

Debug Name Function
Man Human-controlled.
Com Computer-controlled. Won't attack outside of recovery attempts and items.
Not Won't appear in the match.
Demo Can't be interacted with and will be literally static, except for the animation of entering the stage; it will be glitched however.
Key Won't move. Will cause the animation of entering the stage to be glitched, almost similarly to the above.

The first sub-row changes what character the player is using. Mario, Donkey Kong, Samus, and Fox will be selected by default as Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, and Player 4 respectively. The character chosen as Player 1 will appear in the left of the debug menu screen's background, and the characters chosen as Player 2, Player 3 and Player 4 to the right side of the previous player. Additionally, some characters that are not normally playable can be selected. These characters' names are written in italics and ones that freezes the game when the option "Congra" is used when it is Player 1 are written in bold in the chart below. Intriguingly, the map used as the background in 1P Mode's "VS" screen actually includes many of the debug names seen below, although the low quality makes it difficult for players to make out.

Debug name Character Notes
Mario Mario
Fox Fox
Donkey Donkey Kong
Samus Samus
Luigi Luigi
Link Link
Yoshi Yoshi
Captain Captain Falcon
Kirby Kirby
Pikacyu Pikachu Pikacyu is a romanisation of Pikachu's name.
Purin Jigglypuff Purin is Jigglypuff's name in Japan.
Nes Ness
Boss Master Hand The debug menu refers to Master Hand as "Boss" because he is the final opponent found in 1P Game. Moving the Control Stick makes him fly in a way that is never seen in normal gameplay, and he can move through anything, including other players, as well as stage elements or hazards; he can interact with those, except Whispy Woods in Dream Land and the POW Block in Mushroom Kingdom, and being launched by a tornado on Hyrule Castle or by the Barrel Cannon on Congo Jungle causes him to not be able to fly and will interact with the collision of the level; while on the ground, he can walk and dash forward, jump, weirdly teleport backwards, push other players, but can't attack. Pressing Z crashes the game, and R may also cause the game to crash, but not always. Unlike other characters, being out of the limit of the map will not result in a KO; instead, his H.P has to be depleted, although if this happens in any stage that isn't the final stage of the 1P Game, the game freezes. His attacks will always target the lowest-numerical Player.
Button/Combination Classification Attack
A Standard attack Pokes two times.
A-Up Up smash Flies upward, then comes forward from the background attempting to slam into the player.
A-Down Down smash Flies upward, then falls from the sky, attempting to crush with his palm.
A-Left/Right Side smash Points his middle and grooming fingers, forming the shape of a gun, and fires Bullet Bills from them.
A-Up Up dash attack Flies upward, then slams down while spinning in a drill-like fashion.
A-Down Down dash attack Makes several sweeping motions. The amount of motions depend on the size of the platform.
A-Left/Right Side dash attack Flies straight like a rocket and slams into the players, while making a fist.
B Special attack "Walks" using his fingers, and flicks them if next to the players. If he encounters a wall while he is walking, he will keep walking in place.
B-Up Up special attack Flies like a rocket into the background, then attempts to fly into the player, and comes back to the arena from the right.
B-Down Down special attack Punches the ground, but he may go through it sometimes. If the attack doesn't hit the ground, Master Hand will continuously fall down.
B-Left/Right Side special attack Makes a slapping motion across the platform.
Metal Metal Mario
NMario Fighting Polygon Mario Every Fighting Polygon is a clone of their respective character, except that they can't use special attacks or grab. All of them freezes the game in the results screen in VS Mode if present in the match, and in the portrait screen in 1P Game except Link, Yoshi, Captain Falcon and Jigglypuff.
NFox Fighting Polygon Fox
NDonkey Fighting Polygon Donkey Kong
NSamus Fighting Polygon Samus
NLuigi Fighting Polygon Luigi
NLink Fighting Polygon Link
NYoshi Fighting Polygon Yoshi
NCaptain Fighting Polygon Captain Falcon
NKirby Fighting Polygon Kirby
NPikacyu Fighting Polygon Pikachu
NPurin Fighting Polygon Jigglypuff
NNes Fighting Polygon Ness
GDonkey Giant Donkey Kong Using the "Congra" option when he is Player 1 will display an empty blue screen (this isn't the game crashing, though), followed by the announcer saying "Congratulations!", and then you will be brought back to the appropriate screen. Freezes the game in the results screen in VS Mode if present in the match.

The second sub-row lets you change a fighter's costume. Two normally un-selectable costumes for Yoshi used only in 1P Game can be selected, including Team Mode exclusives. Master Hand, Metal Mario, and Fighting Polygon Team members do not have any alternate costume.

Stage Selector

Version Action Replay code
US 800A4AD0 0002
JP 800A2A90 0002
EU 800AD330 0003

Pressing Start while the menu is set on VS mode leads to a menu with two options: the first one being "Exit", and the second being a stage selector.

Use Left and Right on the Control Stick to select a stage, and press Start to begin the match. Stages with names in italics are unique to 1P Game and can't be selected on the VS Mode stage selection screen, and bolded stages are ones which can't be accessed in-game without either using this menu or other miscellaneous codes.

Debug name Stage Notes
Mario Peach's Castle
Fox Sector Z
Donkey Congo Jungle
Samus Planet Zebes
Link Hyrule Castle
Yoshi Yoshi's Island
Kirby Dream Land
Pikacyu Saffron City
OldMario Mushroom Kingdom
Small Unused stage
New Unused stage
Explain "How to Play" Stage
SYoshi Yoshi's Island This is actually a separate stage and not merely a duplicate of "Yoshi". It is the smaller incarnation of Yoshi's Island from 1P Game, which has a fixed camera, narrower blast lines and lacks the cloud platforms. Anyone who isn't Player 1 will have a glitched animation of entering the stage, appearing in mid-air as the Yoshis in 1P Game, as this version of the stage is only intended to be used in this mode.
Metal Metal Mario's Stage
Zako Fighting Polygon Team's Stage (Battlefield) "Zako" is part of the Fighting Polygon Team Japanese name, Nazo no Zako Teki Gundan (謎のザコ敵軍団).
Bonus3 "Race to the Finish" Stage Though the game refers to the other bonus stages as "Bonus 1" and "Bonus 2", it never refers to this stage as Bonus 3 in anywhere but the Debug Menu. It's possible that this bonus stage was once playable via the game menu. If Player 1 reaches the door, the announcer will say "Complete!" as usual, but the results screen will appear.
Boss Master Hand's Stage (Final Destination) Crashes the game if it is accessed via this menu.
Bonus1(Character's debug name) "Break the Targets!" Stage Crashes the game. Variations exist for each character. The game refers to this bonus stage as "Bonus 1" in the menu.
Bonus2(Character's debug name) "Board the Platforms!" Stage

(Source: Cen, SpongeBat1, Smash Wiki)

Falls Debug

Wow, Nintendo really have a very dark side sometimes...
Version Action Replay code
US 800A4AD0 0005
JP 800A2A90 0005
EU 800AD330 0006

A deceptively simple menu laid out in almost the same fashion as the stage selector in the battle debug. There are 2 commands labelled as "Finish" and "Dead", although the former of these is actually labelled twice per player slot and corresponds to two different commands. The listings suggest the menu was used to assign KO and Self-Destruct counts to each character, or perhaps to test the point system itself. This menu in particular is also very unstable, and usually tends to crash the game simply by being loaded up.

Strangely, the menu cannot be exited from via pressing Start unlike other menus, though pressing A will take you to the battle debug. Even more curiously, when you are warped to the battle debug, none of the changes made on this menu appear to apply.

Debug Label Function
Finish (above Dead) Represents characters, although due to the instability of the menu, the game crashes if you attempt to scroll past Luigi. The order is the same as in the battle debug.
Dead Appears to correspond to either KO's or Self-Destructs. Can be toggled from 0 all the way up to 65,536, which is the presumed cap on KOs.
Finish (below Dead) Has the same function as Dead, and appears to stand for whatever the previous function doesn't cover. Like Dead, it can be assigned a value between 0 and 65,536.

Unknown Debug

Version Action Replay code
US 800A4AD0 0006
JP 800A2A90 0006
EU 800AD330 0007

This debug menu differs considerably from the previous 3 in that it has no obvious purpose and offers far less interaction. It contains two large rectangular columns which can be shifted to the right off-screen (which reveals a considerably bugged font in which only Pikachu's name is decipherable) or to the left in an infinite loop, but what is perhaps more interesting is the fact that the menu recognizes button commands! Pressing any of the D-Pad directions or any of the buttons (except for Z which forces a controller input test to appear on-screen) causes small yellow squares to appear on screen, in differing positions dependent on which button you press. This is the extent of this debug's interactivity, and just like the Falls Debug, what you do appears to have no bearing whatsoever on any of the gameplay functions. It may have been utilized very early on in development to test basic controller functions, but it is difficult to deduce any sort of purpose for the menu given its lack of interactivity.

However, unlike the other debug menus, this one notably differs visually depending on the version of the game:

Look! Watch out! MARI̢͘͜Ó̵̷̢ ̶̢̡͠IS̕҉ ̡̨̕͜͝DE̛̕Ą̸̸̸͠D̶̴̢͝͝ ̸́́́͡Y̡̨͜O̢͢Ų̴̷ ̵̧̛̕A̢̨RE̵̶҉̢ ̸͢͟͠͠NE͞͡X̷̡̢T̷̵̶͜ Wild MISSINGNO. appeared!
Samus Marram? Almost... Was this written by a medic? If this game was made by Shigeru Miyamoto, this would likely have been the character selection screen.