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Super Pool III

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Title Screen

Super Pool III

Also known as: Pocket Gal (JP original), Pocket Gal 2 (JP rerelease)
Developer: Data East
Publishers: Data East (JP/EU), I-Vics (US)
Platform: Arcade (Data East Pocket Gal hardware)
Released in JP: 1987 (original), 1989 (rerelease)
Released in US: 1990
Released in EU: 1989

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: MORE YOU WIN, MORE THEY'LL STRIP THEIR CLOTHES! CRAZY! (or at least in the Japanese version).

Taking the control of the most famous pool player, you have to play many intense pool games in the best places of the town. To spice up things, four attractive girls will make anything for you, if you are good enough. Are you good enough to conquer all four?

Regional Differences

When the game was brought to the west, the game was heavily censored to make it suitable for all audiences.

Title Screen

Japan US World
Pocketgaltitle.png Superpool3title.png Superpool3titleworld.png

The US version removes the "Corp." abbreviation and changes the "All Right Reserved" with "Licensed to I.Vics Inc.".

Also, the Japanese version shows a girl in a bunny outfit in the title screen. The International versions remove this because...

...During the title screen, the bunny girl gradually loses her clothes and lingerie until she becomes naked. So wild!

Curiously, while the bunny girl was removed, her "Ya-Da!" is still present in the International versions.


Japan (Uncensored) US/World (Censored)
Stage 1 (Pool Bar Kiss)
Pocketgalizumi1.png Pocketgalizumi2.png

Pocketgalizumi3.png Pocketgalizumi4.png

Superpool3izumi1.png Superpool3izumi2.png

Superpool3izumi3.png Superpool3izumi4.png

Stage 2 (Club Royal)
Pocketgalami1.png Pocketgalami2.png

Pocketgalami3.png Pocketgalami4.png

Superpool3ami1.png Superpool3ami2.png

Superpool3ami3.png Superpool3ami4.png

Stage 3 (Club Hustler)
Pocketgallinda1.png Pocketgallinda2.png

Pocketgallinda3.png Pocketgallinda4.png

Superpool3linda1.png Superpool3linda2.png

Superpool3linda3.png Superpool3linda4.png

Stage 4 (Hotel Oscar)
Pocketgalsatuki1.png Pocketgalsatuki2.png

Pocketgalsatuki3.png Pocketgalsatuki4.png

Superpool3satuki1.png Superpool3satuki2.png

Superpool3satuki3.png Superpool3satuki4.png

Revisional Differences

In 1989, the Japanese version was rereleased as Pocket Gal 2. Despite the addition of the number, this version was the same as the original except for being translated into English. This in turn served as the basis for the International versions.

JP Original JP Revision
Pocketgaltitle.png Pocketgal2title.png