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Super Mario World (SNES)/Version Differences

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This is a sub-page of Super Mario World (SNES).

Title Screen

Japan USA, Europe (Rev 0) Europe (Rev 1)
SMW96JP.png SMW96US.png SMW96EU.png

The game's logo was redrawn for the international release. The Japanese logo is very similar to that of Super Mario Bros. 3, featuring much larger shadows and smaller Os than the international version. The international release also replaced the unique trademark symbol with standard blue letters. The wooden border was given more detail, and the copyright information was updated as well, with the copyright symbol and Nintendo logo also being given a few almost unnoticeable touchups. Since the European Rev 1 release displays all 239 scanlines, the border was extended vertically. Interestingly, this returns the height of the European title screen border to that of the 1989 build.

Each version handles files with 96 goals differently. The Japanese version doesn't mark this with anything special, the North American version denotes this with a star, and while the original European version handled it like the North American version, the Rev 1 ROMs gives the 96 a blue palette.

Japan International
Thick... ...and thin

Some of the letters of the file select font were redrawn for the international versions. This applies to the letters A and B, and the numbers 1 and 2.

In addition to these changes, the intro screen upon starting a new game dissolves automatically in the Japanese version after the jingle has ended. In other versions, the player can let the text box remain on screen until a button is pressed. This also applies to the text in the Switch Palaces.


The Friendliest Catch

In the Japanese version, it is possible for Yoshi to eat the dolphins used as platforms. The US and European versions of the game both edit the dolphins' code so that Yoshi cannot eat them.

This change was (likely unintentionally) undone for all versions of the Game Boy Advance port.

Graphics Changes

Japan International
No mail for Yoshi. Wait, can Yoshi write?

In addition to the standard translation of Yoshi's name, the international version also adds some shading to the sign, although this ended up causing a small graphical oddity on the part of the sign overlapping with the tree. The new graphic is also missing the bolt and has slightly darker shading on the pole.

Japan International
Baba bui. ROCKIN'!

More localization changes to the graphics.

Japan International
Don't you mean Kuppa? I wonder where Bowser's castle is...

And again. The lights to the side were also spread further apart to squeeze in the new name.

Japan International
Rescued yet again.
One kiss, coming right up!
Better go get a facelift, Princess.
Seriously, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?

Oddly enough, two of Princess Peach's sprites look less polished in the international version — one that is used when she walks over to Mario after defeating Bowser (though not when she arrives at Yoshi's house after the credits) and one used when she kisses Mario. The latter graphic appears to be based on an earlier version.

Level Changes

A few changes were made to the original version's levels to make the game easier. The GBA port retains these changes for all versions.

Donut Plains 2

Japan International
Three is company. Four is a corporation.

An extra Yellow exclamation block was added to the beginning of the stage, most likely to make it easier.

Donut Secret House

Japan What a crappy house...
International Ghost construction.

The walls at the end of the two main rooms were extended a bit to fill the whole screen.

(Source: Smallhacker)

Vanilla Dome 1


This turn block with a feather in it is a normal turn block in the Japanese release.

(Source: Smallhacker)

Lemmy's Castle

The time limit was changed from 300 seconds to 400 seconds in the international versions.

Chocolate Island 3

Japan International
Should I go right? So you want me to go right, then?

The secret exit for Chocolate Island 3 (required to move forward in the game) was made a bit more obvious by adding two more arrow signs.

Ghost Ship

Bing bing bing!

The three 1-up mushrooms at the bottom of the Ghost Ship are not present in the Japanese version.


Japan Stringent on time.
International Green berries are good berries.

There are only 3 green berries in the Japanese version. The international versions changed 6 of the red berries to green berries, bringing the total up to 9; this resulted (for 20 seconds per berry), in 60 seconds in the Japanese release, and 180 seconds in the international releases.

Japan You are super grammar!
International This makes the game easier, too.

Engrish in the Japanese version was fixed for the International release. This change moves the words "YOU ARE" further to the left as a result.

Special World Course Names

In the Japanese version, there are only four unique course names (each on consecutive courses), instead of using 1980s slang words.

Japan International
(Enjoyment Course)
Gnarly Tubular
(Even the Mario Staff Is Surprised Course)
Way Cool Awesome
(Course for the Specialists)
Groovy Mondo
(Championship Course)
Outrageous Funky

Map Changes

The digits in the Japanese version's level names use the same graphics as the lives counter. In the international versions, the numbers are part of the font.

Japan International
You are number one! Font shenanigans

Four levels in the Japanese version have extraneous numbers that were removed from other versions of the game:

Pressing L and R to reenter beaten castles/fortresses doesn't work in the Japanese version.


The credits has a number of title changes, along with one additional "special thanks" credit for Nintendo of America employee Dayv Brooks:

Japan International
Total Director
Takashi Tezuka
Main Director
Takashi Tezuka
Course Director
Katsuya Eguchi
Area Director
Katsuya Eguchi
Player and System Programmer
Toshio Iwawaki
Mario and System Programmer
Toshio Iwawaki
Back Ground Programmer
Shigehiro Kasamatsu
Tatsunori Takakura
Background Programmer
Shigehiro Kasamatsu
Tatsunori Takakura
Course Editor
Yoshihiro Nomoto
Eiji Noto
Satoru Takahata
Area Data Input
Yoshihiro Nomoto
Eiji Noto
Satoru Takahata
C.G. Designer
Shigefumi Hino
Character Graphic Designer
Shigefumi Hino
Special Thanks To
Yoishi Kotabe
Yasuhiro Sakai
Mie Yoshimura
Hironobu Kakui
Keizo Kato
Takao Shimizu
Special Thanks To:
Yoishi Kotabe
Yasuhiro Sakai
Mie Yoshimura
Hironobu Kakui
Keizo Kato
Takao Shimizu
Dayv Brooks

Japan International
Killer Bill More detail = more fun

The enemy cast list in the Japanese version does not have different names for the post-Funky enemies. This was a feature added to the International versions.

Enemy Names

The enemy cast list was updated with new names for the international versions.

Japan International
Para Bom Para-Bomb
Para Kuri Para-Goomba
Fishing Jugem Fishin' Lakitu
Jugem Lakitu
Togezo Spiny
Bomhei Bob-omb
Hanachan Wiggler
Appare Amazing Flyin' Hammer Brother
Mantogame Super Koopa
P-Pakkun Jumping Piranha Plant
Jumping Pumpkin Plant*
Ponkey Volcano Lotus
Bul Chargin' Chuck
K.K. Sumo Brother
Sanbo Pokey
Choropoo Monty Mole
Killer Bullet Bill
Pidgit Bill*
Dorabon Rex
Indy Mega Mole
Magnum Killer Banzai Bill
Raita Dino-Rhino
Chibi Raita Dino-Torch
Noko Noko Koopas
Mask Koopas*
Togemet Spike Top
Basa Basa Swoopers
Met Buzzy Beetle
Unbaba Blargg
Buku Buku Blurps
Fugumannen Porcu-puffer
Unira Urchin
Gooska Rip Van Fish
Torpedo Torpedo Ted
Telesa "Boo" Buddies
Spook Fishin' Boo
Atomic Telesa The Big "Boo"
Telesauls Eeries
Karon Dry Bones
Keseran Lil Sparky
Hone Met Bony Beetle
Pasaran Hothead
Dosun Thwomp
Coton Thwimp
Guru Guru Ball 'N' Chain
Gari Gari Grinder
Fish Bone Fishbone
Buibui Reznor
Meka Koopa Mechakoopas
Morton Morton Koopa Jr.
Lemmy Lemmy Koopa
Iggy Iggy Koopa
Ludwig Ludwig Von Koopa
Larry Larry Koopa
Wendy Wendy O. Koopa
Roy Roy Koopa
Koopa Bowser
*=Post-Funky Names

Nintendo Super System Differences

The version of Super Mario World released for the Nintendo Super System got some minor tweaks to fit better as an arcade game.

Ah, yes. SRAM powered by the honor system.

  • The most major change was the removal of the save system. Instead, you get to choose which world you start in from the title screen. If a world other than the first is chosen, the game unlocks the standard path through all previous castles (also unlocking all switch palaces of the previous worlds) up until the first level of the chosen world. As with SMA2, Sunken Ghost Ship is considered the first level of world 7.
  • If the player begins the game from the first world, the opening scene moves onto the map screen automatically, instead of waiting for the player's input.
  • For obvious reasons, the message in the switch palaces was altered to remove the reference to saving.
  • The ability to exit previously beaten levels with Start+Select was removed. The exact reason for this isn't clear.
  • The message box in the sub-level of Yoshi's Island 4 was removed as it described the Start+Select trick. This is the only change the NSS version did to any of the level data.
  • During the castle destruction cutscenes, one can now press any key to make the next line of text instantly appear (or instantly end the cutscene if all have been displayed already), essentially allowing you to speed up the cutscenes. Seeing as you pay for the play time on the NSS, this was probably added to prevent people from complaining about the game wasting your money by not letting you skip them. However, this feature was quite clumsily implemented and has two bugs:
    • If you press a key, the next line doesn't appear until you let go of the key. This allows you to pause the text reveal indefinitely.
    • Because how the timing works, the rubble in Iggy's, Morton's, Lemmy's and Roy's cutscenes won't show up until somewhere between line 1 and 2. Being able to pause the text thus also allows you to pause the rubble appearing while the smoke animates as normal. As a result, the smoke can clear without the rubble being present (making the flag float in the air) until the key is released, at which point the rubble pops into existence.
  • During a two-player game, players can no longer exchange extra lives with each other.

Virtual Console Differences

In the ROM released on Wii Virtual Console (and all subsequent rereleases), three shades of blue are markedly brighter and less saturated in the global palette, making them closer to periwinkle than navy. This is likely due to the Switch Palaces--all three shades are used by the stripes on the walls, ceiling, and floors, and in the hallways at the end of the stages this texture covers most of the screen. The lighter colors are most likely an attempt to minimize the risk of seizures should the player enter this area running.

SNES Wii Virtual Console (and all subsequent rereleases)
SMW-Switch Palace-normal.png
SMW-Switch Palace-VC.png