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Super Mario Sunshine/Unused or Early Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Super Mario Sunshine.

Corona Mountain Banner


A banner for Corona Mountain exists in select.szs\timg. Corona Mountain is not an episodic stage, rendering this graphic unused.


These files are all found in title.szs\timg, which seems to be dedicated to an early title screen. The final game's title screen is contained in option.szs.

Graphic File Name Comment
pushstart.bti and j_pushstart.bti Most likely used before the start up screen was finalized given that it's in Comic Sans. There are two versions of it, with j_pushstart.bti being 75% the size of the other.
j_face.bti A badly cropped Mario silhouette.
j_titlebl.bti A partially messed up shadow of a title screen.
(Source: Catley, Zeek)


Located in option.szs\timg are some leftover graphics.

Untranslated and Unused Text Graphics

Most of these graphics are used in the Japanese version and are simply translation leftovers.

Graphic Translation Comment
Dolpic This is the Japanese name for Isle Delfino. Given that the entire game takes place on Isle Delfino, it wouldn't make much sense to give this label to any one location, so this never got translated.
"Rico Harbor"
Rico Harbor This is a leftover translation file, as the used Ricco Harbor graphic is labeled "stage_ricco.bti".
From the beginning There is no option to play the beginning of anything, so this was not translated.
"Cancel" Cancel A label for the menu choice "cancel". There is no cancelable menus in the final game, so this was not translated.
(Source: Catley)

Menu Sunglasses

Each of these pairs of sunglasses are unused. These graphics suggest the options menu was possibly going to have a "sunglasses" option.

Graphic Name Comment
SMSmonte sunglass flame.png
monte_sunglass_flame.bti An unused pair of sunglasses most likely meant for Piantas, as the file name is prefixed with "monte" which is the Japanese name for "Pianta". The name is likely misspelled from "frame".
SMSmonte sunglass glass.png
monte_sunglass_glass.bti Another unused pair of sunglasses also likely meant for Piantas, as the filename is also prefixed with "monte". Likely the lens for monte_sunglass_flame.
SMSoption sunglass.png
option_sunglass.bti This pair was likely meant to be used in the Options menu, being prefixed with "option".
(Source: Catley)

Text Bubble

SMS-windows bubble02.png

An unused bubble named windows_bubble02.bti. This bubble has a similar appearance to the option bubbles in the File Select options menu which are labelled "windows_kumo05" ("kumo" being Japanese for "cloud"). Being that both textures are prefixed with "windows", this indicates that this bubble was also an option bubble.

(Source: Inkstar)

Blue Coin


A smaller version of the Blue Coin icon found in the files for the File Select screen named bluecoin_icon2.bti. The file select screen had some HUD graphics minimized to fit onto the score tally, but it doesn't count Blue Coins.


These are unused guide map graphics found in guide.szs\timg. Two of them are an early set for the scenario marks found on the Episode select screen.

Graphic File Name Comment
guide_arrow.bti An arrow head.
guide_blue_coin.bti A crude graphic of a blue coin.
SMSsc mark0.bti.png
guide_sc_mark_0.bti The first scenario mark of the set. It's specifically made for the guide, even though scenario marks aren't used in the guide.
SMSsc mark1.bti.png
guide_sc_mark_1.bti The second scenario mark of the set. This one has a different design than the one used in-game. The one used is shaped like a Shine Sprite, while this is a sun.
SMSGuide x.png
guide_x.bti A basic X.
(Source: sunn)


These textures are located in game_6.szs\timg.

Big Letters

Some big letter graphics. A couple of these letters aren't used in some versions of the game, yet still exist in the files.

Graphic Comment
SMSBig tx d.png Was originally going to be for a "READY" header. It goes unused in the Japanese version, but is used by the North American release for "TOO BAD!" and the European version for multiple translations.
SMSBig tx r.bti.png Was originally going to be for a "READY" header. It goes unused in the Japanese and North American versions, but is used by the European release.
SMSBig tx m.bti.png Goes unused in the North American version, as the localization team replaced "MISS!" with "TOO BAD!".
SMSBig tx y.bti.png Was originally going to be for a "READY" header. This is the only letter that is unused in all releases of the game.

Tank Text


Early water tank HUD label named water_text.bti. This is likely a very early graphic, as even early footage and demos used the label "water".

Early Graphics

Graphic Location Comment
common.szs\timg\a_bill02.bti There are blue doors in Delfino Plaza and Ricco Harbor, but none of them have this kind of shading.
common.szs\timg\a_bill01.bti Another blue door, but with colorful goop painted across it.
common.szs\timg\arrow.bti Completely unused arrow.
nintendo.szs\timg\nintendo.bti Probably from an early startup screen.
nintendo.szs\title_m_mark.bti You may think this is the "M" mark that shows up on the opening screen, but that's not the case. The used one is found in substitle.szs under the name wipe_m_mark.bti, and is triple the size. This one is found with the logos, oddly enough.
SMS Saveblock nobolts.png
scene\option.szs\scene\mapobj\fileloadblockojama.bmd Unfinished version of the File Block texture that's missing the corner bolts.
(Source: Catley, Zeek, sunn)

Hidden Screenshots

A few screenshots are hidden within the game, used as textures for various models. These screenshots were taken from various stages in development and are used as placeholders for shader effects.

Graphic An environment map for Texture Name Comment
Dem Bloopers
Eely-Mouth's eyes (scene\mareboss.szs\scene\bosseel\eye.bmd). rico.bti While the HUD isn't shown, the skinny FLUDD design reveals that this was taken very early in development. This screenshot also shows what would be the earliest known designs of Ricco Harbor and Blooper. The sky in the background is the same as the early sky found in the test map.
Good Eely-Mouth, you look kind of cool!
The water in Bowser's bathtub (scene\coronaBoss.szs\scene\map\map\water.bmd). mariobg_meoto.bti The HUD reveals the fact that it is a near-final build. However, Noki City has much simpler lighting and no fog effects. There's no real indication as to why they used this as an environment map.

Delfino Airstrip Graphics

Inside the map.bmd model of both Delfino Airstrip maps located in scene\airport0X\map\map, and the return to Delfino Airstrip's map in scene\dolpic_ex0\map\map are some unused graphics.



  • Located on the texture A_port_ji03.

This graphic is located on the same texture sheet as the runway Shine Sprite imprint, indicating that it was likely supposed to be imprinted somewhere along the runway.

Waiting Room

These textures are located on the waiting room's texture sheet A_portnaka01.

Graphic Comment
A graphic of a Gyroid from Animal Crossing.
Intended to be used as a pot texture in the waiting room, however only a male Pianta texture is used.
A reception desk pad graphic for the reception desk in the hidden waiting room.
These colors are also used in the hidden waiting room, texturing three shapes on a table.

Airplane Reflection


This texture, B_windowsky, is used on the plane's windows to reflect the sky, but it can never be seen completely.

Blue Awning


An unused light/dark blue striped awning graphic located within the fruit stand/window accessories texture sheet of Delfino Plaza (A_obja09). This overhang could be seen in both early footage, and screenshots for some fruit stands.

(Source: Inkstar)

Mossy Block


An unused wooden block texture with what appears to be moss on the side named D_wall00_IW can be located in the Petey Piranha windmill battle map biancoBoss.szs from Bianco Hills Episodes 1/2.

(Source: Inkstar)

Ship Flag Holder

Located in the specular map for Ricco Harbor's ships, A_ship05_s, instead of the flag holder texture, there's an unused barrier texture which could be seen in E3 gameplay footage.

Specular Map Texture Map
SMS-Flagholder-Spec.png SMS-Flagholder.png
(Source: Inkstar)

Treehouse Table

Graphic In-game Appearance File Name Comment
SMS-thousetable.png SMS-TableclothMissing.png THouseTable A red tablecloth graphic that is supposed to appear on the treehouse tables in Gelato Beach, but doesn't.
(Source: Inkstar)

Dummy Manta Texture


An unused dummy texture called mantatex.bti can be found with the Manta model in scene\sirena0.szs\scene\manta.

(Source: Inkstar)