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Starship Titanic/Unused Images
This is a sub-page of Starship Titanic.
Unused Images
TDV Placeholder Image
A placeholder image featuring The Digital Village logo of unknown intended use.
A lovely picture of the sky above your house
How nice. The actual image seen in the navigation minigame uses a frameless, reflectionless version of the image. This version of it is unused. The reflections may be of the Bridge, which would mean the graphic had the same purpose as the version used during the Starmap puzzle. This cannot be fully confirmed, however.
Hi-Res SGT Magazine
Hi-res textures for the SGT magazine. Normally the magazine is only visible as a small inventory video, making it impossible to read.
The first and last pages are present and just about readable in the First Class In-Flight Magazine (steam pdf page 5) physically included with some big box editions of the game (Much higher resolution scans at Archive.org), though in monochrome.
Unused UI elements
Very early PET graphics. Evidence supporting this can be found on the prototype page for the game, which also has some of these assets, though even there they are unused.
The first graphic, interestingly, doesn't seem present in the prototype despite it generally having a more 'complete' set of assets for this early PET design. These "bubbles" are likely to have been the PET mode toggle switches, since there are six of them, the same as the initial versions of the PET design that would replace this one in prototype 397. The PET in that prototype, as well as the PET in the final game, reduced this button count to five.
There seems to be a relation between these "bubble" buttons and the similar unused green, red, and empty toggle graphics from the prototype.
Unused Chat-o-Matic Portraits
Titania PET Portrait
Titania has a vertical PET icon like most of the other bots, but the only time you "talk" to her is during an automatic cutscene, and as your PET disappears, this definitely goes unused.
Maitre d'Bot Unused PET Portrait
An unused version of Maitre d'Bot's portrait. The release game uses a close up picture of his face in-game.
Old PET Portraits & 'ChatterBot'
The smaller portrait set was once used by the PET as seen in the game's 397 Beta, but are unused now. The larger set is unused in both.
There is also a portrait for an unused bot. Interestingly, the unused bot can be seen in a sketch of some of the game's NPCs found in the First Class In-Flight Magazine (steam pdf page 14) included with some big box editions of the game (Much higher resolution scans at Archive.org).
The prototype contains a text file which preserved the original file name for those two portraits. In the prototype, the portraits are saved under the names "y1314.tga" and "y1304.tga", which were originally titled "smchatter.tga" and "chatter.tga" respectively. This makes it likely to be the "ChatterBot" character referenced by some unused executable strings. See also this unused audio file.
Judging by the relative height of this character compared to the others in the sketch, it would have always been below your viewport's height, so what the bot was ever intended for and how you would converse with it remains a mystery.
Oddly, Maitre D is not present in this icon set, though the prototype DOES have one for him in that set.
The bridge console with the game's pink transparency mask atop its screen. This may indicate that the useless flip-up console would have actually displayed something on its panel, which remains blank in-game.
Indeed, this object has its own dedicated class in the ScummVM port, but it does nothing but set an "active" state on or off. There, it is referred to as a "Games Console". The mask indicates the intention of adding functionality that never made it into the final. In the novel, the bridge had an entertainment device with several games, intended to give the captain something to actually do, being that the ship is always piloted by AI.
Unused "Remote Thingummy" portraits for First and SGT Class lobbies. In the lift, "Your Stateroom" in the Remote Thingummy uses the Second Class portrait regardless of your current class and stateroom. These icons can be seen in the Official Strategy Guide's page for the Remote Thingummy, but aren't used anywhere in the actual game.
An unused frame from the elevator floor indicator video. There is no floor 0 on the Titanic, the Top of the Well is floor 1.
As above, this frame from the Titania's Eye Channel on TV displays the invalid floor 0.
The television in the bar may have alternated the text "CORRUPTED DATABASE WARNING" between black and red. This is the unused red frame.
Due to the internal file numbering, it's possible the blue arrows were intended to be displayed on top of the debug menu seen below. As for the grey ones, they were originally part of the PET's graphics as seen in 397 Beta, but are unused now.
Debug Leftovers
Two images remain from a debug menu. There are several references to this "Cheat Room" in memory, implying that at least some of its functionality is still present. Interestingly, the unused room in the 'Videos' sub-page appears here. The real, or final Pellerator, however, is absent.
The level select screen is present and functional in the 397 beta by holding CTRL+SHIFT and changing node, wherein the unused six-button room takes you to the final Pellerator. That version of the game lacks the item select screen and its asset.
This screen was reimplemented in the ScummVM port by using Ctrl+C.
Static Images
A still node background featuring a clipping-happy Succ-U-Bus in a Second Class Stateroom. When you actually approach this node, a fixed version of the image is used instead of this one that contains no clipping issues. Other used nodes in the room still show the Succ-U-Bus clipping through the wall, however.
An unused looking down node for a finished Titania.
A shot from the end of the game. The final game doesn't use this angle, opting to fade away with smoke, but 397 Beta contains an earlier version of the ending sequence that does use this angle. The final game still contains an unused node that displays this image, being the node 1.N of "TheEnd". It displays it for a short time and then begins Leovinus' final message.
An alternate static shot for a headless LiftBot. This shot varies from the used one by having a different neck design. In addition, his hand floats above the handle.
An unused angle from Your Lovely Home. This view has a node in the game still, specifically Home.Node 2.S, but none of the used nodes transition to this viewport. If you somehow hack your way onto it, you can click the television to go to the normal up close view of it, or you can click along the left side of the screen to move to another used node facing the painting left of the television.
To do: Are the still graphics on nodes Node 1, S and Node 2, S (and a number of other unused nodes) unused too, then? Or do they briefly display when the automated (used) movement occurs? You should think about that. |
You can't stop midway through the anti-grav corridor in 'The Dome', so this shot is unused. Nodes that use this graphic are still in the game (Node 1, N), but unused. When manually going to this node, you can only click to go forwards beyond the corridor and onto the ceiling. Unlike the used nodes, you are left here, on the Central Well ceiling, until you opt to press forward again to move to a used node of the door for entering Titania's room. You are unable to turn around and go back at either point.
In the used node, you automatically progress along both the corridor and the ceiling, only stopping directly in-front of Titania's door. The still image on this page is not used at any point during the used nodes; the corridor is always seen with video motion blur. Node 1, S is likewise automated in the final game.