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Stargate (SNES)

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Title Screen


Developer: Probe Entertainment
Publishers: Acclaim Entertainment (US/EU), Acclaim Japan (JP)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: May 26, 1995
Released in US: April 1995
Released in EU: June 29, 1995

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Mode

Stargate SNES Debug Warp Stage.png

During the game, press Select to open the info screen, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Y, A, B, Start, Start, X, Y, A, B. A sound will play if done correctly. Exit the info screen, then pause and press one of the below buttons for the desired effect:

  • A: Free-Movement Mode. Press again to disable.
  • B: Invincibility. Pause and press again to disable.
  • X: View best ending.
  • Y: View good ending.
  • Select: Go to debug warp stage (pictured above). This stage consists of a bunch of doors that warp to every level in the game (use the free-movement mode to reach the higher ones). Exit the stage at the top right for a second area that consists of a bunch of doors that warp to every sublevel in the game.
To do:
Full map rips and documentation of where each door warps to.

(Source: cah4e3)