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Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content/Training: Flight

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This is a sub-page of Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content.

It seems that all the training sequences were re-scripted or redesigned. This mission features voice lines from Captain Orsai and Captain Juno, two characters that would eventually be added to the Mere. The training mission sections will have their unused audio listed in chronological order.

Unused Audio

Voice lines from a scrapped takeoff section, Captain Orsai having a line here. Ingame, Adi is only shown zooming away from the planet, however the pre-rendered cutscene directly before this mission does show a flight sequence in Coruscant's atmosphere.

A basic analog stick section, which reveals... the controls weren't inverted? Yuck! It seems you could've manually inverted them though.

An older version of the rings section which mentions a freighter off in the distance...

...because there was an entire scrapped section! Here, you would've stayed alongside two freighters to test boost and brake, eventually activating weapons before moving onto another section! Voice lines from Captain Orsai and Captain Juno are used here.

Cut voice lines from the holographic targets section which remained mostly the same, except for the targets being a large distance away originally, making it so you have to boost to get to them.

Originally you had to boost back to the starting area to begin the dogfight against Saesee Tiin.

Like the earlier line from Tiin mentioning inverting your controls, this line mentions adjusting them in a controls menu. While this does exist on the main menus, this could've been in the pause menu at some point in development.

Friendly fire lines from the freighters section.

An assortment of alternate takes from the previous sections.

Possibly an early outro to the mission. The mention of the Jedi Starfighter's hyperspace capabilities could indicate that the next training mission could've taken place somewhere other than Coruscant, however in the final release it doesn't.