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Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content/The Jedi Master

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This is a sub-page of Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content.

Early Level Design Remnants

While the unused voice lines for this mission mention a wildly different series of events, very little of it remains, but surprisingly works very well, and is fully voice acted. This includes Rhys and Bravo Flight from Starfighter joining the battle (something Brett Douville claims was never planned or in any official design documents), Mace Windu joining the battle, multiple music tracks, and plenty of extra dialogue that does fit into the final revision of the mission, but was cut. Some unused voice lines in this mission and others got repurposed for the in-engine demos that play if you let the game idle at the title screen. This video shows an attempt at restoring as much of this leftover content as possible.

Unused Audio

This mission went through so many changes that it no longer resembles its original structure. Not even official planning documents mention everything!

Several missions have different music tracks that play throughout depending on the current situation. The Jedi Master was supposed to have three, but it only uses the first one. Shame, since the second and third would have made the ending so much more amazing.

This would've played when the two Sabaoth Destroyers jump in:

This track bears a striking resemblance to the first game's final music track, and it would've played when the boss fight against Cavik Toth started: