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Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content/Convoy

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This is a sub-page of Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter/Mission-Specific Unused Content.

While this mission was cut from the game, it has a substantial amount of leftover content, and is deserving of its own page. Known by its internal name of "convoy", this mission would've taken place after "Mount Merakan" but before "Hammer and Anvil", as Nym pursues the escaping freighters while Adi and the Point Modie evacuation team catch up with him. Removing this mission creates a massive plot hole, as the Hex production facility's location - Nod Kartha - was going to be revealed during this mission. Since it got cut, the team is shown going from not knowing where the production facility but suddenly showing up at the location with a massive fleet. The mission was very likely cut as it relied earlier versions of the "Poisoned Skies" and "Mount Merakan" missions being present, due to various plot-related differences present in them. A prerelease temporary menu confirms its location in the mission lineup.

Missing Audio

With one exception, every single voice line for this mission was removed from the game data, along with all pause menu text (which is why the mission's official name is unknown). However, the catalog containing filenames and subtitles was not, revealing mission information and objectives.

Filename Subtitle
M07_G008_ADI If even one of those transports gets through, the Trade Federation will have enough raw material to slaughter thousands.
M07_G009_ADI If even one of those transports escapes, they will have enough raw material to slaughter thousands!
M07_G010_ADI If we destroy them all, we will cut off their supply lines.
M07_G011_ADI If we destroy all of the freighter transports, we'll cut off their supply lines.
M07_G012_ADI There's a freighter transport about to enter hyperspace!
M07_G013_ADI The freighter transport at one four mark eight is powering up its hyperdrive.
M07_G014_ADI We can not let them get escape the system!
M07_G015_ADI Escaping transport destroyed!
M07_G016_ADI First transport destroyed!
M07_G017_NYM Got it! That's two deliveries intercepted.
M07_G018_NYM Second Transport neutralized.
M07_G019_JINK That's three Freighter Transports down, Nym.
M07_G020_JINK We've taken down the third transport, Nym.
M07_G021_ADI Four Transports destroyed.
M07_G022_ADI Fourth transport out of commission.
M07_G023_NYM That's the fifth transport!
M07_G024_NYM Ha! They won't be seeing that transport again!
M07_G025_ADI It's the last one.
M07_G026_NYM Let's get the rest of em!
M07_G027_LORE Mayday!
M07_G028_LORE Mayday, Mayday! This is Loreli Ro of the refugee Mere ship Sanctuary.
M07_G029_NYM Ro! What are you doing on the bridge? You're not a pilot!
M07_G030_ADI Sanctuary, state your emergency.
M07_G031_LORE We've experienced a massive systems failure that killed the entire bridge crew.
M07_G033_LORE We've drifted close to a transfer station! We're under attack!
M07_G034_LORE Shields are almost gone!
M07_G035_LORE Our shields are almost gone!
M07_G036_NYM Revenants, form up.
M07_G037_JINK Gladly, sir.
M07_G038_NYM Ro, we're on our way.
M07_G039_NYM First, let's get those fighters.
M07_G040_NYM Jedi, can you talk them through this?
M07_G041_ADI Of course. Loreli Ro, who is in command?
M07_G042_LORE I am! The crew's all dead!
M07_G043_ADI What is your hull integrity?
M07_G044_LORE Is this it? 100%. It says 100%.
M07_G045_LORE Is this it? 90%. It says 90%.
M07_G046_LORE Is this it? 80%. It says 80%.
M07_G047_LORE Is this it? 70%. It says 70%.
M07_G048_LORE Is this it? 60%. It says 60%.
M07_G049_LORE Is this it? 50%. It says 50%.
M07_G050_LORE Is this it? 40%. It says 40%.
M07_G051_LORE Is this it? 30%. It says 30%.
M07_G052_LORE Is this it? 20%. It says 20%.
M07_G053_LORE Is this it? 10%. It says 10%.
M07_G054_ADI I copy. Now, do you have any casualties among the passengers?
M07_G055_LORE No. All civilians are safe in the tank.
M07_G056_ADI Good. Now remain calm and report in if your hull integrity changes.
M07_G058_LORE Yes… I've found them.
M07_G060_LORE Done…
M07_G061_LORE Master Gallia, hull integrity has reached 90%!
M07_G062_LORE Adi, hull integrity has just reached 80%!
M07_G063_LORE Hull integrity at 70%!
M07_G064_LORE Jedi, hull integrity has reached 60%!
M07_G065_LORE Hull integrity at 50%!
M07_G066_LORE Hull integrity at 40%!
M07_G067_LORE Jedi, hull integrity at 20%!
M07_G068_LORE 10%! Hull intergrity at 10%
M07_G069_ADI All Scarabs destroyed. Sanctuary, you are safe.
M07_G070_LORE Wonderful! I will inform the passengers.
M07_G071_NYM No! Those were innocent civilians!
M07_G072_JINK They could wipe out the whole system!
M07_G076_ADI Nym, they'll be helpless out here in space without a crew. We must escort them to the surface.
M07_G078_NYM That's a big ship though. It'll take all of my men to repair and pilot it. And I can't take out all these freighters by myself.
M07_G079_JINK Nym, they're not going to take off until they're full. The two of us might be able to take 'em.
M07_G080_JINK If we thin out that line of supply ships, we can slow down their departures.
M07_G081_ADI You must stop the freighters here, or millions could die.
M07_G082_NYM We're on it. You just get those Mere to safety.
M07_G083_ADI Agreed.
M07_G084_ADI Revenants, proceed to docking bay 2. Good luck, Nym and Jinkins.
M07_G086_ADI Good work. Where are those freighters headed?
M07_G088_NYM Where's the jump point?
M07_G090_NYM Take care of my crew, Adi.
M07_G092_NYM Let's thin out those freighters.
M07_G093_NYM That'll slow 'em down so we can destroy 'em all.
M07_G094_JINK The freighters are re-routing! They must be programmed to seek the safest transport.
M07_G095_NYM Good. That'll give us some more time.
M07_G104_NYM That'll teach you to cross the Lok Revenants!
M07_G105_NYM Looks like a pretty efficient operation.
M07_G107_ADI Then we must know where that refinery is located.
M07_G108_JINK Target locked. Attack formation.
M07_G109_NYM Go go go!
M07_G110_LORE Mayday! Mayday! <radio static> this is the <radio static> …
M07_G111_LORE (radio static) ...all dead…. (radio static) Nym, please help us!

Voice Line

Miraculously, one single voice line from this mission somehow made into the voice line data for Poisoned Skies. The voice line is from a temporary outro cutscene, and it's spoken by Jinkins who reveals the location of the Trihexalon facility - Nod Kartha. The fact that this voice line isn't transcribed in the catalog further proves it was going to be used for the outro cutscene, as once an outro cutscene's audio track is finished, it contains all music, voice lines, and sound effects all baked into the same file. It appears that M07_G107_ADI is the last voice line to play in the mission, before it cuts the outro cutscene containing this voice line.