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Star Fox Adventures/Unused Voice Clips

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This is a sub-page of Star Fox Adventures.

A surprising number of unused voice clips for a number of deleted or revised scenes are still in the final game, along some for other situations. As with the Dinosaur Planet leftovers page, all the text seen in boxes was ripped from GAMETEXT.bin. Any text that is italicized was transcribed.

Deleted Cutscenes

SnowHorn - Call of Elders

Sound Character Transcript/Text
SnowHorn Welcome, stranger. Word is you
wish to find the SpellStone.
SnowHorn To continue your quest, you
must find our most sacred object:
The Call of Elders.
SnowHorn Believe in your quest!
You must believe!
SnowHorn Use the call wisely. It
can summon help in times of need.

A similar version involving Dinosaur Planet characters is also on the disc. The Call of Elders is presumably an older name for the SnowHorn Artifact.

Post-Galdon Dialogue

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Fox (pants) Well, that didn't go exactly
(pants) according to plan...
Tricky Heh heh, but it was fun,
though, wasn't it?

Would have been said right after defeating Galdon. The game cuts directly to Fox talking to Belina.

Dragon Rock - Freeing the EarthWalker

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Fox Skeetlas!
Tricky Fox, look!
Fox Come on, Tricky. We've got to help him.
EarthWalker Thanks for helping me. *Cough*
If I could get out of these chains,
I would offer you my assistance.
Tricky Uh don't you think we should
be getting out from here?
EarthWalker You're gonna have to
help me out of here.
EarthWalker Skeetlas?! Do you hear Skeetlas?
Tricky He doesn't look too good, Fox!

There is an EarthWalker imprisoned in the final game, but he only talks after you have rescued him. He also mentions Skeetlas, who don't appear to be in the final.

Final Krazoa Shrine

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Tricky Fox. Fox. Help me, I can't move.
Fox Tricky? Tricky!
General Scales Bwwaaaaaohhhohohohohhhh...
General Scales
"Will you stand and fight?"
"Or run like a coward."
General Scales (laughs)

This presumably would relate to the final Krazoa shrine, which only has a more straightforward confrontation with Scales, only to have Scales' Krazoa Spirit released and out into Fox's body.

Scales vs. Fox/Falco

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Fox Oh no...
General Scales Fox McCloud, savior
of Dinosaur Planet. I feel
I should be honored.
Fox It's over, Scales. The tribes
are gathering strength. You
will never rule Dinosaur Planet.
General Scales We shall see, but one thing
is for certain. Tomorrow,
the Lylat system will be
mourning your loss.
General Scales Open fire.
Falco Hey, McCloud. Still lying
down on the job?
Falco Different time, different planet,
and I’m still saving your butt.
Good to see you old friend.
Fox Falco?! Is that really you?
Falco I heard about your mission
and though you might need some
help… for a small fee of course!
Falco Now let’s kick his scaly tail!

In the final game, the battle with General Scales ends abruptly and he is more or less made redundant by Andross. Even during the short "battle" with General Scales, he doesn't do much of anything. Falco meets up with Fox during the battle with Andross, not at the final Krazoa Shrine.

Krystal - Deleted Lines

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Krystal (screams, then coughs) You...
you were in my dream.
Krystal Get me out of here, please!
Krystal (Scream) Ow...oh...ow. My leg.
Krystal Why did you help me?
You didn't know who I was.
I could have been evil.
Krystal Fox, look out!
Sound Character Transcript/Text
Krystal Is it over?
Krystal Well, Fox, I guess this is
goodbye. Can you take me back
to my ship?
Krystal Is there something...
you wanted to say?
Krystal Well, it all hinges on one thing.
Krystal I'll only join...
if you'll kiss me.

The first set of dialogue might have been used for Krystal being entrapped in the crystal and being released shortly thereafter and a little close to the climax she might have worked alongside Fox. The second set might have been an alternate ending. Needless to say, only Krystal's lines seem to have survived on the disc, so what other characters could have said is unknown.

Alternate Cutscenes

Alternate Controls Intro

Sound Character Transcript/Text
General Pepper Choose who you wish to listen to,
and then press the A button to contact them.
Each team member will give you different information.
General Pepper For example, I will give you your mission status,
while Peppy can give you the world map and give you directions.
General Pepper We're always available, so you can contact us at any time.
Pepper out!

A much shorter conclusion to the first cinematic sequence in ThornTail Hollow. It was lengthened to include some dialogue on how Fox doesn't have a weapon with him.

Alternate Staff Intro

Sound Character Transcript/Text
"If you are receiving this message then I am in great danger."
"The staff you hold in your hands is a powerful weapon."
"You must learn to use it wisely."
"It will give you guidance when it's powers can be used."
"This is not all the staff can do;"
"You have the ability to upgrade it's powers."
"When it glows with a magical force"
"and you can feel its call through your hands,"
"it is a sign that a Spirit Cave is beneath you."
"If you can enter this cave then the upgrade will be found within."
"Take care of my staff and it will take care of you."

Used in early builds of the game, this was rewritten for the final. Also, instead of being in the Dino language, it is in English and filtered as if it were transmitted via radio.

Queen EarthWalker Intro

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Queen EarthWalker
 "Please help me! My son, Tricky, has been taken
 to Ice Mountain! Speak to the Warpstone, he will
 help you. Please, hurry!"

This version is very short and to the point, and spoken in English rather than the Dino language.

Queen EarthWalker's Illness

Sound Character Transcript/Text
 "Tricky, what's happened?" 
 "It was the SharpClaws. 
They came here after I was kidnapped." 
Queen EarthWalker
"Son, I am dying ... 
the Healing Mushrooms ... 
they are my only hope ..."
"The Healing Mushrooms only grow 
 inside the ancient well"
"Let's go, there's no 
time to lose!"

Part of an early version of the cutscene for when Tricky finds his mom ill, notably lacking any dialogue from Peppy and very similar to the version seen in the Dinosaur Planet prototype. Also, the White GrubTubs are referred as Healing Mushrooms, while the prototype used "White Mushrooms".

Queen EarthWalker - 3rd Discussion

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Queen EarthWalker
"Now son you're going to need this new skill to get you there."
Queen EarthWalker
"And Fox, I think you're going to need some extra supplies."
"Go back to the WarpStone."
"Maybe the ShopKeeper has come back and opened his store"

Early dialogue for the conversation with Queen EarthWalker just before going back to SnowHorn Wastes. The dialogue mentions that the shopkeeper would have been gone for a while, but the shopkeeper never leaves the store at any point in the game.

Krystal during Fox's encounter with a Krazoa Spirit

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Krystal Help me...Please, help me...
I'm dying.
Krystal I need Krazoa Spirits or I
will not survive. Help me.
Krystal Please...please.
Krystal (chokes) Stop... please don't hurt me.

The writing is used in the final version for Moon Mountain Pass, but the voices are in Dino, not English.

Alt. Gen. Scales/Queen CloudRunner Confrontation

Sound Character Transcript/Text
General Scales
 "You dare to bring the Fox here?" 
General Scales
 "It is something you will
 live to regret my Queen!" 
Queen CloudRunner
  "My tribe will never
join you Scales..."
 "...you're just a fool."
"She's the Queen?"
General Scales
 "I assure you Queen, now
 I have all of the SpellStones,
 Dinosaur Planet will soon be mine!"
NO VOICE CLIP Queen CloudRunner (?)
General Scales
 "For the last time,
 surrender your Fortress!"
Queen CloudRunner
General Scales
 "Enough. Show the Queen how we
 deal with traitors. Take her away!"

In-game, the Queen CloudRunner announces her status while in Cape Claw, before Fox enters the CloudRunner Fortress.

Fox Jetbike Race - CloudRunner Fortress

Sound Character Transcript/Text
General Scales Guard?
General Scales Guard?!
General Scales We are leaving shortly. Make sure
the SpellStone is onboard along
with the rest of the CloudRunners' treasure.
General Scales Fox will pay for this intrusion...
with his life! Ha ha ha haa!
SharpClaw (uneasy laughter)
Fox We meet at last, General Scales.
General Scales Get this out of here.
General Scales Finish him off!

The cutscene is longer than what is in the game, expanding more on the SharpClaws stealing the CloudRunners' treasure.

Dragon Rock Outro

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Fox OK guys, as soon as I place
this SpellStone, you should be back
on Dinosaur Planet.
CloudRunner I can't wait to get back
to the fortress after you
saved my queen.
EarthWalker You did a great job, Fox!
A true hero!
Fox Yeah, sure. A true hero.
Tricky See you later guys! We're
off to the Ocean Force Point.

The whole outro was more or less rewritten for the final game, and it's also missing a line from the HighTop.

Alternate Ocean Force Point Scenes

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Fox Take that, Scales! Yeah!
Peppy Don't get too excited, Fox!
We haven't earned our bonus yet,
though it does seem that the SpellStones
are working. I've received a message
from the GateKeeper of the SnowHorn Wastes.
He has some information for you
about another Krazoa Spirit. Peppy out.
Fox You heard the rabbit. Let's go!

Might have been before returning to SnowHorn Wastes for a third time.

Sound Character Transcript/Text
Peppy Fox, this is Peppy. You have entered the
Ocean Force Point Temple.
My sensors indicate that
the SpellStone holders are hidden within
the lower chambers. Peppy out.
Peppy Good job, Fox. We'll get a big
bonus at this rate. Don't forget!
I'm here if you need me.
Gen. Pepper Fox! Do you read me?
Fox General Pepper?
Tricky You did it, Fox!
You saved Dinosaur Planet!
Fox Don't get too excited, Tricky.
We haven't dealt with General Scales yet.
Slippy Fox! Fox! Where are you going?
You’ve completed the mission,
so let’s go home!
Peppy He's right, Fox. We don't need
the extra bonus. I can finally
retire with what we've got!
Fox It's not the bonus or
even General Scales that I'm
worried about.
Peppy Krystal!
Tricky (possibly
along with Peppy)
Peppy Ha! It's always the girls
that get him!
Fox Look guys, I promised I'd save her.
You wouldn't want her to die would you?
Fox So, I'm going to the Walled City
to find the final Krazoa Spirit.

Fox only has four Krazoa Spirits by this point in the final game. The final also requires the player to gather the Krazoa Spirits to reunite the planet, as the SpellStones alone aren't enough. Here, the motivation is to save Krystal.

Misc. Unused Clips

Dino: Xocf mo wok eik ev kxaj suwo! Kxo who0 bo0′j rocen tosb!
English: Help me get out of this cage! The grey key's below deck!
The CloudRunner in the cage doesn't talk to the player with an audio clip and doesn't mention a thing about a grey key. This CloudRunner had a much more prominent role, and voice, in the Dinosaur Planet prototype as Princess Kyte.

Dino: A'lo wek u rut voocadw ureik kxaj.
English: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Would have been used for when Krystal is thrown off the Galleon.

Dino: A'm weadw ke xaut adjato.
English: I'm going to head inside.
Would have been for when Krystal entered into the Krazoa Palace.

Dino: Je, nxuk den?
English: So, what now?
Would have been used at the beginning of the conversation with the EarthWalker after getting the first Krazoa spirit.

Cheat Token: Throw me 20 Scarabs and you can replay a boss.
No cheat token well allows the player to replay boss battles in the final game.

Garunda Te: If you can bring me three frost weeds, I’ll be strong enough to get myself out.
Almost the same as what's in the game, but he doesn't mention how many frost weeds to get.

Fox: The General wants the key. I will take it to him.
Fox has to get his staff out in the final, not ask for a key. Also, he never speaks during his meet-up with the guard in the final game.

King EarthWalker: It’s in there. Scales has entrusted the stone to RedEye King. But it will not be easy to collect.
The final game prolonged this line a little bit.

EarthWalker: You are very brave to help me, Fox. So now, it’s my turn to help you.
A very short version of an EarthWalker assisting Fox after being released in Dragon Rock.

ThornTail: The white mushrooms only grow inside the ancient well.

ThornTail: Blue mushrooms, blah! Give me lovely green moss anytime. Mmmm.

These two ThornTail clips are similar to what is said in the final game, but they mention GrubTubs as mushrooms.

(Source: Star Fox Online - SFA Voice Rips)