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Spyro: A Hero's Tail (GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2)/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of Spyro: A Hero's Tail (GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2).

Many unused models are found within the game's files, especially the test levels. Many models are visible when loading the test levels up, but some of them can only be viewed by ripping them.
Note: The filenames don't always directly refer to the model shown in the table below. While the files have names, the models within are unlabelled.

File(s) Front View Back View (when useful) Description
buzzard.edb SpyroAHT Model Buzzard ft.png SpyroAHT Model Buzzard bk.png A buzzard enemy, presumably ported from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which Eurocom worked on beforehand.
critchrg.edb SpyroAHT Model CritChrg ft.png SpyroAHT Model CritChrg bk.png An unused variant of the Critter with spikes and a horn.
critwing.edb SpyroAHT Model CritWing ft.png SpyroAHT Model CritWing bk.png An unused variant of the Critter with wings (called Sky Critter). They can be found in the August 3rd 2004 prototype and a test level.
g_turret.edb SpyroAHT Model G Turret ft.png A very simplistic cannon using placeholder textures. Unclear what it was used for.
SpyroAHT Model GnorcLrg ft.png SpyroAHT Model GnorcLrg bk.png The large, medium and small gnorc variations without clothes or weapons. Might've been used as a base for the other models. The medium variant is green instead of blue.
gnorcmed.edb SpyroAHT Model GnorcMed ft.png SpyroAHT Model GnorcMed bk.png
SpyroAHT Model GnorcSml ft.png SpyroAHT Model GnorcSml bk.png
mammotha.edb SpyroAHT Model MammothA ft.png SpyroAHT Model MammothA bk.png Variations on the unused mammoth enemy. "mammotha" is quite a bit larger than "mammothb", even larger than "mam", the mammoth character used in the game.
"mammothb" can be found in the August 3rd 2004 prototype, albeit different texture from the one edited from the mammoth NPC.
mammothb.edb SpyroAHT Model MammothB ft.png SpyroAHT Model MammothB bk.png
model.edb SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Astor ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Astor bk.png Vertex coloured model of Astor.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Bentley ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Bentley bk.png Early model of Bentley. Used in the August 3rd 2004 prototype. His horns are more crooked and uneven, and his expression is cheerier.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb BoneSpider ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb BoneSpider bk.png Early model of the Bone Spider enemy. Its pupils are smaller, and its shell and legs are red-ish rather than grey.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Ember ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Ember bk.png Early model of Ember, used in the demos. She is orange instead of pink, her eyes have a very different (and terrifying) look, she lacks the heart necklace, and the little spikes on her tail are missing.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Flame ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Flame bk.png Early model of Flame, used in the demos. He is blue instead of red, his wing membranes are pink instead of brown, his snout is less round, and his eyes have a different shape.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Ineptune ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Ineptune bk.png Vertex coloured model of Ineptune.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Jawsnap ft.png Early version of the Jawsnap enemy with less gritty textures.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Lily ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Lily bk.png Early model of Lily. Her hair is blue instead of brown, her face has a different structure, her top is pink with gold shapes instead of brown with a gold rim, she lacks the belt, and her tail is all green instead of being pink-blue striped.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Magnus ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Magnus bk.png Vertex coloured model of Magnus.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Mammoth ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Mammoth bk.png Vertex coloured model of the Mammoth.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboLrg ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboLrg bk.png Early model of the large Robo-Gnorc. Its red and grey parts have mostly swapped colour, and it has a few new purple bits. Its staff has a white tip instead of purple, and is overall brighter.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboMed ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboMed bk.png Early model of the medium Robo-Gnorc. Its blue and grey parts have mostly swapped colour, the purple parts have moved around, its sword is white instead of purple, and its shield is blue instead of purple.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboSml ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb RoboSml bk.png Early model of the small Robo-Gnorc. Its green and grey parts have mostly swapped colour, and it has a few new purple bits. The gun is slightly darker.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Skeleton ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Skeleton bk.png Early model of the Skeleton. Its body is overall slightly brighter, its sword is a pure grey and has a smaller handle, and its shield is green instead of red.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Titan ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Titan bk.png Vertex coloured model of Titan.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb TreeDweller ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb TreeDweller bk.png Early model of the Tree Dweller. It has slightly darker textures.
SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Yeti ft.png SpyroAHT Model Model-edb Yeti render bk.png Early model of the Yeti. It has slightly lighter textures and larger pupils.
mutntwrm.edb SpyroAHT Model MutntWrm ft.png SpyroAHT Model MutntWrm bk.png Unused armoured variant of the Mutant Worm. It can be found in the August 3rd 2004 prototype and a test level.
pig.edb SpyroAHT Model Pig ft.png SpyroAHT Model Pig bk.png An unused model of pig fodder ported from Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
SpyroAHT Model Playroom Hunter ft.png SpyroAHT Model Playroom Hunter bk.png Texture-less model of Hunter ported from Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
SpyroAHT Model Playroom Spyro ft.png SpyroAHT Model Playroom Spyro bk.png Texture-less early model of Spyro. He has longer horns and more dense spikes along his back.
sgtbirdp.edb SpyroAHT Model SgtBirdP ft.png SpyroAHT Model SgtBirdP bk.png Early vertex coloured model of Sgt. Byrd (yes, they misspelled "Byrd").
shark.edb SpyroAHT Model Shark ft.png SpyroAHT Model Shark bk.png Model of the unused shark enemy. Used in the game's demos.
SpyroAHT Model Shop Bowtruckle ft.png SpyroAHT Model Shop Bowtruckle bk.png A higher-poly version of the Bowtruckle enemy from Eurocom's previous Harry Potter game.
sparxbp.edb SpyroAHT Model SparxBP ft.png SpyroAHT Model SparxBP bk.png Early vertex coloured model of Sparx.
splitter.edb SpyroAHT Model Splitter ft.png SpyroAHT Model Splitter bk.png Early version of the Critter enemy, seen in early gameplay footage. The design is entirely different.
spyronew.edb SpyroAHT Model SpyroNew ft.png SpyroAHT Model SpyroNew bk.png Despite the name, this is an early version of Spyro's model. His textures are overall darker, grittier and much lower resolution, and his horns are longer.
test_md SpyroAHT Model Test MD Egg ft.png Early model of a dragon egg. Just a simple spotted design.
SpyroAHT Model Test MD MetalChest ft.png Early model of the metal chest. A similar, though all-metal, version is used in the demos.
test_sg.edb SpyroAHT Model Test SG Gnorc1 ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test SG Gnorc1 bk.png Early models of the Dragon Kingdom Axe-wielding variant of the large Gnorc, both armoured and unarmoured. Textures are darker and grittier.
SpyroAHT Model Test SG Gnorc2 ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test SG Gnorc2 bk.png
SpyroAHT Model Test SG Hunter ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test SG Hunter bk.png Early model of Hunter. His textures are darker and he's lacking his bow and arrows.
SpyroAHT Model Test SG Spyro ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test SG Spyro bk.png Early model of Spyro. Similar to the model used in the demos. Darker/lower-res textures, longer horns and brown eyes instead of purple.
test_tl.edb SpyroAHT Model Test TL Blink ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test TL Blink bk.png Texture-less model of Blink. He lacks the lasers on his gloves.
test_wts.edb SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Bat ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Bat bk.png Texture-less model of the bat enemy.
SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Crocovile ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Crocovile bk.png Slightly earlier model of the Crocovile enemy. Spot the difference? The feather on its head is slightly less red.
SpyroAHT Model Test WTS EggThief ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS EggThief bk.png Model taken from Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, specifically the NPC of the level Thieves Den.
SpyroAHT Model Test WTS GemThief ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS GemThief bk.png Early vertex coloured model of the Gem Thief. Many details are lacking.
SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Gnorc ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Gnorc bk.png Very early model of the medium Gnorc variant. Seen in early gameplay footage.
Most things are different. His skin is green instead of blue, his clothes are red and black instead of red and purple, his sword has far grittier textures, and he lacks boots and a helmet.
SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Goat ft.png SpyroAHT Model Test WTS Goat bk.png Early model of the Goat enemy. Its textures are darker.
testball.edb SpyroAHT Model TestBall ft.png Early model of the Ball Gadget. Instead of having two discs on either end, it has a metal frame with red lights on the intersections. Spyro himself is similar to "spyronew.edb".
SpyroAHT Model TestBall NoBall ft.png SpyroAHT Model TestBall NoBall bk.png
test_bch.edb SpyroAHT Model TestBch Car ft.png SpyroAHT Model TestBch Car bk.png An unused model of a car. This appears to be a model of the Flying Ford Anglia from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, ported over from Eurocom's previous Harry Potter game.