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Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)/Unused Animations/Silver the Hedgehog

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This is a sub-page of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)/Unused Animations.


Sonic06-sv air empty smash Root.png

An animation of Silver using the Grab All ability while floating, which goes unused since you can't use the ability in mid-air.

Sonic06-sv grindtrick00.png

Performing a trick while rail grinding. As mentioned on the main page, a typo in Silver's PKG file prevents this from appearing (it's written as sv_grindtrick00.xnm.xnm on the relevant line). Silver's main grinding animation is used in multiplayer.

Sonic06-sv hang00 l Root.png

For the unused ledge grab mechanic.

Sonic06-sv moonsalt s.png Sonic06-sv litofeit smash Root.png
sv_moonsalt_s.xnm sv_litofeit_smash_Root.xnm

Both start in the pose Silver holds when using psychokenesis marks on the ground. They both seem to be suitable for some kind of attack that blows away something underfoot. Maybe for launching boxes downward?

Sonic06-sv roll reverse l.png


Sonic06-sv psycho stand wait l Root.png

A very similar animation is used when using the Grab All move, but Silver floats slightly above the ground in that one.

Sonic06-sv quake Root.png

The final game splits this into looping segments, since the relevant move involves holding the trigger down until something happens. Maybe this was specifically intended for the psychokenesis marks?


Sonic06-sv item s.png Sonic06-sv item l.png Sonic06-sv select s.png Sonic06-sv select l.png
sv_item_s.xnm sv_item_l.xnm sv_select_s.xnm sv_select_l.xnm

Two sets of selection animations. They're very similar, simply ending in different poses. Silver is the only main cast member to have both; Sonic and Shadow are missing select.