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Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)/Unused Objects

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This is a sub-page of Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.


Windmill Isle Night

Common objects

The following objects never appear in any of the Windmill Idle night stages/missions

  • A door with handles on both sides.
  • A grabble handle that can be retracted.
  • A pole that collapses after grabbing it.
  • A climbable column that collapses after grabbing it.


Rooftop Run Night

Huge gear

The object can be placed in the August 31 Prototype and October 14 Prototype. The character begins to balance if he stands on this object, and the object has parameters to make it spin, it's unknown if the final version of the game has this has the same functionality.

Professor's Lab

The Laptop

Game was meant to have a Replay Mode, where you could rewatch your previous runs of stages. Replays would have been viewed through a laptop item in the lab, which while still existing, does not function correctly.

(Source: SWAFacts)


Cool Edge Day

Unused Ice Spikes variation

An unused varient of the ice spikes, these appear to rise from the water when approached, in the final the spikes always appear in the final location instead of rising.

Empire City

Skyscraper Scamper Night

Throwable Javelin and Target

Object can be found in the mission "Play it Cool". Object functionality is heavily unfinished, you can pick it up, and throw it away, nothing else. Note, on the side of a nearby building (the one where the first titan is located) there is this target-like object next to a swinging pole.

The javelin was supposed to be thrown at the target, and then used as a pole to swing across. This functionality is only partially complete, throwing the javelin makes it disappear, no projectile is spawned, but the javelin does respawn at the generator. It is possible to get the javelin to latch onto the target if thrown at point blank, or messing around with debug mode.


A strange object that has a grab-able bar moving up and down along the side of a wall, it can be grabbed onto with no issues. It also has many parameter; such as making it horizontal, changing the length of the pole, the speed, and also the length of the entire object.


Arid Sands Night

Destroyable pillar

This object can be found out of bounds of Arid Sands act 1, at the end of an unused pathway that overlooks the end of the stage, and another 4 are located to the right of the final canyon in act 1. The pillar falls over when damaged. This pillar can also be found in the beta layout of act 1 as seen in the October 14th Prototype.


Jungle Joyride Night

Destroyable palm tree "EvilTimber"

Object can be found in the mission "Jungle Fright" out of bounds in the beta area of the main act. When hit the tree falls over and lands with a splash, and can be walked across as a balance beam.

Timed bomb "EvilTimeBomb"

In an early set file for Jungle Joyride Night Act 2 there is a bomb object that can be picked up, and when doing so starts a timer, exploding when the timer runs out. It cannot be thrown, only picked up and put down, and seems to serve no real purpose. Additionally after handling a bomb the terrain and parts of the Werehog's model will completely unload after moving away from the area.


Spider Web "EvilSpidersNest"

In the general objects list there is a spiders nest object that when hit it wobbles, and can be removed with fire, but has no animation for doing so.

Hub Worlds

DLC Stage Gates

In the files for the Entrance Stage/Fields there is an unused set file that contains locations for the DLC entrance gates. There is an unused parameter that makes the gates display a DLC icon in place of the sun/moon icon.


Empire City
