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Sonic Forces/Unused Text
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This is a sub-page of Sonic Forces.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
This page covers unused text in undubbed languages not already covered by the Unused Audio page.
Episode Shadow
Text | Translation |
오메가의 신호가 사라졌어! 쉐도우, 오메가의
마지막 발신 장소로 가서 그를 도와줘! |
I've lost Omega's signal! Shadow, head to his last known location and provide support! |
벌써 가고 있는 중이야. 흠, 그럴 줄 알았어.
단순한 정찰 임무는 아니군. |
Already on it. Hmph, I knew it. So much for recon. |
오메가와 연락이 끊긴
지역에 거의 다 온 거야! |
You're almost to the spot where we lost contact with Omega! |
도대체 무슨 일이 있었던 거지? | What is going on here? |
뭐야...뭐가 어떻게 돌아가는거야? 난 지금 어디에 있는거지? | What the... What's going on? Where am I? |
환상은 아닌 거 같아, 하지만… | This doesn't feel like an illusion, but... |
함정인가? 좋아, 놀아 주지. | Could it be a trap? Fine, I'll play along. |
루즈… 오메가한테 무슨 일이 있었어? | Rouge... What happened to Omega? |
누가 알겠어? 지난 주 나간 후 삐-소리 한번
못 들었어. |
Oh, who knows? We haven't heard a beep from him since he was dispatched last week. |
난 네가 그는 3달 전에 파괴됐다고
한 줄 알았는데. |
I thought you said he was destroyed three months ago. |
… | ... |
어쨌든 오메가는 어딘가
서투른 면이 있긴 해, 그렇지? |
In any case, that Omega sure is a clumsy bucket of bolts, isn't he? |
정말 그 녀석이 돌아오면 그 깡통 얼굴에
한방 먹여줘야지! |
Oooh, I can't wait to see the look on that smashed-up tin can's face! |
너, 정말 루즈야? | You. Are you really Rouge? |
물론 나는 나지. 너가 너 인거처럼 말이야. | Of course I'm me. Just like how you're you. |
흥, 너무 쉽군. | Hmph. Too easy. |
최소한 나와 상대는 될 수 있길 기대해 보겠어. | Let us hope you at least put up a good fight. |
난 막을 수 있을 거라고 생각하나 보지? | They think something like this will stop me? |
흥, 얼간이들 무리군. | Hmph. A whole horde of chumps. |
응? 이건 뭐지? | Hm? What's this? |
좋아, 좋아. 조금은 진지하게 해야겠어. | Well, well. Guess I'll take this a little more seriously. |
으, 믿을 수 없어! | Ugh, unbelievable! |
저들에게 최강의 힘을 보여줄 때야! | Time to show them ultimate power! |
헤헤, 운동은 좀 되네. | Heh. I got a little exercise. |
이건 생각치도 못했는데? | Who would have thought? |
Text | Translation |
Zgubiłam sygnał Omegi!! Shadow, udaj się tam, gdzie znajdował się ostatnio, i zapewnij mu wsparcie! | I've lost Omega's signal! Shadow, head to his last known location and provide support! |
Już się robi. Pff! Wiedziałem.
I tyle ze zwiadu. |
Already on it. Hmph, I knew it. So much for recon. |
Już prawie jesteś tam, gdzie urwał się kontakt z Omegą! | You're almost to the spot where we lost contact with Omega! |
Co tu jest grane? | What is going on here? |
Ale co... Co tu się dzieje? Gdzie ja jestem? | What the... What's going on? Where am I? |
Nic a nic nie przypomina iluzji, jednak... | This doesn't feel like an illusion, but... |
Może to pułapka?
Dobrze, tymczasem przystąpię do tej gry. |
Could it be a trap? Fine, I'll play along. |
Rouge... Co się stało Omedze? | Rouge... What happened to Omega? |
Och, a kto to wie? Nie słyszeliśmy od niego ani sygnału, odkąd został w
zeszłym tygodniu wysłany na misję. |
Oh, who knows? We haven't heard a beep from him since he was dispatched last week. |
O ile się nie mylę, mówiłaś, że zniszczono go trzy miesiące temu. | I thought you said he was destroyed three months ago. |
… | ... |
Tak czy siak, z tego Omegi to całkiem niezdarne wiadro śrubek, czyż nie? | In any case, that Omega sure is a clumsy bucket of bolts, isn't he? |
Och, już się nie mogę doczekać, aż zobaczę minę tej pokiereszowanej puszki! | Oooh, I can't wait to see the look on that smashed-up tin can's face! |
Czy... Rouge, czy to naprawdę ty? | Is... Rouge, is it really you? |
Oczywiście, że tak.
Ja to ja, a ty to ty. |
Of course. I'm me, and you're you. |
Phi! Łatwizna. | Hmph! Too easy. |
Miejmy nadzieję, że nie będę się z wami nudzić. | Let's hope I won't be bored by you. |
Naprawdę im się wydaje, że to mnie powstrzyma? | They really think something like this will stop me? |
Phi! Banda zwykłych durniów. | Hmph. A whole horde of chumps. |
Hm? A to co? | Hm? What's this? |
No proszę. Zgaduję, że muszę odsunąć żarty na bok. | Well, well. Guess I'll have to take this a little more seriously. |
Uch! Nie do wiary! | Ugh, unbelievable! |
Pora zademonstrować im moc ostateczną! | Time to show them ultimate power! |
He, he! Trochę wysiłku nie zaszkodzi. | Heh. A little exercise doesn't hurt. |
Kto by pomyślał. | Who would have thought? |
Text | Translation |
Я потеряла сигнал Омега! Шэдоу, cнаправляйся на помощь к его
последнему известному расположению! |
I've lost Omega's signal! Shadow, head to his last known location and provide support! |
Уже иду. Хмм, я так и знал.
Слишком для разведки. |
Already on it. Hmph, I knew it. So much for recon. |
Ты почти добрался до места, где
мы потеряли контакт с Омега! |
You're almost to the spot where we lost contact with Omega! |
Что там такое? | What is going on here? |
Что за... Что случилось? Где я? | What the... What's going on? Where am I? |
Это не похоже на иллюзию, но... | This doesn't feel like an illusion, but... |
Это ловушка? Отлично, буду играть в одиночку. | Could it be a trap? Fine, I'll play alone. (This is a mistranslation.) |
Руж... Что случилось с Омега? | Rouge... What happened to Omega? |
Бог его знает... Мы не слышали от
него ни звука с тех пор, как отправили на задание на прошлой неделе. |
Oh, who knows? We haven't heard a beep from him since he was dispatched last week. |
Я думал, ты сказала, что его вывели
из строя три месяца назад. |
I thought you said he was destroyed three months ago. |
… | ... |
В любом случае, Омега сейчас
больше похож на ведро с болтами, верно? |
In any case, that Omega sure is looking more like a clumsy bucket of bolts, isn't he? |
Ооо, не могу дождаться, чтобы
увидеть выражение его жестяного лица! |
Oooh, I can't wait to see the look on his tin face! |
Ты. Ты правда Руж? | You. Are you really Rouge? |
Конечно, это я.
Так же как и ты – это ты. |
Of course I'm me. Just like how you're you. |
Хмм. Слишком просто. | Hmph. Too easy. |
Будем надеяться, что хотя бы драться ты умеешь. | Let us hope you at least put up a good fight. |
Они думают, что подобное меня остановит? | They think something like this will stop me? |
Хмм. Целая толпа болванов. | Hmph. A whole horde of chumps. |
Хм? Что это? | Hm? What's this? |
Так, так. Придется отнестись к этому немного посерьезнее. | Well, well. Guess I'll take this a little more seriously. |
А, невероятно! | Ugh, unbelievable! |
Пора показать им настоящую силу! | Time to show them ultimate power! |
Хех. Немного поразмялся. | Heh. I got a little exercise. |
Кто бы мог подумать? | Who would have thought? |
Chinese (Traditional)
Text | Translation |
夏特,快去他最後出現的地點,支援他! |
I've lost Omega's signal! Shadow, head to his last known location and provide support! |
偵察到此為止吧。 |
Already on it. Hmph, I knew it. So much for recon. |
在與奧米伽失聯的位置附近啦! |
You're almost to the spot where we lost contact with Omega! |
這是怎麼回事呀? | What is going on here? |
這是……怎麼回事啊?我在哪兒啊?! | What the... What's going on? Where am I? |
這不像是幻象呀,可是…… | This doesn't feel like an illusion, but... |
八成是個圈套。好啊,我奉陪到底。 | Could it be a trap? Fine, I'll play along. |
露姬……奧米伽出什麼事了? | Rouge... What happened to Omega? |
上周派他出去之後音信全無呢。 |
Oh, who knows? We haven't heard a beep from him since he was dispatched last week. |
我以為你剛才說他三個月前就犧牲了。 | I thought you said he was destroyed three months ago. |
… | ... |
反正奧米伽就是一輛笨重的破車呀,是不是? | In any case, that Omega sure is a clumsy bucket of bolts, isn't he? |
迫不及待想看看那張壓扁了的破罐臉! | Oooh, I can't wait to see the look on that smashed-up tin can's face! |
你啊。你真的是露姬嗎? | You. Are you really Rouge? |
就像你就是你一樣呢。 |
Of course I'm me. Just like how you're you. |
哼……太簡單了。 | Hmph. Too easy. |
希望你至少能讓我痛快的打一場。 | Let us hope you at least put up a good fight. |
他們以為這樣就能阻止我嗎? | They think something like this will stop me? |
哼……烏合之眾。 | Hmph. A whole horde of chumps. |
咦,那是什麼? | Hm? What's this? |
呵呵呵,不能太小看你啊。 | Well, well. Guess I'll take this a little more seriously. |
哇,有兩下子啊! | Ugh, unbelievable! |
我要出殺手鐧了! | Time to show them ultimate power! |
嘿!活動活動筋骨吧。 | Heh. I got a little exercise. |
誰想得到呢? | Who would have thought? |