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Sly 2: Band of Thieves

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Title Screen

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Also known as: Sly 2: Association de Voleurs (FR)
Sly 2: La Banda dei Ladri (IT)
Sly 2: Ladrones de Guante Blanco (ES)
Sly 2: De Dievenbende (NL)
Sly 2: Bando de Espertalhões (PT)
Sly 2: Tyvebanden (DK)
Sly 2: Konnakopla (FI)
Sly 2: Tyveribanden (NO)
Sly 2: Tjuvgänget (SE)
Kaitou Sly Cooper 2 (JP)
Developer: Sucker Punch[1]
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment[1]
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: June 16, 2005[1]
Released in US: September 14, 2004[1]
Released in EU: October 29, 2004[1]
Released in KR: February 24, 2005[1]

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Document the demo version's differences, and cut content from prerelease footage.
  • Create a prototype page for the July 12 preview build.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves is the second Sly Cooper game, in which the Cooper Gang steals back the Clockwerk parts from the Klaww Gang. It is the first game in the series to feature Bentley and Murray as playable characters.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Rocket: Robot on Wheels Easter Egg

If you break everything around the tomb in Episode 5's crypt level, stand in the place of one of the wolf statues, open the binocucom and look behind, after a couple of seconds a 3D model of either Rocket or Jojo from Rocket: Robot on Wheels appears and spins above the tomb depending on which side of the room you are standing on.

Crypt rocket secret.gif

Unused Entities

To do:
Add a photo/gif of the bomb in action

In Episode 3, there is an unused bomb called bomb_throw_ammo. It is a small bomb that bounces when you throw it.

Unused Audio


An unused clip of someone saying the word "whistle", likely used as a placeholder.

Hidden Triggers

There is a hidden trigger in episode 6 located in the 0, 0, 0 coordinates. It warps you to the cabin level. It can either be accessed with hacks or with a glitch called Fake Floor.

Ep6 hidden trigger1.gif

Similar trigger is in the Cabin level's 0 coordinates and it warps you back to the hub level.

Ep6 hidden trigger2.gif

Unused Text


Every voiceline in the game is transcribed in memory, even ones that are never shown in subtitles. Below is one example of all General Clawfoot's ramblings from the job "Kidnap the General".

Jeum-jeum. Sat ik roof gavik. Peytoosh em doylic poskard boole. Drey pordic ik ufta blein ufta sortic crake Oooo crake drone terish dock. Wok stum-trad prader. Non prader ik touche procker. Pef-pef ik
pordic umcha aie dreyvix tolchoe!
Boecheim dortick!
Teshidait tomdirch prakloop…
Otume ik cherk dolchoo.
Perdrick plop.
Cherim solto plagdrantic!
Bullshunoe swee plagic dunstack!
Dunstack pleep beocheim!

Localization Message

This message can be found in memory as the very first string in the game's string table.

DO NOT LOCALIZE! This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry. This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry. This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry. This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry. This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry. This text is over 255 characters to force word to treat this column as a memo field during merges. Sorry.

Unused Prompts

Found in memory next to the "Press START" string.

Press L3 button for Menu

Found in memory next to pause menu strings.

View Map

Found in memory next to the "Exit to Episode Menu" string.

Exit Level

Unused Languages

The following languages can be found in memory next to other real PAL languages. This list exists in the NTSC version despite PAL releasing a month later. There also isn't a Chinese release of any Sly game.


Unused Powerups


 Tornado Strike 
 Unleash a spinning tornado attack that knocks out enemies 


 Surprise enemies with a quick punch and grab 

Demo Strings

These strings are leftover from the Sly 2 demo in Ratchet and Clank 3.

Coming Autumn 2004
Sly catches up with the crime lord Dimitri in Paris...
Bentley puts his brain to work inside Dimitri's disco ...
...later outside of Dimitri's nightclub, Murray gets his chance to act...
...inside the theatre, Sly needs to do a little pickpocketing...
Later... At the Safehouse.

Placeholder Text

It is unclear what these placeholder messages would be used for.

ENGLISH _bug_workaround
ENGLISH _button_test

Build Strings

The following strings can be found in the game. They are the build user, build date long, and build date short, respectively.

PAL 1.00

09/14/04 18:46

PAL 2.01

10/06/04 21:23


08/13/04 00:32


12/21/04 17:45


01/21/05 11:44

Regional Differences

  • The health pickups, which are a red plus icon in the international versions, were changed to a blue plus in the Japanese version.
  • In the Japanese version, the font set for numbers and English text is different.

Revisional Differences

PAL 2.01 Update

The PAL release has two versions, 1.00 and 2.01. The 2.01 update fixed an animation bug where the moose guard's mouth wouldn't move when he talks in the RC combat club. It also makes a minor change to the text rendering code, converting non-breaking spaces to regular spaces before rendering in certain UI elements.

Additionally, there are some text differences between the two versions. For example, in Finnish, the description for the Combat Dodge had a typo fixed:

1.00 2.01
Taisteluväistö: Sivuaskel taistelussa. Paina L2 to väistääksesi taistelussa. Käytä vasenta analogistasauvaa valitaksesi suunnan. Taisteluväistö: Sivuaskel taistelussa. Paina L2 väistääksesi taistelussa. Käyta vasenta analogistasauvaa valitaksesi suunnan.

PS3 Remaster

For Japanese version of the PS3 remaster, The Sly Collection, the following changes were made.

  • The Time Rush and TOM gadgets are removed from the Japanese version of the game. Interestingly, the cheats for those gadgets can still be inputted and accepted in this version, but the gadgets never appear in inventory.
  • The Japanese voice acting has been re-recorded with a different cast.

Ratchet & Clank 3 Demo

The PAL version exclusively contains a playable demo of Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal. It can be accessed by pressing all four shoulder butons from the main menu.

The files related to the demo are in a folder on the disc named RATCHET3. There are four executable files: RATCHET1.ELF, RATCHET2.ELF, RATCHET3.ELF, and RATCHETS.ELF. The game initially loads RATCHET3 elf, which eventually switches to either RATCHET2 or RATCHET4, both of which eventually switch to RATCHETS.