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Sewing Machine Operation Software

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Title Screen

Sewing Machine Operation Software

Also known as: Raku x Raku Mishin (JP)
Developer: Natsume
Publisher: Jaguar
Platforms: Game Boy, Game Boy Color
Released in JP: 2000
Released in US: 2000
Released in EU: 2001

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Software bundled with a sewing machine and a Game Boy Color system, allowing you to design your own patterns among other things.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Regional Differences

US Europe
GBC Sewing US Title.png GBC Sewing EU Title.png

The European version received a much fancier splash screen.

Japan US Europe
RakuRakuMishin Title.png GBC Sewing US Start.png GBC Sewing EU Start.png

The Japanese version has an entirely different title screen. The US and European versions share the same title screen, but with different background and text colors.

US Europe
GBC Sewing US Lang.png GBC Sewing EU Lang.png

The European version replaced the Spanish language option with ones for Italian and German.

The Japanese version instead allows you to use katakana, hiragana, and kanji, along with some Latin characters and symbols.