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Sam & Max Save the World/Culture Shock

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This is a sub-page of Sam & Max Save the World.

Unused Dialogue

Any spelling errors in the subtitles are left as-is. Dialogue in blue is only present in the GameTap version of the game. These lines are not present in the english.langdb subtitles file.


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam Waste of quality ammunition.
Sam I should use hollow points for that.
Sam I'd better not, I might hit it.
Sam I have so many other things to shoot.
Generic failure messages for Sam's Big Gun. The final game just lets Sam shoot at stuff willy-nilly unless that object has a specific failure message.
Sam I don't want to bring that to tears.
A similar failure message for the Tear Gas Grenade Launcher which, like the Big Gun, can generally be fired with reckless abandon.
Max Hey, don't point that at me!
Max Take it easy!
Max Watch it!
Max Hey!
Max Whoa!
Max Are you crazy?!
Max Sam!
Max Yikes!
Max Two can play at that game!
Max Shoot some other sap.
A bunch of responses for pointing the Big Gun at Max. The final game doesn't have any response for this particular situation, probably because it's too easy to accidentally trigger.
Sam That's exactly the sort of thing Max would have thought of.
Failure message for using any object on any other object while Sam is in "Rescue Max" mode. The generic "I've got to rescue Max!" messages take priority over this one, so it never triggers. This was later re-added in the Remasters, but into the general "Rescue Max" pool.
Sam I've got to find an antenna somewhere!
While Sam is looking for an antenna, he's supposed to give this response after clicking on any generic object, but again, the "I've got to rescue Max!" messages antecede this one.
Sam Mmm, I'll need something much smaller for an antenna.
Another antenna-searching message, though this one isn't referenced by any of the game's CHORE files, so it's not really certain what object would prompt this message.
Sam Pack your toothbrush and razor wire, little buddy, we're off to Volcano Island! The locals need our help with some mangy corporate defiler types.
Max You mean like recipes?
Sam No, like wanton physical violence and disjointed but insightful commentary.
Max My favorite! I'll get the colorful glucose snacks!
Sam I'd better bring my banjo, just in case a hoedown breaks out. Or down. Whichever way a hoedown breaks.
Max Up, I hope. Hey Sam, are we going to interrogate anybody while we're there? Please say yes.
Sam Holy two-timing tap dancers stomping sour mash in a mink-lined arthropod trap, what IS that?!
Max I call it the mega-taser. I made it myself! By the way, we need a new car battery.
Sam You crack me up, little buddy.
A very strange conversation that doesn't really fit anywhere in the game and isn't referenced in any of the game's CHORE files. It almost seems like an audition or Machinima short script than anything else.


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Max Maybe I can make the phone ring with the power of my personal color spectrum, like that guy on TV!
Max Ring, phone! Ring, ring, ring!
Sam Careful you don't pop an eyeball. I spent our insurance premiums on candy cigarettes and ammo.
Max Hey, try this!
Extra dialogue for the intro that would play after Sam & Max notice the phone has been stolen, but before they find out who stole it.
Sam It's signed "Your worst nightmare".
The last part of Jimmy's letter isn't read out loud in the final script.
Sam Any luck trying to win Carl Kasell's voice for the answering machine, Max?
Max Not yet. I blame the malevolent forces of darkness.
Alternate dialogue for the answering machine referencing NPR's Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, which offered the voice of radio personality Carl Kasell as a prize.
Jimmy Get lost!
Trying to click on the rat hole after getting the phone back should prompt this response for Jimmy, but it doesn't.
Sam Hm. Nothing but static.
Max That's OK. I like static!
Early in the game's development, the antenna / Coat Hanger was one of the first items the player could acquire. In the final game, Sam can only take the antenna after Max has been kidnapped.

This dialogue would play when clicking on the TV after taking the Coat Hanger.

Sam It's why television was invented.
Deleted response to Max's line, "I love shows that destroy all our cherished illusions about the stars we once loved.", as Sam & Max watch the first part of the documentary.
Sam Mmm, close, but not quite antenna-y enough.
Should play after clicking on the Dartboard while Sam is in antenna-searching mode, but again, the "Gotta rescue Max!" dialogue takes precedence.
Sam There's no time for TV now, I don't care how good the reception is.
Sam Shame we can't get any reception without the hanger on top of there.
Messages for clicking the TV with/without reception while in antenna-searching mode. Guess what plays instead?
Sam No need. Max isn't here to complain about the bad reception. Gosh, I miss that little guy.
Trying to use the Coat Hanger on the TV in Rescue Max mode should prompt this response. It doesn't, though. He's gotta rescue Max!


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam Need any more paint?
Specs Thanks, I'm good.
An alternate response to offering Specs the Spray Paint. In the final game, he just runs away.
Specs Oof!
Specs Ow!
Specs Hey!
Specs Quit it!
Specs I'm not hypnotized any more, brain freeze!
Apparently it was once possible to hit Specs with the boxing glove, multiple times even! Unfortunately, he disappears after he's been un-hypnotized.
Sam Down to "White Collar Crime Drive", to cruise for lawbreakers.
Alternate response for "Let's go cruise for lawbreakers, Max."
Sam I doubt the contents of that machine are worth the effort.
The first of several Coat Hanger interactions that are no longer accessible. This response is for using the Coat Hanger on the Gumball Machine.
Sam I don't think anybody's put a quarter in that meter since the Reagan administration.
This line is for using the Coat Hanger on the Bent Meter...
Sam I haven't locked my keys in the car once since we took the top off!
...and this one for using the hanger on the DeSoto.
Sam No antennas there.
Clicking on the Bent Meter, Dumpster, Gumball Machine, Mailbox, Newspaper Box, or Parking Meter in antenna-hunting mode should give this response, but Sam's gotta rescue Max!
Sam A good place for an antenna, except Max managed to get car antennas outlawed in the entire tri-state area when he... well, let's not get into it.
A unique and rather lengthy response to clicking on the DeSoto while looking for an antenna, but what about rescuing Max?! Sam's voice seems a bit off...


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam And abusing his bathroom privileges.
Sam reiterating Bosco's line "And abusing his bathroom privileges!" Not really needed, so it was deleted.
Sam I wonder how he keeps that 'do up... Hair spray, perhaps?
Bosco And those eyes. I don't like people watching me, I don't care if they is made of cardboard.
Sam Okaaay...
Extended dialogue with Bosco complaining about the display. This would play after hearing Bosco's comments on Brady Culture's fro.
Sam Do you have any... chocolate covered lawnmower blades?
Sam Do you have any... Turkish Delight?
Sam Do you have any... bridges for sale?
Three "Do you have any..." messages that didn't make the cut.
Max We'll be back as soon as we find some muckety-muck corporate criminal to... fund the transaction.
An alternate response for asking about the Tear Gas Grenade Launcher again. The used line is "We gotta fine an illegally wealthy motorist, and quick!"
Bosco And I have a tear gas grenade launcher with your name on it...
Max A personalized grenade launcher? You know that's been a dream of mine, Sam!
Sam I know little buddy. You talk about it in your sleep.
This should play after selecting the "What've you got?" choice after learning about the Tear Gas Grenade Launcher, but that choice only appears once, and you need to choose it to learn about the thing in the first place! Bit of a problem, that.
Sam Heeey Bosco P. Coltrane.
Bosco Don't call me that.
An unused greeting referencing Dukes of Hazard sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.
Sam You might be interested to know that your munchkin terrorist was actually hypnotized the entire time.
Bosco Hypnomatized?! By who?
Max Brady Culture!
Bosco I told you it was a conspiracy! That Brady Culture, he's bad news.
A conversation that would have occurred after learning about the Poppers' hypnosis from Sybil.
Sam Take a look at this.
Bosco Get that away from me!
An early version of the "use generic item on Bosco" dialogue.
Sam PlayBunny?
Max No! Self Loathing Weekly!
Two more lines that would play after clicking on the magazines in Bosco's store. The legal department must not have liked the name "PlayBunny", but it was too late to replace the dialogue, so it was cut.

This dialogue was re-recorded to reflect the new lawyer-friendly magazine name, "HotBunny", and is used in Situation: Comedy.

Sam Sounds like a blast, but I'll pass.
Trying to stick the Coat Hanger in the microwave gives this line of dialogue, but, well, you know.
Bosco You're not hypnomatized are you?
Sam I'm fine.
This intro should be used before the "You okay?" intro is used, but it never plays.
Bosco You better not come back here all hypnomatized!
Sam Don't worry Bosco, next time I'll be prepared.
Context-specific exit dialogue from Bosco after Sam breaks out of his hypnosis. Judging from this line and the ones above, someone must have had a problem with the word "hypnomatized" coming out of Bosco's mouth.
Bosco Come back soon. But not if you get hypnomatized!
The last hypnomatized line, this would play after exiting the conversation subsequent times.
Sam You don't have ANYTHING you could use for the antenna around here?
Bosco No way. Only a fool'd keep pointy metal objects lying around his place of business! You find the antenna.
A second conversation asking where to find an antenna. Only the first conversation about this plays in the final game.
Sam Still looking for an antenna?
Bosco I thought you was looking for it!
Sam Oh right, that was my job.
Bosco That's right!
Here's a third antenna conversation. Riveting!


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Peepers Hey!
Peepers Ouch!
Peepers Stop!
Peepers My head!
Peepers Ow!
Peepers Why are you doing this?
Like with Specs, it was once possible to bop Peepers with the boxing glove multiple times.
Sam Sure, why not?
Early response for when Sybil asks Sam if she can psychoanalyze him.
Sybil Yep. You're as crazy as a loon.
Max We knew that.
Using the filled-out Symptoms Form on Sybil should produce this bit of dialogue, but the generic filled-out form message overrides this one.
Sam Never stick anything in a moving fan!
Max I know, I know.
Trying to put the Coat Hanger in the fan prompts this safety lesson...if Sam had a Coat Hanger at this point in the game...which he doesn't.

Free Association

Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sybil I'm afraid there's some sort of bug. Contact Randy Tudor to fix it right away.
Thankfully, this part of the game is well-coded, so this message never plays.
Sam That's great! I mean... oh, no.
Sybil I'd better note that on your chart.
Being successfully diagnosed for violent behavior in this mini-game should play these specific lines, but the normal diagnosis lines are used instead.
Sybil Be careful where you wave that thing in my office!
Sam Oh, I'm always careful.
When it was possible to "use" the Big Gun instead of just firing it, using it on any object in Sybil's would give this message.
Sybil Hm. Unusual. Maybe you've got reverse psychosomatic behavior patterning!
Max Is it contagious?
Sybil Usually.
Sam It's always good to share with others.
Like the Big Gun response above, this is a generic response for "using" the Tear Gas Grenade Launcher on any object in Sybil's office.
Sybil Well, that's what we're trying to find out. Hm. Subject questions mental health after hearing trigger word...
Clicking the Symptoms Form on Sybil's desk once gave the "Am I sane?" line from Sam and this dialogue. In the final game, clicking it leads to Sam reminding himself of the form's symptoms.

Dream Analysis

Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam On the wall was a calendar decorated with images of road kill.
Sybil What grotesque symbology!
Sam Actually, that's normally in our office.
Sybil Well, you really live the dream, don't you?
The developers forgot to make the Roadkill Calendar a hot spot in Dream Analysis, so this dialogue never gets a chance to play.


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam Never use tear gas in a convertible!
Max That was a long time ago!
Apparently, it was once possible to use items in Sam's inventory while driving.
Sam Spray paint and wind make unsavory bedfellows.
Max Unsavory?
In the final game, the only options are the car horn, the bullhorn, and the Big Gun.
Sam This isn't exactly a close combat environment.
So trying to use something like, say, a Boxing Glove, is now impossible.
Sam We haven't been road bowling in quite a while!
Max It's more fun with nuns.
And don't even think about using Lou the Bowling Ball.
Max Move it, lard trunk!
Max Pick up the pace, Grandma!
Max Can't you drive ANY faster?
Max We hereby give you permission to DRIVE FASTER!
Max Outta the way, molasses man.
Max Hurry up!
If it was possible to heckle a driver after rear-ending them, these lines would probably play. It isn't, though.



Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam Clearly, Mr. Culture is a compassionate man.
Max And well versed in the heavy-handed application of modern chemistry!
The "Beware of Heavily Medicated Has-Beens!" poster is supposed to be clickable, but in the final game it's just a background object.
Sam I don't think those are the kind of forms the monkey wants.
Trying to put the $10,000 bag in the Form Reader gives this response, but the money's long gone by the point this area is accessible. Maybe this area was originally open earlier in the game?
Sam I think it needs a form.
Trying to trip the form reader with the Coat Hanger gives this response, but for the lack of a Coat Hanger...
Sam Pity I never learned to pick a lock.
Trying to use the Coat Hanger on either gate gives this response. Alas, poor Coat Hanger. I knew it, Sam.
Sam I'm not going back in there until I've got a working defense against that dastardly hypnotic ray!
Sam won't even drive back to this place without the Anti-Hypnosis Helmet, so this dialogue never gets a chance to play.


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Brady Protect... me!
Earlier in the game's development, trying to get closer to Brady would lead to him ordering the Poppers to protect him.

In the final game, trying to get closer to Brady Culture leads to him ordering the Poppers to attack you. This change was likely done to make the solution to this sequence more obvious.

Brady Hah!
Brady Oho!
Brady Psych!
Trying to get closer to him subsequent times would produce one of these lines.
Sam Protect... Brady Culture!
Sam Hm. Not my most brilliant plan.
After Brady orders the Poppers to protect him, the player would unlock the "Protect..." conversation choice. This, of course, would just lead to the Poppers protecting Brady again.
Sam Protect... me!
Brady Hey! Protect... me!
The Poppers would briefly protect Sam before being ordered back to Brady.
Sam Protect... yourselves!
Brady Cretins. Attack... the dog!
This would lead to the Poppers lining up in the middle of the room, confused, before attacking Sam again.
Sam Protect... the videotapes!
Brady It's so hard to find good help. Attack... the dog!
The Poppers would line up in front of the videotapes before once again going after Sam.
Brady No, me! ME! Protect ME!
After making Brady Culture jealous, telling the Poppers to protect anyone but Brady Culture would lead to this.
Sam Why not take a break and watch a nice videotape?
Peepers What?
Whizzer Why?
Specs No.
Should play after using the Videotape on the Soda Poppers, but the generic Videotape failure message plays instead.


Dialogue ID Dialogue Character Subtitles
Sam Okay, hold on, I'll getcha.
There are two possible failure dialogues for flipping the One Way Sign by hand. This should play the second time, but the line "Okay, hold on, I'll think of something." is mistakingly used for both dialogues.
Sam I wouldn't want to put Brady back on the air!
Should play after trying to use the Coat Hanger on the TV, but the generic Dream failure message plays instead.
Brady Pay no attention to that man behind the closet door!
Brady Go away!
Brady I'll open the door when I'm good and ready!
Three unused responses from the cheese-based closet-dwelling Brady, all of which are angrier than the lines he says in the actual game.
Sam My skull would prefer that I keep it holstered for now.
Some kind of failure message for using the Big Gun, most likely meant to play while trying to shoot the One Way sign after getting Max's head.

Alternate Takes

These alternate takes are only found in the GameTap version of the game. Sometimes the dialogue is different between takes.

Dialogue ID Dialogue Dialogue ID Dialogue
Better safe than dead, that's what I always say. Better safe than dead, that's what I always say.
But it works, trust me, trust me.
Now put that away before someone gets hurt.
But it works! Trust me, trust me
Waaah! Nyahahahoho
No promises! No promises!

Unused Graphics

Filenames in blue are only in the GameTap version of the game.

Early Textures

env_signexita env_signexit
Nice try, Sartre! Nice try, North Hollywood!

An alternate exit sign for the exterior of Brady Culture's Home for Former Child Stars.

obj_vcr obj_vcr_english
Is this litigable? Now it isn't.

The VHS logo was removed from the final VCR texture.

ui_item_bullhorn, ui_item_carhorn, ui_item_uturn ui_driving_megaphone_off, ui_driving_horn_off, ui_driving_office_off
Made from real bulls! That's the second fanciest car horn I've ever seen! Back to our creepy featureless 50s house, Max. Click me for comedy! Useless, but fun. I give up.

Obvious placeholder images for the Horn, Megaphone, and Exit buttons seen in the driving sequences.

Unused Textures

Remember when they went on strike in '08?
Filename: env_mugasylum

There's a mug visible in the interior of Brady's asylum, but the front of the mug is never on camera.

The Big Sloppy.
Filename: env_view_daytimeoutside


This hilarious low-detail texture was once used as the background of Sam & Max's office. This can be seen (Well, the "STUFF" sign can be seen, anyway) in the E3 2006 trailer.

Coming at the most inconvenient time: Never
Filename: obj_deliveryvan_b_english

This is a reskinned version of Whizzer's delivery truck, probably meant to be used in the driving sequences.

Thank God for those labels
Filename: obj_symptomsform

A placeholder texture for the symptoms form, reused from Telltale's previous game, Bone: The Great Cow Race.

Jofl Candemik?
Filename: obj_symptomsformsig_english

This is just a signed version of the symptoms form.

Ooh, video bumpities. Coming soon to HD DVD.
Filename: bmap_map_videocassette, obj_videocassette

A bump map and texture for Brady Culture's Eye-bo videotape. This would only be visible when Sam is putting the tape into the VCR, but the final game angles the camera such that the cassette never needs to be seen.

SamNMaxui driving horn down.png SamNMaxui driving horn over.png SamNMaxui driving megaphone down.png SamNMaxui driving megaphone over.png
Filenames: ui_driving_horn_down, ui_driving_horn_off, ui_driving_megaphone_down, ui_driving_megaphone_over

Seems that the icons for the Horn and Megaphone were originally on the right side of the screen instead of the left. These old icons match the style of the Exit icon seen in the final game.

sm mx
Filename: ui_icon_inventory

A low-res Sam & Max inventory which appears to be the logo from the cancelled 2004 game, Sam & Max: Freelance Police. This was replaced by a properly modeled cardboard box in the finished game.

Hidden Details

as awarded by the Tattoo Artists Together United Organization
Filename: env_diplomatherofyear_english

This has a reference to the National Rifle Association which in-game is hard to see.