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S.S. Lucifer: Man Overboard (Game Gear)

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Title Screen

S.S. Lucifer: Man Overboard

Developer: Odysseus Software
Publisher: Ocean
Platform: Game Gear
Released in EU: October 1994

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.

Disabled Passwords

The game's passwords are stored in plaintext in the ROM starting at x37608. Like the Genesis version, a password exists for every level of the game. However, for unknown reasons, the majority of the passwords were disabled by changing the first character in them to a 0, which isn't enterable. The below patch re-enables all passwords, which are identical to the Genesis version's.

Download.png Download S.S. Lucifer Man Overboard Game Gear Password Hack.zip
File: S.S. Lucifer Man Overboard GG Password Hack.zip (564 B) (info)

(Source: Mezmorize)

Uncompiled Source Code

Unusually for a Game Gear game, there are chunks of code spread throughout the ROM. They can be found at the addresses below.


s40     DW      &2c4,belt138
        DW      &2d6,be


        DW      &36,belt141
        DW      -1

; ------------- FOOD -----------

s41     DW      &268,trap1
        DW      &270,trap2
        DW      &1f0,trap3
        DW      &170,trap4


        TEXT "MOTHER"
        TEXT "SUNHAT"
        TEXT "NICKEL"
        TEXT "LITTLE"
        TEXT "TREATY"
        TEXT "LISTER"
        TEXT "SHARKS"
        TEXT "PLURAL"
        TEXT "RUNNER"
        TEXT "STRIPE"
        TEXT "GUITAR"
        TEXT "COYOTE"
        TEXT "LONDON"
        TEXT "FOREST"
        TEXT "APOLLO"
        TEXT "BORDER"
        TEXT "CARPET"
        TEXT "ENERGY"
        TEXT "ENGINE"
        TEXT "DOCTOR"
        TEXT "ACROSS"
        TEXT "FLOWER"
        TEXT "SYSTEM"
        TEXT "INSIDE"
        TEXT "CINEMA"
        TEXT "KEYPAD"
        TEXT "SISTER"
        TEXT "CAMERA"
        TEXT "SPIDER"
        TEXT "ORCHID"
        TEXT "SATURN"
        TEXT "AMAZON"
        TEXT "PEOPLE"
        TEXT "AROUND"
        TEXT "H


man inside box by more than 1 pixel?
        OR      A
        JR      Z,$NO_DIE2
        JP      QUIT_LIFE               ;yes ...oh shit ....BANG!
$NO_DIE2        LD      A,(SXPOS)               ;else stop last x movement
        LD      (XPOS),A
$LEAVELR        LD      A,(JUMPING)             ;if on floor leave
        OR      A
        RET     Z
        LD      A,(VELOC+1)             ;if going up in a jmp leave
        BIT     7,A
        RET     NZ
        LD      DE,#0010                ;else stick to top of box
        LD      L,(IX+1)                ;box ypos
        LD      H,(IX+2)
        OR      A
        SBC     HL,DE
        PUSH    HL
        LD      DE,(YPOS)               ;check if new ypos is more than 7 pix from old
        EX      HL,DE           ;ypos if is then dont do it
        OR      A
        SBC     HL,DE
        JR      C,$END
        LD      A,L
        CP      A,#07
        JR      NC,$END
        POP     HL
        LD      (YPOS),HL
        LD      HL,#0000                ;stop fall
        LD      (VELOC),HL
        XOR     A
        LD      (JUMPING),A
        LD      A,#01
        LD      (RESTDEL),A
$END    POP     HL

        OR      A
        RET     NZ
        LD      A,(JUMPING)
        OR      A
        JR      Z,$JUSTMID              ;if jumping chk both blks
        LD      A,(COLNUMBB)    ;below bot blk
        CP      A,15
        JR      Z,$HITX         ;only for big door cols
        LD      A,(COLNUMB)             ;bot blk
        CP      A,#04
        JR      Z,$HITX
        CP      A,15            ;new big door collsion!
        JR      Z,$HITX
$JUSTMID        LD      A,(COLNUMM)             ;mid blk
        CP      A,15            ;new big door collision!
        JR      Z,$HITX
        CP      A,#04
        RET     NZ
$HITX   LD      A,(SXPOS)
        LD      (XPOS),A
        LD      A,#01
        LD      (HITXLAST),A
(Source: SMS Power)