Rise of Nations
Rise of Nations |
Developers: Big Huge Games,
Westlake Interactive (Mac) This game has unused code. This game has a prerelease article |
Rise of Nations is basically the fusion of three strategy games — Civilization, Age of Empires, and Total Annihilation — and surprisingly this worked pretty well. And yeah, Spearman (Hoplite) still can defeat Tank here, in real time! You still need a whole army of Hoplites to perform it, though.
Prerelease Info |
Unused Graphics Walruses and cannonballs, which didn't survive BIG HUGE cleanup. |
Unused Sounds A sound effect from Age of Empires 2?? Yeah, this game definitely made a BIG HUGE influence on developers. |
Unused Models
Light Bomber
A model and texture of a World War (1)-era German Gotha Bomber in files lightbomber.bh3 and lightbomber.tga in the /art folder. Apparently it was supposed to be a Bomber unit for the Industrial Age and was scrapped most probably because of a balance reason (the developers couldn't make this unit seem weak, compared to the Modern Age Bomber, and, at the same time, make its operating range wide enough to reach the enemy base).
Demonstration of this model in the game by Bomber unit with replaced texture and model.
Old Anti-Aircraft Battery
Model and texture of an old addon for Anti-Aircraft Battery - Modern Age Anit-Aircraft unit. It can be seen in some early pre-release footage, such as this.
Old SAM Installation
Model and texture of old missile barrage for SAM Installation - Information Age Lookout. The icon of this building shows exactly the same missiles that this model shows.
Unused Features
There are some unused features in various game aspects hidden in rules.xml. Most of them are just switched off by having value 0, but they can be brought back by changing the value.
Common Features
<MILITARY_TRANSPORT_BONUS value="0 speed bonus for transports per military tech"/>
Increases speed of transport boat variations. Goes unused since version, probably due to balance reasons (too fast transport boats can swim away from Light Ships).
Increases max allowed farm count when city is upgrading (from Small to Large, from Large to Major).
<VILLAGE_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth"/>
Allows cities to generate Wealth resourse, besides Food and Timber by default.
<BUILDING_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth (per building in village/city)"/>
Allows cities to generate more Wealth after upgrading (from Small to Large, from Large to Major).
<TEMPLE_TAXES value="0 bonus wealth (+ amount above for just being a building)"/>
Allows Temple buildings to generate Wealth. Note that in default, Temple is not generating resources on its own at all.
<VILLAGE_LITERACY value="0 bonus knowledge"/>
Allows cities to generate Knowledge, besides Food and Timber by default.
<LIBRARY_LITERACY value="0 bonus knowledge"/>
Allows Library building to generate Knowledge. Note that in default, Library is not generating resources on its own at all.
<MILITARY_POP value="0 pop cap"/> <VILLAGE_POP value="0 pop cap"/> <GRANARY_POP value="0 pop cap"/>
Probably an unused way to increase the population limit. In the release version only Military upgrades, Wonders and Rare Resources can increase it (there is another separate string for Military upgrades encoding increasing population limit).
<ACCEL_TRAIN value="1/1 speed (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/> <ACCEL_CONSTRUCT value="1/1 speed (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/> <ACCEL_RESEARCH value="1/1 speed (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/> <RESEARCH_PREMIUM value="1/1 times base cost (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/> <RESEARCH_TICK_PREMIUM value="1/1 times base time (Please don't use except on your own machine for testing; for main line game adjust times individually -- BR)"/>
Artifical multiplication of training, constructing, researching rate and other processes goes unused. As the description says, it was intended for test purposes.
<DOCK_RADIUS value="12 tiles"/>
In the released game version, docks don't use radius for anything. No idea what was it for.
<RIVER_RESOURCE_VALUE value="2 times basic rate (does this do anything anymore?)"/>
Probably it was intended for increasing projuction from farms that were located near rivers. Note that in the release version, rivers don't increase production of anything.
<BOMBING_MANA_COST value="0 mana"/>
Decreases craft meter for Bomber line units while bombing.
<GRANARY_BONUS entry0="20%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/> <LUMBERMILL_BONUS entry0="20%" entry1="50%" entry2="100%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/> <SMELTER_BONUS entry0="50%" entry1="100%" entry2="150%" entry3="200%" entry4="250%"/>
While entry0, entry1, entry2 and entry3 are used in-game (for Agriculture, Carpentry and Metal Alloys tech lines and their absence), entry4 is unused. It seems in some points of development game developers wanted to add additional technology for increasing resource production to 35. Some other leftovers from scrapped fourth technolody of Agriculture tech line can be found in the game's files (see below).
<SUPPLY_HEAL_RATE value="0 frames (0 means don't heal at all)"/>
Let Supply Wagons to heal nearby units, just like from French national bonus or Versailles wonder bonus.
<WONDER_AGE value="0 frames"/>
Most probably it was intended for increasing Wonder victory timer with age advancing. Seems to be not working - changing the value to any number doesn't do anything with the Wonder timer.
<PARADROP_RANGE value="64 tiles"/>
Parameter related with scrapped Paradrop ability.
<NUKE_EMBARGO_WORLD value="0 frames"/>
(still no idea what is it; need additional exploring)
Scrapped ability to increase attack and armor for Militia line units. Developer's note "(disabled)" is true - it doesn't give Militia any benefits from President by changing value to any number. Probably it was scrapped because it doesn't fit into defense abilities of Republic line upgrade Patriots.
Wonder Features
Allows Colossus Wonder to increase caravan limit.
<HANGING_GARDENS_BUILD_TIME value="0% faster construction times"/>
Allows Hanging Gargens Wonder to build all buildings faster.
<HANGING_GARDENS_UPGRADES value="0 (off) for enhancer upgrades free"/>
Increases attack rate of all military units.
<TERRA_COTTA_COST value="0% reduction"/> <TERRA_COTTA_RANGE value="0"/>
Probably was intended to increase range and decrease cost for some units. Seems to be non-functional.
Increases range and raise national border for all Forts with Colosseum Wonder.
When value is not 0, allows to instantly upgrade Fortification line of upgrades.
<COLOSSEUM_BARRACKS_COST value="0% cheaper"/>
Decreases price of Barracks, Stables\Autoplants and Factories. Oddly enough, the description only mentions Barracks.
<TIKAL_TEMPLE_COST value="0% cost reduction"/>
Allows Tikal Wonder to reduce cost of Temple building.
<TIKAL_TEMPLE_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enable; 0 = disable)"/>
Wneh value is 1, allows Tikal Wonder to instanly and free perform all upgrades in Temple.
<ANGKOR_RESEARCH value="0% "/>
Speeds up research with built Angkor-Wat Wonder.
<VERSAILLES_AFFECTS_UNIVERSITY_UPGRADES value="0 (0 = no; 1 = research discount affects university upgrades)"/> <VERSAILLES_AFFECTS_MISC_UPGRADES value="0 (0 = no; 1 = research discount affects non-Library tech other than University upgrades)"/>
Description describes bonuses pretty accurately.
<VERSAILLES_BUILDING_SPEED value="0% faster"/>
Allows Versailles Wonder to increase building speed.
<VERSAILLES_GENERALS_NO_KNOWLEDGE value="0 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)"/>
No idea what this is.
<TAJ_CARAVAN_LIMIT value="0 Caravans"/>
Seems to be non-functional.
<TAJ_FARMS value="0 extra"/>
Allows Taj-Mahal Wonder to increase max farm count per city.
<KREMLIN_FARMS value="0 extra"/>
Allows Kremlin Wonder to increase max farm count per city and max workers count in Woodcutter's Camp and Mine.
<LIBERTY_UNITS value="0% faster creation"/>
Allows Liberty Statue Wonder to create units faster.
Allows Liberty Statue Wonder to increase range of siege units (Catapults and its upgrades).
<LIBERTY_MISSILES value="0% cheaper"/>
Allows Liberty Statue Wonder to decrease cost of missiles.
Allows Eiffel Tower Wonder to increase range of siege units (Catapults and its upgrades).
<SUPER_MISSILES value="0% cost increase to enemy missiles"/>
Allows Supercollider Wonder to increase missile cost for enemy nations.
<SUPER_IMMUNE value="0 (1 = enable; 0 = disable)"/>
Decreases damage from every air attack (including cruise and even nuclear missiles) to 1.
<SPACE_AIR_RANGE value="0% bonus"/>
Allows Space Program Wonder to decrease "fuel" (techincally it's craft meter) consumption for all aircrafts.
<SPACE_AIR_ATTACK value="0% bonus"/>
Allows Space Program Wonder to increase damage rate of all aricrafts.
Unused Powers of Nations
<NUBIAN_FREE_CARAVAN value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/> <GREEK_START_SCHOLARS value="0"/> <GREEK_AGE_KNOWLEDGE value="0% of food cost of all converted"/> <GREEK_CLASSICAL value="0% of food cost converted"/> <GREEK_SCHOLARS_FAST value="0% faster"/> <ROMAN_FORT_HP value="0% bonus"/> <ROMAN_FORT_RANGE value="0"/> <EGYPTIAN_SCHOLARS_FOOD value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/> <FRENCH_SPECIAL_CRAFT value="0% bonus"/> <FRENCH_SPECIAL_COST value="0% reduction"/> <FRENCH_SPECIAL_SPEED value="0% faster creation"/> <BRITISH_ARCHER_SPEED value="0% faster creation"/> <BRITISH_FREE_SHIP value="0"/> <GERMAN_FREE_BOMBER value="0"/> <GERMAN_METAL_EARLY value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/> <GERMAN_MINE_COST value="0% cheaper"/> <GERMAN_MINERS value="0"/> <GERMAN_HEAVY_INFANTRY value="0 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled)"/> <GERMAN_INDUSTRY_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled) (this is the completely free version)"/> <RUSSIAN_BORDERS value="0"/> <CHINESE_KNOWLEDGE_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)"/> <IROQUOIS_LOS value="0"/> <IROQUOIS_SENATE value="0"/> <IROQUOIS_GOVS_EARLY value="0 age early"/> <LAKOTA_RAZE_PRICE value="0"/> <AMERICANS_SCIENCE_DISCOUNT value="0% discount on science line"/> <DUTCH_FORT_PLACEMENT value="0"/> <PERSIANS_DESPOTISM value="0"/>
When value is 1, allows Russian civ to buy/sell resources in the Market with a fixed cost of 100 in the Industiral Age+. Was set to 0 most probably because of a balance reason.
<SPANISH_LOS value="0"/>
This power was in initial release version, but has been removed in patch 4 (version It was intended to increase line of sight of Scout line units.
<KOREAN_TEMPLE_TAX_UPGRADES value="0 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)"/>
This power was in initial release version, but has removed in patch 3 (version It was intended to allow Korean civilization to get Taxation line technologies for free, even without Temple.
Unused Rare Resources Bonuses
<SILK_CARAVAN value="0"/> <FURS_LOS value="0"/> <OBSIDIAN_ARCHERS_RANGE value="0"/>
Unused Technology Bonuses
Can see enemy borders.
This bonus has "preq0" parameter (which points what technology provides this bonus) "None" value, unlike other unused abilities, which have "Disabled" value. With the fact this bonus is located right before "Entire map becomes explored" (from 6 Science tech) most probably it was intended also for using as bonus from 6 Science tech research, but scrapped because "Entire map becomes explored" bonus already reveals evemy borders.
Entire map revealed--including all units and buildings.
Probably it was scrapped because of balance reasons. This bonus was added for Space Program wonder.
Caravans can shoot back at enemies.
Note in Thrones and Patriots add-on added Armed Caravans and Armed Merchants that can shoot at enemies as unique units for Dutch nation. Also later similar ability was realised in Rise of Legends for Vinci caravans.
Granaries increase #ICON1 food output by $NUMBER0%.
This bonus can be seen four times in rules.ini, and while three of them are used in-game for Agriculture tech line upgrades, the fourth one is unused. It must be leftover from the fourth iteration of Argiculture tech line upgrade raising food production up to 35.
Buildings created 25% faster. Research conducted 25% faster. Troops created 25% faster.
Unused bonuses for increasing speed of various processes. Note in there are numbers pointed instead of usually used $NUMBER0% pointer.
Tower and Fort range increased by +$NUMBER0%.
This bonus is repeated three times in file. Looks like it's a scrapped tech line. Tower range bonus was added to Militia line upgrade and Fort range bonus was added to Fortification line upgrade. Most probably, this upgrade line was scrapped and bonuses from it were reused in other techs to make upgrades more complex, several-in-1 — it's a common and distinctive feature of Rise of Nation upgrades.
Building Parameters
There are some unused internal parameters (buildflags) in buildrules.xml
<!-- h = (Legacy) Building must be built on roads --> <!-- i = (Legacy) Addon is placed freely--> <!-- l = (Legacy) Building can only be built in a Large City radius (not a Small City)--> <!-- m = (Legacy) Nubbed off city building (built from town menu)-->
Also there's one more interesting.
<!-- k = (Legacy) Building must be built on a wall-->
Rise of Nations has no wall buildings at all, so it indicates that game was supposed to have walls but it was scrapped.
Unused Abilities
These abilities are hidden in craftrules.xml and have FROM parameter is "None" value, so no one can use it without modification. Some of them can be returned into the game by changing parameter FROM to name of existing units, like "Scout" or "Spy". Some of them also have unused icons.
Pilfer Resources, cost - 1000 craft
Functioning ablility. Allows the player to steal resources from enemy cities. Large and Major cities will provide more resources from stealing. Repeating this ability on the same city will bring exponentially less and less resources. No idea why it was scrapped.
Assimilate, cost - 1000 craft
Functioning ablility. If used on a city which is already in assimilation progress, will instantly assimilate it. Also captures enemy buildings in player's territory (like "Bribe" ability). Probably leftover from previous, forced assimilating system.
Rally!, cost - 1000 craft
Somewhat non-functioning ability. Although it can be added in the unit HUD panel and shows a description, it does nothing at execution. Description says it's general's ability to increase fire rate of nearby units for a short time.
Blow Tread, cost - 500 craft
Somewhat non-functioning ability. Althrough it can be added in the unit HUD panel, it does nothing at execution. There is no description of that ability.
Paradrop, cost - 1000 craft
Non-functioning ability. Althrough it can be added in the unit HUD panel and shows a description, it crashes the game at execution. Description says it's general's ability for units airdrop on friendly territory.
Research Project, cost - 100 wealth
Functioning ability. Takes 100 wealth and gives 50 knowledge after execution. Presumably intended for Scholars - scientists.
Jam Radar, cost - 1000 craft
Somewhat non-functioning ability. Althrough it can be added in the unit HUD panel and shows a description, it does nothing at execution. Description says it's radar-jamming ability (surprise!).
Note that Commando and his upgrades (Scout in Industrial Age and later) has a similar ability, but it's passive and requires no craft spending. Most likely it was intended to use that ability manually, but during development game designers decided to make it passive, probably to make Scout more useful in sabotage operations, not just for scouting.
Restock Supplies, cost - 20 Food, 20 Metal, 20 Oil (20 Food and 50 Metal before Industrial Age)
Functioning ability. Must be performed within economical city radius of friendly city, after completion fully refills craft meter. Requires pretty long time to perform it - 200 frames by default (13,3 sec). There is no special description about that ability.
Lock Gate
Unlock Gate
Non-functioning abilities, don't appear in HUD panel at all. Presumably they were intended for opening\closing gates but were scrapped with all that Age of Empires-like fortification system (walls+gates).
Non-functioning ability, doesn't appear in the HUD panel at all. According to some pre-release interviews, this ability allowed to transform regular soldiers into paratroopers and machinegunners.
Move Capital Here, have cost of some resources.
Functioning ability. After performing in city turns it into capital. Note in Thrones and Patriots there is Senate which automatically moving capital to city where it was built.
Go Ranged
Go Melee
Functioning abilities. Presumably was intended for Immortals - Ancient Age Heavy Infantry Persian unique unit. When "Go Ranged" applied, turns them into Immortal Bowmen - unused infantry units. When "Go Melee" applied, turns Immortal Bowmen into regular Immortals.
Description says it's intended for Observation Point buildings for upgrading them into Air Defense Gun/Radar Air Defense/SAM Installation (depends from current age). Note that in the released game, Observation Points are automatically upgraded into Air Defense Gun when Industrial Age technology is researched. This is also a reason why can't check if it is a functioning ability or not.
Unused Cursors
This cursor is used when Paradrop ability has been chosen.
This cursor is used when Pilfer Resources ability has been chosen.
Presumably it was intended for Jam Radar ability, until delevopers made this feature passive.
This cursor is related with exploration, but the precise purpose of it is unknown.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Big Huge Games
- Games developed by Westlake Interactive
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- Games published by Microsoft Game Studios
- Games published by MacSoft
- Windows games
- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2003
- Games released in May
- Games released on May 20
- Games released on May 23
- Games with unused code
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused sounds
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nexon Co. Ltd. > Games developed by Big Huge Games
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Westlake Interactive
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Microsoft > Games published by Xbox Game Studios > Games published by Microsoft Game Studios
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in May > Games released on May 23