Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic (PlayStation 3)
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic |
Developer: Tarsier Studios This game has hidden development-related text. |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
To do:
It's kung fu... but with rag dolls... and plastic fists!
Unused Costumes
In the game's files are two unused costumes, one for a panda and one for a brown bear.
Test Level
The very end of the level list makes mention of an area known simply as "TestLevel". Trying to load it up crashes the game, showing whatever data was once there ended up being removed.
Unused Level Variants
Turns out the baskets used in the "Capture The Fish" game mode are actually placed in every level, even the ones where the mode is never used. The baskets all work but they aren't as well placed as they could be, so they were most likely scrapped due to difficulty.
Unused Game Modes
Hidden in \dev_hdd0\game\NPEA00103\USRDIR\Ragdoll\Data\Settings\GameModes are mentions of several game modes which didn't make it into the final game.
ASSASSIN - Unused Game Mode - Assassin.xml
<!-- Gamemode --> <gamemode id="Assasin"> <!-- Cache objects --> <Param id="cache" type="string" value="Cache/Cache01.xml" /> <!-- Spawn restrictions --> <Param id="spawnRestrictions" type="string" value="SpawnTables/SpawnRestrictions.xml" /> <!-- Physics settings --> <!-- Specifies the gravity affecting the rigid bodies in the scene --> <Param id="gravity" type="vector" value="0.0 -240 0.0" /> <!-- Used to specify the speed / stiffness balance of the core solver. Available solver types are; SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_SOFT = 1, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 2, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_HARD = 3, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_SOFT = 4, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 5, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_HARD = 6, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_SOFT = 7, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 8, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_HARD = 9, --> <Param id="solverType" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- Temp for setting team or not. Will affect GUI and do automatic player team assignment. --> <Param id="useTeams" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Team identifier data. --> <Param id="useTeamIdentifiers" type="bool" value="true" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_01.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_01_Material.xml" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_02.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_02_Material.xml" /> <!-- Type of team text to show. 0: Team 1 / Team 2 1: Attackers / Defenders --> <Param id="teamTextType" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- Want basket in game mode? --> <Param id="useBasket" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Timers settings --> <Param id="matchTimeLimit" type="float" value="240.0" /> <!-- Max-length of the match, in seconds. If 0, infinity timer. --> <Param id="killEachPlayer" type="int" value="10" /> <!-- How many number of times you must kill each other player. --> <Param id="teamDamageFactor" type="float" value="0.0" /> <!-- Amount of damage when being hit by a member of same team. --> <Param id="useTimeLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="respawnTime" type="float" value="5.0" /> <!-- Respawn time, in seconds --> <Param id="restartTimer" type="float" value="1.5" /> <!-- How long the game will wait before restarting, in seconds --> <!-- Game Object Settings --> <Param id="playerHealth" type="int" value="100" /> <!-- Amount of damage a player can take before dying. --> <Param id="playerLives" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- (0=infinite) Number of times a player will respawn. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateRandom" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a random effect spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateEmpty" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing nothing spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateHealth" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a health-item spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateWeapon" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a weapon spawns. --> <!-- Points to an xml that defines which particle systems to use for a specific game mode // Andreas NOTE: Not implemented in game yet --> <!--<gamesettings id="particleeffects" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/>--> <Param id="particleeffects" type="string" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/> </gamemode>
Defend The Shrine
DEFEND THE SHRINE - Unused Game Mode - Defend.xml
<!-- Gamemode --> <gamemode id="DTS"> <!-- Cache objects --> <Param id="cache" type="string" value="Cache/Cache03.xml" /> <!-- Spawn restrictions --> <Param id="spawnRestrictions" type="string" value="SpawnTables/SpawnRestrictions.xml" /> <!-- Physics settings --> <!-- Specifies the gravity affecting the rigid bodies in the scene --> <Param id="gravity" type="vector" value="0.0 -240 0.0" /> <!-- Used to specify the speed / stiffness balance of the core solver. Available solver types are; SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_SOFT = 1, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 2, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_HARD = 3, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_SOFT = 4, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 5, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_HARD = 6, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_SOFT = 7, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 8, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_HARD = 9, --> <Param id="solverType" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- Temp for setting team or not. Will affect GUI and do automatic player team assignment. --> <Param id="useTeams" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Team identifier data. --> <Param id="useTeamIdentifiers" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- If setting useTeamIdentifiers="false" - this game will use hands as identifiers. ( 0=attackers, 1=defenders ) If want to use head attachments as in other game modes - just activate useTeamIdentifiers and set some head attachment links (mesh+material) --> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/Hands/Boxing_Hands_01" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Boxing_Hands_01_Material.xml" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Mesh" type="string" value="" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Material" type="string" value="" /> <!-- Type of team text to show. 0: Team 1 / Team 2 1: Attackers / Defenders --> <Param id="teamTextType" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- Want basket in game mode? --> <Param id="useBasket" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Timers settings --> <Param id="matchTimeLimit" type="float" value="120.0" /> <!-- Max-length of the match, in seconds. If 0, infinity timer. --> <Param id="matchMaxScore" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- Max-score of the match. If 0, infinity Score. --> <Param id="teamDamageFactor" type="float" value="0.0" /> <!-- Amount of damage when being hit by a member of same team. --> <Param id="damageScoring" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- false: 1 kill = 1 point. true: every 10 dmg dealt = 1 point, every kill = 3 points --> <Param id="oneScoreEach" type="float" value="10.0" /> <!-- only active in damage scoring --> <Param id="useScoreLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="useTimeLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="respawnTime" type="float" value="4.0" /> <!-- Respawn time, in seconds --> <Param id="restartTimer" type="float" value="5.0" /> <!-- How long the game will wait before restarting, in seconds --> <!-- Game Object Settings --> <Param id="playerHealth" type="int" value="100" /> <!-- Amount of damage a player can take before dying. --> <Param id="playerLives" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- (0=infinite) Number of times a player will respawn. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateRandom" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a random effect spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateEmpty" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing nothing spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateHealth" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a health-item spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateWeapon" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a weapon spawns. --> <!-- Shrine --> <Param id="shrineSpawnPosition" type="vector" value="0.0 20.0 0.0" /> <!--Emergency spawn position--> <Param id="shrineHealth" type="float" value="90.0" /> <Param id="shrineHUDPosition" type="vector" value="0.5 0.9 0.0" /> <Param id="shrineHUDColor" type="vector" value="1.0 1.0 0.5" /> <Param id="shrineTimerHUDPosition" type="vector" value="0.35 0.9 0.0" /> <!-- GUI positions --> <Param id="GUI_Start_TeamL" type="vector" value="0.22 0.47 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Start_TeamR" type="vector" value="0.72 0.47 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Start_DefendTheDragon" type="vector" value="0.25 0.6 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Start_DestroyTheDragon" type="vector" value="0.75 0.6 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_Team" type="vector" value="0.46 0.42 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_Defended" type="vector" value="0.5 0.52 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_DestroyedTheDragon" type="vector" value="0.5 0.52 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_TimeToBeat" type="vector" value="0.42 0.62 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_Time" type="vector" value="0.58 0.606 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_SwitchingSides" type="vector" value="0.5 0.84 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round2_OutOfTime" type="vector" value="0.5 0.60 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round2_DragonDestroyed" type="vector" value="0.5 0.60 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Start_Number1" type="vector" value="0.36 0.47 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Start_Number2" type="vector" value="0.86 0.47 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Round1_NumberX" type="vector" value="0.6 0.42 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Button_Start" type="vector" value="0.93 0.9 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Button_PlayAgain" type="vector" value="0.89 0.85 0.0" /> <Param id="GUI_Button_BackToMenu" type="vector" value="0.89 0.91 0.0" /> <Param id="DTS_Delay_BeforeStart" type="float" value="2.0" /> <Param id="DTS_Delay_BeforeRound2Start" type="float" value="0.8" /> <Param id="DTS_Delay_ShowSwitchingSides" type="float" value="1.85" /> <!-- Points to an xml that defines which particle systems to use for a specific game mode // Andreas NOTE: Not implemented in game yet --> <!--<gamesettings id="particleeffects" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/>--> <Param id="particleeffects" type="string" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/> </gamemode>
Onslaught - Unused Game Mode - Onslaught.xml
<!-- Gamemode --> <gamemode id="Onslaught"> <!-- Cache objects --> <Param id="cache" type="string" value="Cache/Cache01.xml" /> <!-- Spawn restrictions --> <Param id="spawnRestrictions" type="string" value="SpawnTables/SpawnRestrictions.xml" /> <!-- Physics settings --> <!-- Temp for setting team or not. Will affect GUI and do automatic player team assignment. --> <Param id="useTeams" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Team identifier data. --> <Param id="useTeamIdentifiers" type="bool" value="true" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_01.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_01_Material.xml" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_02.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_02_Material.xml" /> <!-- Type of team text to show. 0: Team 1 / Team 2 1: Attackers / Defenders --> <Param id="teamTextType" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- Want basket in game mode? --> <Param id="useBasket" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Specifies the gravity affecting the rigid bodies in the scene --> <Param id="gravity" type="vector" value="0.0 -240 0.0" /> <!-- Used to specify the speed / stiffness balance of the core solver. Available solver types are; SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_SOFT = 1, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 2, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_HARD = 3, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_SOFT = 4, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 5, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_HARD = 6, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_SOFT = 7, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 8, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_HARD = 9, --> <Param id="solverType" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- Timers settings --> <Param id="matchTimeLimit" type="float" value="240.0" /> <!-- Max-length of the match, in seconds. If 0, infinity timer. --> <Param id="matchMaxScore" type="int" value="20" /> <!-- Max-score of the match. If 0, infinity Score. --> <Param id="teamDamageFactor" type="float" value="0.0" /> <!-- Amount of damage when being hit by a member of same team. --> <Param id="damageScoring" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- false: 1 kill = 1 point. true: every 10 dmg dealt = 1 point, every kill = 3 points --> <Param id="oneScoreEach" type="float" value="10.0" /> <!-- only active in damage scoring --> <Param id="useScoreLimit" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="useTimeLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="respawnTime" type="float" value="5.0" /> <!-- Respawn time, in seconds --> <Param id="restartTimer" type="float" value="1.5" /> <!-- How long the game will wait before restarting, in seconds --> <!-- Game Object Settings --> <Param id="playerHealth" type="int" value="100" /> <!-- Amount of damage a player can take before dying. --> <Param id="playerLives" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- (0=infinite) Number of times a player will respawn. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateRandom" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a random effect spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateEmpty" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing nothing spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateHealth" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a health-item spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateWeapon" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a weapon spawns. --> <!-- Points to an xml that defines which particle systems to use for a specific game mode // Andreas NOTE: Not implemented in game yet --> <!--<gamesettings id="particleeffects" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/>--> <Param id="particleeffects" type="string" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/> </gamemode>
Tag - Unused Game Mode - Tag.xml
<!-- Gamemode orig was Gem i tried changing to Tag --> <gamemode id="Tag"> <!-- Cache objects --> <Param id="cache" type="string" value="Cache/Cache01.xml" /> <!-- Spawn restrictions --> <Param id="spawnRestrictions" type="string" value="SpawnTables/SpawnRestrictions.xml" /> <!-- Physics settings --> <!-- Specifies the gravity affecting the rigid bodies in the scene --> <Param id="gravity" type="vector" value="0.0 -240 0.0" /> <!-- Used to specify the speed / stiffness balance of the core solver. Available solver types are; SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_SOFT = 1, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 2, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_HARD = 3, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_SOFT = 4, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 5, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_HARD = 6, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_SOFT = 7, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 8, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_HARD = 9, --> <Param id="solverType" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- Temp for setting team or not. Will affect GUI and do automatic player team assignment. --> <Param id="useTeams" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Team identifier data. --> <Param id="useTeamIdentifiers" type="bool" value="true" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_01.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_01_Material.xml" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_02.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_02_Material.xml" /> <!-- Type of team text to show. 0: Team 1 / Team 2 1: Attackers / Defenders --> <Param id="teamTextType" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- Want basket in game mode? --> <Param id="useBasket" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Timers settings --> <Param id="matchTimeLimit" type="float" value="333.0" /> <!-- Max-length of the match, in seconds. If 0, infinity timer. --> <Param id="teamDamageFactor" type="float" value="0.0" /> <!-- Amount of damage when being hit by a member of same team. --> <Param id="useTimeLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="respawnTime" type="float" value="4.0" /> <!-- Respawn time, in seconds --> <Param id="restartTimer" type="float" value="1.5" /> <!-- How long the game will wait before restarting, in seconds --> <Param id="useScoreLimit" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="matchMaxScore" type="int" value="20" /> <!-- Max-score of the match. If 0, infinit Score. --> <!-- Game Object Settings --> <Param id="playerHealth" type="int" value="120" /> <!-- Amount of damage a player can take before dying. --> <Param id="playerLives" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- (0=infinite) Number of times a player will respawn. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateRandom" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a random effect spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateEmpty" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing nothing spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateHealth" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a health-item spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateWeapon" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a weapon spawns. --> <!-- Gamemode-Tag specific Settings --> <Param id="bTaggersHuntsRunners" type="bool" value="true" /> !-- if true, taggers turns runners into taggers("Classic tag") <Param id="bSingleTagger" type="bool" value="false" /> !-- if true, tagging tagger becomes a runner when tagging a runner. <Param id="bRunnerTickScoring" type="bool" value="true" /> !-- if true, runs scoring for runners. <Param id="fRUNNER_TICK_INTERVAL" type="float" value="0.25" /> !-- Interval between scoring. <Param id="fRunnerPointsPerTick" type="float" value="0.5" /> !-- Score being given at each interval. <Param id="bRunnerSharedScoring" type="bool" value="true" /> !-- If true, splits score given between runners. <Param id="bTaggerTickScoring" type="bool" value="false" /> !-- If true runs scoring for taggers. <Param id="fTAGGER_TICK_INTERVAL" type="float" value="0.25" /> !-- Interval between scoring. <Param id="fTaggerPointsPerTick" type="float" value="0.5" /> !-- Score being given at each interval. <Param id="bTaggerSharedScoring" type="bool" value="false" /> !-- If true, splits score given between taggers. <Param id="fTAGGER_SCORE_PER_KILL" type="float" value="5.0" /> !-- Given when Tagger kills runner <!-- Points to an xml that defines which particle systems to use for a specific game mode // Andreas NOTE: Not implemented in game yet --> <!--<gamesettings id="particleeffects" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/>--> <Param id="particleeffects" type="string" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/> </gamemode>
Treasure - Unused Game Mode - Treasure.xml
<!-- Gamemode --> <gamemode id="Treasure"> <!-- Cache objects --> <Param id="cache" type="string" value="Cache/Cache04.xml" /> <!-- Spawn restrictions --> <Param id="spawnRestrictions" type="string" value="SpawnTables/SpawnRestrictions.xml" /> <!-- Physics settings --> <!-- Temp for setting team or not. Will affect GUI and do automatic player team assignment. --> <Param id="useTeams" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Team identifier data. --> <Param id="useTeamIdentifiers" type="bool" value="true" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_01.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier0_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_01_Material.xml" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Mesh" type="string" value="MeshData/Characters/HeadAttachments/Helmet_02.dae" /> <Param id="teamIdentifier1_Material" type="string" value="Materials/Characters/Helmet_02_Material.xml" /> <!-- Type of team text to show. 0: Team 1 / Team 2 1: Attackers / Defenders --> <Param id="teamTextType" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- Want basket in game mode? --> <Param id="useBasket" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Specifies the gravity affecting the rigid bodies in the scene --> <Param id="gravity" type="vector" value="0.0 -240 0.0" /> <!-- Used to specify the speed / stiffness balance of the core solver. Available solver types are; SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_SOFT = 1, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 2, SOLVER_TYPE_2ITERATIONS_HARD = 3, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_SOFT = 4, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 5, SOLVER_TYPE_4ITERATIONS_HARD = 6, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_SOFT = 7, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_MEDIUM = 8, SOLVER_TYPE_8ITERATIONS_HARD = 9, --> <Param id="solverType" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- Timers settings --> <Param id="matchTimeLimit" type="float" value="90.0" /> <!-- Max-length of the match, in seconds. If 0, infinity timer. --> <Param id="matchMaxScore" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- Max-score of the match. If 0, infinity Score. --> <Param id="teamDamageFactor" type="float" value="0.0" /> <!-- Amount of damage when being hit by a member of same team. --> <Param id="useScoreLimit" type="bool" value="false" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="useTimeLimit" type="bool" value="true" /> <!-- Default setting, mostly for testing and debugging until menues are done --> <Param id="respawnTime" type="float" value="2.6" /> <!-- Respawn time, in seconds --> <Param id="restartTimer" type="float" value="1.5" /> <!-- How long the game will wait before restarting, in seconds --> <!-- Game Object Settings --> <Param id="playerHealth" type="int" value="100" /> <!-- Amount of damage a player can take before dying. --> <Param id="playerLives" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- (0=infinite) Number of times a player will respawn. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateRandom" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a random effect spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateEmpty" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing nothing spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateHealth" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a health-item spawns. --> <Param id="potSpawnRateWeapon" type="int" value="30" /> <!-- (0=disabled) Time before a new Pot containing a weapon spawns. --> <Param id="fishSpawnPoint" type="vector" value="137.0 35.0 0.0" /> <!-- This will be set in level data later --> <!-- Time until player turns into ragdoll if standing in basket. --> <Param id="basketTimeUntilRagdoll" type="float" value="500.5" /> <!-- Time to be ragdoll before launching player. --> <Param id="basketTimeUntilLaunch" type="float" value="0.5" /> <!-- Time to keep player ragdolled after launch. --> <Param id="basketTimeRagdoll" type="float" value="0.5" /> <!-- Temp for bouncing pots--> <Param id="bouncingPotImpulseDelayMin" type="float" value="0.4" /> <Param id="bouncingPotImpulseDelayMax" type="float" value="2.0" /> <Param id="bouncingPotImpulseMin" type="float" value="150.0" /> <Param id="bouncingPotImpulseMax" type="float" value="1000.0" /> <!-- Points to an xml that defines which particle systems to use for a specific game mode // Andreas NOTE: Not implemented in game yet --> <!--<gamesettings id="particleeffects" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/>--> <Param id="particleeffects" type="string" value="Settings/ParticleSettings/game.xml"/> </gamemode>
Cut Online-Multiplayer
There exists development-related text making references to networking options. below, including running a dedicated server. The menu would need those "Online Multiplayer" options un-dummied too though, and some button and icons are there still, but others are missing.
<!-- Expand this file with whatever is needed. Remember to load the added settings in rdSystemSettings.cpp--> <SystemSettings id="Global"> <!-- Game --> <SettingGroup id="Game"> <Param id="UseOverrideSettings" value="false"/> <!-- true / false --> <Param id="Networked" value="false"/> <!-- true / false --> <!-- test exit cases (while loading etc.. -1 = ignore (ignored totally ig EG_MASTER_BUILD is set --> <Param id="TestCase" value="-1"/> <!-- exit points. --> <!--Name should be EXACTLY as name of xml file (without .xml). There is no need to comment out the players. If you want less players - just change the count. These settings will be overrided by ingame character selection --> <Players count="4"> <Param id="Hero" /> <!-- Player 0 --> <Param id="Master" /> <!-- Player 1 --> <Param id="Panther" /> <!-- Player 2 --> <Param id="Panther" /> <!-- Player 3 --> </Players> <!-- Team assignment (works only when useTeams="true" in game mode settings) --> <Teams use="false"> <Team id="0"> <Param playerId="0" /> <Param playerId="1" /> <Param playerId="3" /> </Team> <Team id ="1"> <Param playerId="2" /> </Team> </Teams> <!-- Player identification colors used in HUD --> <Param id="PlayerColor1" value="1.0, 0.0, 0.0" /> <Param id="PlayerColor2" value="0.0, 1.0, 0.0" /> <Param id="PlayerColor3" value="0.0, 0.0, 1.0" /> <Param id="PlayerColor4" value="1.0, 1.0, 0.0" /> <!-- Debug --> <!-- GameMode: DM, CTF, KOTH, Assassin, DTS, TH, Tag, Ball, Single, MainMenu, Startup, CharacterEditor, Credits --> <!-- Level: WhaleMill, LionTemple, Glade, StaringForest, Village, CityPark, Windmill, NinjaHideout, TestLevel --> <Param id="GameMode" value="DM"/> <Param id="Level" value="NinjaHideout"/> <Param id="SinglePlayer" value="false"/> <Param id="Mission" value="1"/> <Param id="AllowSlimLevels" value="false"/> <!-- Enables loading of alternative level postfix _slim --> <Param id="RenderLines" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderRayCasts" value="false"/> <!-- RenderLines must be true also. --> <Param id="RenderDebugText" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderDebugText_Performance" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderDebugText_PlayerID" value="0"/> <!-- 0=player0, 1=player1, 2=player0+player1 --> <Param id="RenderDebugText_States" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderDebugText_ActivePoses" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderDebugText_Springs" value="false"/> <Param id="RenderDebugText_Network" value="false"/> <!-- Show Build Information --> <Param id="ShowBuildInformation" value="true"/> <Param id="InvertSticksWithR2Held" value="true" /> <Param id="DroppedObjectChangeColGroupTimer" value="0.3" /> <!-- For how long an object is ungrabbable after a character has dropped it --> </SettingGroup> <!-- Physics --> <SettingGroup id="Physics"> <Param id="EnableVisualDebugger" value="false"/> </SettingGroup> <!-- Network --> <SettingGroup id="Network"> <Param id="Server" value="false"/> <!-- Determines wheather or not to act as a server, make sure "Networked" parameter above is true --> <Param id="ServerIP" value=""/> <!-- IP address of server to connect to, only has effect if "Server" parmeter is "false" --> <Param id="SendDelay" value="0" /> <!-- Send delay in ms, with 100ms send delay on both client and server, effective latency would be 200ms. --> <Param id="DropRate" value="0" /> <!-- Packet drop rate in %. 50% would drop half of all outgoing packets. --> <Param id="CharacterSyncsPerSecond" value="10" /> <Param id="ObjectSyncsPerSecond" value="10" /> <Param id="ControllerSyncTicks" value="3" /> <!-- Synch network controller every N ticks --> <Param id="CharacterCorrectionThreshold" value="1" /> <Param id="UseNetworkRenderBuffer" value="false" /> <Param id="RenderBufferSize" value="5" /> <!-- Size in frames of network render buffer --> <Param id="CompressData" value="true" /> <!-- compress UDP/TCP data? --> <Param id="MinByteToCompress" value="75"/> <!-- minimum nr of bytes for a package to compress when compressing is on --> <Param id="CompressControllers" value="true"/> <!-- compress controller data? --> <!-- Network test settings. --> <Param id="TestEnabled" value="false"/> <!-- Enable network test. --> <Param id="TestDropRate" value="90"/> <!-- Packet loss rate (%). --> <Param id="TestDropDuration" value="1000"/> <!-- Packet loss interval (ms). --> <Param id="TestDelayTime" value="8000"/> <!-- Send delay time (ms). --> <Param id="TestDelayQueueSize" value="0"/> <!-- Delay queue size (number of packets). A value of 0 indicate infinite. --> </SettingGroup> <!-- AI --> <SettingGroup id="AI"> <Param id="EnableAI" value="true"/> <!--Start game with NPC or not--> <Param id="NrOfNPC" value="2"/> <!--Number of NPC to start [0 - 5]--> </SettingGroup> <!-- Various --> <SettingGroup id="Various"> <Param id="SkipStartup" value="false"/> <!-- Application starts directly in main menu --> <Param id="EnableFreecam" value="false"/> <!-- This may override other functionality using the same input --> <Param id="ReserveControllers" value="false"/> <!-- Alert when a reserved controller is unplugged. --> <Param id="UnpluggedTime" value="2.5"/> <!-- Time unplugged until message. --> </SettingGroup> <!-- Settings (Default values, will be overwritten by save) --> <SettingGroup id="Settings"> <Param id="ScreenSize" value="1.0"/> <!-- --> <Param id="Brightness" value="1.0"/> <!-- --> <Param id="VolumeMusic" value="0.7"/> <!-- --> <Param id="VolumeFX" value="1.0"/> <!-- --> <Param id="ShowTips" value="true"/> <!-- --> </SettingGroup> <!-- only available if EG_MASTER_BUILD is not set and RunDebug it true --> <SettingGroup id="RunDebug"> <Param id="RunDebug" value="false"/> <Param id="NrOfRetriesPerLevel" value="4"/> <Param id="NrOfAIs" value="4"/> <Param id="Team" value="false"/> <Param id="TimeLimit" value="30"/> <Param id="ScoreLimit" value="0"/> <Param id="Level" value=""/> <!-- String, empty = randomized level --> <Param id="GameMode" value=""/> <!-- String, empty = randomized multiplayer gamemode --> </SettingGroup> </SystemSettings>
Debug Options
It's possible to adjust the intensity of the blur (or even completely disable it) by changing the value in <param name="fNearFullBlur" value="-10.0"/> and <param name="fFarFullBlur" value="5100.0"/>.
<!-- LevelSettings This file contains base settings for a specific level. It does not contain any "game specific" data --> <settings> <!-- Post processing specific --> <postprocessing> <!-- The BrightPass takes away LDR information in order to process all information that is above 1.0 --> <pass name="BrightPass"> <param name="fMiddleGray" value="0.2"/> <param name="fLuminance" value="0.15"/> <param name="fOffset" value="3.0"/> <param name="fThreshold" value="0"/> </pass> <pass name="DOFPass"> <param name="fNearPlane" value="12.0"/> <param name="fFarPlane" value="20.0"/> <param name="fNearFullBlur" value="-10.0"/> <param name="fFarFullBlur" value="5100.0"/> <param name="fFogColorR" value="4"/> <param name="fFogColorG" value="1"/> <param name="fFogColorB" value="-1"/> <param name="fFogDistanceStart" type="Float" value="0"/> <param name="fFogDistanceFull" type="Float" value="0"/> </pass> <!-- Final pass description --> <pass name="FinalPass"> <param name="fMiddleGray" value="0.6"/> <param name="fLuminance" value="0.15"/> <param name="fBloomScale" value="1.5"/> </pass> <pass name="GUIPass"> <param name="fFade" value="0.0"/> <param name="fEdgeWideness" value="1000.0"/> </pass> </postprocessing> <!-- Camera specific --> <camera> <!-- Defines wich camera settings files that will be used by default The rootdirectory for camera settings is Data\Settings\Cameras --> <type id="EntityFrame" value="WindMill/EntityFrame_WindMill.xml" /> <type id="Freecam" value="Default/Freecam_Default.xml" /> <type id="Fixed" value="Default/Fixed_Default.xml" /> <type id="Rail" value="Default/Rail_Default.xml" /> </camera> </settings>
It's also worth noting that "\dev_hdd0\game\NPEA00103\USRDIR\Ragdoll\Data\LevelData\Windmill\WheelSpeed.txt" lets you adjust the rotational speed of the Windmill, while using "-" lets you change the direction.
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- PlayStation 3 games
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- Games released on April 16
- Games released on April 9
- Games released in August
- Games released on August 6
- Games with hidden development-related text
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- Games with unused models
- Games with debugging functions
- Stubs
- To do
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused game types
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Tarsier Studios
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 3 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sony > Games published by Sony Interactive Entertainment > Games published by Sony Computer Entertainment > Games published by SCEA
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sony > Games published by Sony Interactive Entertainment > Games published by Sony Computer Entertainment > Games published by SCEE
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sony > Games published by Sony Interactive Entertainment > Games published by Sony Computer Entertainment > Games published by SCEI
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sony > Games published by Sony Interactive Entertainment > Games published by Sony Computer Entertainment > Games published by SCE Australia
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2009
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April > Games released on April 16
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April > Games released on April 9
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 6