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Title Screen


Developer: Double Fine Productions[1]
Publishers: Majesco Entertainment[2], THQ, Double Fine Productions[1]
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Xbox, PlayStation 2
Released in US: April 26, 2005
Released in EU: February 10, 2006

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Document the Debug Menu.
  • Add prototype page.
  • Add stuff from Jill's Psychonauts Reverse Engineering "Blog."
  • There's some test levels and early maps that were accidentally shipped in the PS2 port. They can be ported to PC to be made playable and in some cases can be restored further by fixing up scripts from the 2013 Steam build

Psychonauts is a cult-classic, underselling game about a psychic boy that infiltrates a psychic summer camp. Using several kinds of psychic powers, Razputin must try to stop the children's brains from being stolen. In his adventure, he'll navigate inside other people's minds and help them with their psychological turmoils. It's mostly humorous, but some small details may prove to be... incredibly terrifying. Some of them might have actually been considered too extreme, so parts of the script got left in the cutting room floor.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.
Unused Dialogue
Debug Menu

Unused Animations

To do:
Figure out how to capture these. Currently the only accurate way to view them is ingame.


Hypnosis Animations

Various characters have animations relating to hypnosis present in the game files. These are part of an incredibly old concept where the player (probably still as D'artagnan at this stage) would enter minds by hypnotising the characters with a gold watch.

Brain Tumbler Experiment

Lungfish Deaths

Linda the Lungfish has 3 different death animations, but only one of them is used ingame (and it can barely be seen). The first, "lungfishdeathold", is incredible simple and rough and most likely temporary. What seems to be a more completed variation of it is present as "lungfish_death". These animations were likely both at some point used as part of the scrapped boss battle with Linda in Brain Tumbler Experiment.

The final death animation is called "driftwooddeath" and it actually is used when you shoot the shadow lungfish in the final game, but the visual effects on her make it almost impossible to see it unless you know what you're looking for. The strange name suggests it may have had some other purpose originally, but this is just speculation.

Milkman Conspiracy

Sleeping G-Men

The G-Men have animations for sleeping soundly as well as being suddenly woken up. This is a remnant from an early iteration of the level in which the post office was a warehouse full of sleeping G-Men. They would be woken up and arrest the player should Raz use his lev ball (presumably, the area would contain a platforming challenge and this restriction was in place to make it harder.) These animations are all that remain ingame of this concept.

Unused Graphics

To do:
Need pictures of some of these

"Sound Page" background

30 seconds in MS Paint.
Inside the game's files is a simple background for a "sound page". It's not clear what exactly this background was for, probably an early version of the sound options menu or possibly some kind of sound test.

A still image of Double Fine's logo, likely a placeholder before the animated one was put in.

Early Main Menu

To do:
Screenshot/footage of this menu in action

Psychonauts-titlescreen background.png

This image is used as the background for an early version of the main menu, presumably from before the 3D brain menu was implemented. This early menu still exists in the game's code, however the menu is dummied out and the code to show it is replaced by the code that normally shows intro videos and loads the final menu level.

Psychonauts-titlescreen eyeclosed.png Psychonauts-titlescreen eyeopen.png

An eye that closes and opens, bunched in with the placeholder title screen.

Demo splash screen

A leftover splash screen, shown at the end of demo versions of the game.

Placeholder inventory item

An unused inventory item icon labelled "unnamed object". It's nothin', g.

Unused badge icons

The following are early merit badge designs for abilities that exist in-game, including abilities that used to be psychic abilities but are now done by items instead, and what are presumably completely cut abilities. A lot of these designs are not hexagonal in shape, unlike the final game merit badges which are all the same hexagonal shape to allow them to slot together next to each other on the backpack.

Badge Purpose
PsychonautsMeritBadge1.png A icon of a brain in a red plus-sign shaped badge.

Unknown. Possibly related to the health regeneration granted when reaching rank 90, Dream Fluffs or general mental health upgrade.

PsychonautsMeritBadge2.png A rectangular yellow badge with a truck carrying a brain with a crane attached to it rotated 45 degrees.

Early version of Telekinesis.

PsychonautsMeritBadge3.png A green badge with a blue brain icon on the top and two boat battles forming a cross shape.

Most likely an early oarsman badge.

PsychonautsMeritBadge4.png A triangular yellow badge with a brain in a campfire.

Pyrokinesis. Can be seen on early screenshots.

PsychonautsMeritBadge5.png A green badge shaped like shades, each window being a brain with a figure coming out of a door on it.

Unknown, but bears some resemblance to the early clairvoyance seen below.

PsychonautsMeritBadge6.png A white badge depicting an arrow piercing a brain.

Early PSI-blast.

PsychonautsMeritBadge7.png A yellow badge with a brain that has a key's blade attached to it.

Unknown, but likely something related to keys or opening something. Could be alternate badge designated to entering one's mind aside from old Basic Braining.

PsychonautsMeritBadge8.png A blue bean-shaped badge depicting a brain with wings.

Unknown, but could be alternate/related to Levitation, or be related to cut usage of your "Thought Bubble" (AKA inventory) as an actual item.

PsychonautsMeritBadge9.png A cyan badge depicting an invisible kid with a red cap, yellow shirt, and sunglasses.


PsychonautsMeritBadge10.png A tan badge depicting a broom sweeping up dust, and a brain underneath.

Unknown. Possibly an early Mental Cobweb Duster.

PsychonautsMeritBadge11.png A green badge depicting 5 yellow question marks on a brain.


PsychonautsMeritBadge12.png A blue bowtie-shaped badge depicting two bald heads overlapping, with them sharing the same left and right eye respectively.

Old Clairvoyance.

PsychonautsMeritBadge13.png A green keyhole-shaped badge depicting a brain floating in a uncoiling basket...?

Unknown, but the basket implies that it could be Telekinesis, the Thought Bubble, or maybe it was related to the sidequest where Razputin has to collect the stolen brains of his campmates later in the game?

PsychonautsMeritBadge14.png A yellow badge depicting a figure using a metal detector to send waves through brown ground.

Unknown, but most likely Dowsing Rod.

PsychonautsMeritBadge15.png A brain-shaped badge of a brain, with a yellow smiley face in the middle.

Unknown. Likely related to aforementioned health regeneration given its ingame context.

PsychonautsMeritBadge16.png A badge that looks like a yellow and orange tennis ball with a depiction of a footprint in the middle.

Unknown. Possible alternate version of/related to Invisibility.

PsychonautsMeritBadge17.png A purple badge depicting pink waves rippling around a figure.

Shield. Can be seen in the prototype. Curiously, there's also a version of this badge in folder for learner's permissions, alongside with early Psi-blast and early Levitation, suggesting that it was intended to be learned from a mentor

PsychonautsMeritBadge18.png A tan badge depicting a brain with a door on it.

Early version of Basic Braining. While in the final game it does basically nothing, originally it would've been in place of the Psycho Portal to enter minds of people.

PsychonautsMeritBadge19.png A blue diamond-shaped badge depicting three white clouds and a levitating (falling?) figure in the middle.

Levitation. Can be seen in a few clips in the Color of the Sky in Your World documentary.

Camp kids

A silhouetted picture of the campers.

Unused Sound Effects


A sound loop intended for the loading screens. A similar sound is used in the sequel. Commented out Lua code found in the 2013 Steam build's uncompiled script sources also has this sound play when one of the doors on the main menu opens.


To do:
There are some more sounds I'm unsure about:
  • There are two versions of the credits music, EndCredits.ogg and CreditsLoop.ogg and the main loop of it. One of them is probably unused, I'm not sure which one it is.

The commonmusic.isb soundbank contains various snippets of music that aren't used in the final game.

Lungfish Death.aif

Another unused jingle. This sound was actually intended for a scrapped fight with the shadow lungfish in Brain Tumbler Experiment, where it'd play on beating the boss, but it was scrapped alongside that fight.


Musical cue for finding an arrowhead. The final game only produces foley sounds, or a different sound in case it's collected within someone's mind. The game loads this sound but never tries to play it.


Musical cue for finding PSI...? Could be in reference to either the PSI challenge markers or the PSI cards scattered about the world. Neither has a musical jingle in the final game, only foley sounds.


An unexpectedly long music track for finding PSI Markers. Given how long it is, it's possible that finding challenge markers was once intended to be accompanied by some kind of cutscene, otherwise this sound would have probably been very strange.


A file called SplashScreen.aif is present in the soundbank. It contains 200 milliseconds of silence and seems to be an artifact from when the game's XACT project was converted to ISACT. As ISACT does not support loop points, it splits files with them into 2 separate tracks, an intro and a looping body. The title screen track doesn't have a real intro and loops in its entirety, so this file is essentially a dummy file.

Debugging Features

Level Select

Raz is anxious to know which level you're going to choose

Present in the game's code is this level select screen, which can be re-enabled through hacking.

The top "Start Here" option takes you to the regular menu screen. Each actual level's main heading acts as a directory, you can select the heading itself to go to the first map of that area or expand the directory to list all the maps that are part of that level. Loading into a map will update your story progression and abilities/inventory to a state that matches up with that point in the game. Using the menu to go forward updates progression, but using it again to go back to earlier levels will retain any current progression.

While the menu lacks a prompt for keyboard and mouse, keyboard and mouse can be used to navigate it without issue.

This level select can also be seen when booting up the December 14th prototype build, where it functions identically. The main difference being that no levels exist past the asylum grounds in that build, so the level select ends there. Naturally, in the final game, all levels are present and selectable.


Two-Headed Dad Monster

The Two-Headed Dad Monster's textures feature an upside-down pentagram on Raz's Dad's forehead, which is not present on Raz's dad before his transformation.

"Your Name Here" credit slide

In the Collective Unconscious, located between Coach Oleander's Basic Braining and Lungfishopolis, a developer credit slide with "Your Name Here" written on it can be seen floating out in the void. The font is different to the used developer credit slides.

Psychonauts Your name here.png
