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Proto:Total Carnage (Arcade)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Total Carnage (Arcade).


Two prototypes have been dumped: Proto 1.0, dated January 25, 1992 and Proto 2.0, dated February 10, 1992. Proto 2.0 has few changes from the final version.

Airfield Mines

The two airfields have mines that move around as the player travels through it. The mines randomly change direction at regular intervals.

  • In Proto 1.0, the mines change direction with almost no delay.
  • In Proto 2.0 and the final, the black spots on the mines blink red, increasing their visibility, and stop for about half a second before moving again.

Baby Milk Factory Cutscene

The cutscene where the monster eats the soldier in front of the Baby Milk Factory shows different text under the monitor:

Proto 1.0 Proto 2.0 and Final

Ending Text

The good ending text scroll in the Pleasure Dome changes some lines between prototypes. It infamously teases an even better ending if the player(s) are able to collect all of the prizes in the hallway before entering the throne room. An interview with Mark Turmell during the creation of the compilation Midway Arcade Origins revealed that this was an oversight—the ending image with the girls was incorrectly paired with the text stating that some treasure was missed, and a proper congratulatory message was never written.[1]

The majority of the ending text is the same in all versions:


You have joined the heroes
from Smash T.V. in the
Pleasure Domes! We have
been waiting for you! The
ladies have been most anxious!

You have delivered Captain
Carnage and Major Mayhem into
a life of leisure. Their every
wish will be granted. Of
course, they will have to share
the goodies with the Smash boys,
but there is plenty to go around!

You are only one of a few
who have reached this far.

You are a great dual joystick
game player.

However, as greedy as you are, you
failed to pick up all the cash and
prizes sitting in the Pleasure Dome!

If you do this, the ladies will
prove that pain before pleasure
is worth it.

The last few lines differ:

Proto 1.0 Proto 2.0 Final
You must see this!

Thank you for almost conquering
Total Carnage.
You must see this!

Thank you for playing
Total Carnage.
Can you do this?

Thank you for playing
Total Carnage.

Proto 2.0 and the final version follow this with the game's credits. Proto 1.0 does not contain credits and cuts to the Game Over screen after this message.
