Proto:The Stanley Parable
This page details one or more prototype versions of The Stanley Parable.
The live demo(nstration) for The Stanley Parable, which seems very different for a video game demonstration compared to other games. Although, it surprisingly has some unused things...and of course, the fabulous eight game!
Developer Messages
A developer message present in the cup's texture, cup.vtf.
A message from Collin Eddings, one of the game's level designers. He also left some messages in the first few lines of subtitle_english.txt:
//Again, my email's at "lang" { "Language" "english" "Tokens" { //THE STANLEY PARABLE DEMO CAPTIONS //LIMITED EDITION 2013 PRO
Unused Graphics
A pushed texture for the disagree button. In the hallway after the cup game, the button can be seen, but not pushed.
Unused Narration
According to most of these sound files' original filenames, it seems they are intended for The Stanley Parable at the PAX event or were early versions, judging by some of the "PAX"-mentioning lines going used. This can be seen in the npc_sounds_narration_pax.txt file, in addition, there is unused text in npc_sounds_narration.txt too, showing likely remnants of one of the early versions of The Stanley Parable as can be seen in the Museum.
Another proctor
Are you prepared for THE STANLEY PARABLE?
Return to the receptionist
Waiting in the Waiting room
Back on Board
Back at the demo
What did the demo look like?
Thing found
Eight Game
This seems to be an early version of leaving the eight game immediately, or part of a version where the eight game wasn't created yet.
There are no subtitles for this early version, but it has Text-to-speech Mike saying Yes, oh God. Yes, I would sell my body for The Stanley Parable!
Surprisingly, the latter two lines related to bringing the cup along the demo have closed captions, but have the same double-digits "00" making them glitch up and end up using the last mentioned one if it exists. The lines and interactions with bringing the cup to the door are unused, however.
"You can't bring that cup with you in here, what are you thinking? Set it down outside, and I'll open the door again."
"No really, I mean it; you don't know where that cup's been, *I* do."
This seems to be an extra part that had to do with finding a hallway, and getting to make a choice before the final choice.
Unused Closed Captions
From subtitles_english.txt, for the subtitles that go unused because again, same double digits making the captions glitch out. (Note: the "<clr:" is for defining what color to use when the caption is displayed.)
"narration.26d_storage_00" "You responded:" "narration.26d_storage_00" "<clr:255,224,64>What a clear and straightforward demonstration of the merits of The Stanley Parable. I am convinced of the quality of the full game." "narration.26d_storage_00" "Incredible! You really do get it! You understand! Oh, I was so worried." "narration.26d_storage_00" "I just wanted you to know what I see in The Stanley Parable, what I think makes it, well... special. It's so very difficult to put into words...."
Download The Stanley Parable Unused Soundscripts
File: (info)
As mentioned before, soundscripts in Source can and will sometimes contain unused content that date back to development similar to those ones in Half-Life 2 with "e3" in them.