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Proto:The Money Game (NES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of The Money Game (NES).

An unreleased Famicom Disk System version of Sofel's The Money Game (194_SFL-TMG-1-0) was found in the FDS master ROM archive that was leaked on September 30th, 2020. This version actually pre-dates the cartridge release, with the disk version being intended for release a year earlier, in 1987.

To do:
This is just scratching the surface. Someone who knows Japanese should probably take a closer look at the text changes.

General Differences

  • Being a Disk System game, both loading times and saving the game to be expected.
  • The FDS version drops you onto the main screen after loading while the Famicom version has a bit of dialogue from an old-man turnip before you start the game.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Main.png MoneyGameFC Main.png
  • The HUD in the FDS version is mostly in English and displays your "Post", which in this case is "Common Employee". The Famicom version instead shows the exchange rate (1 dollar : 140 yen).
  • You start one stage lower on FDS.

Graphical Changes

FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Title.png MoneyGameFC Title.png
  • The "Push Start Button" text is smaller and lacks the exclamation marks on FDS.
  • The year was also bumped up.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Main.png MoneyGameFC Main.png
  • The main screen and HUD were very noticeably recolored.
  • Some objects, such as the bed, the phone, and the box next to the computer were redrawn and the ornament on the wall was removed.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Property.png MoneyGameFC Property.png
  • The icons on the screen showing your property were redrawn. The changes made to the HUD carry over to every other text box in the game.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Hint.png MoneyGameFC Hint.png
  • Clicking the turnip on the wall has old-man turnip give you some hints, his graphic isn't present in the FDS version.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS PhoneMenu.png MoneyGameFC PhoneMenu.png
  • The cursor on the phone menu was changed to a receiver.
  • Each person you can call here had their portraits changed to different degrees.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Girlfriend.png MoneyGameFC Girlfriend.png
  • Girlfriend
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Broker.png MoneyGameFC Broker.png
  • Broker
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Analyst.png MoneyGameFC Analyst.png
  • Analyst
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS AdvisorA.png MoneyGameFC AdvisorA.png
  • Financial Advisor A
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS AdvisorB.png MoneyGameFC AdvisorB.png
  • Financial Advisor B

Text Changes

FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Computer.png MoneyGameFC Computer.png
  • The menu that opens by clicking the computer adds the option "To the next stage", which does just that.
FDS Famicom
MoneyGameFDS Stock.png MoneyGameFC Stock.png
  • The other options are for stocks, cars, or houses, respectively. Each brings up the option to buy or sell, with the cartridge version reiterating what you are buying/selling.
  • When choosing the stocks option, FDS has the option to "Wait", which does the same thing as "To the next stage" and was moved to the main computer menu instead.

Music Changes

To do:
Rip & compare.
  • The title screen music is completely different.
  • The main screen of the game has no music on FDS.