Proto:Super Ninja Boy/Futureland
This is a sub-page of Proto:Super Ninja Boy.
- 1 Path to Computown
- 2 Computown
- 3 Path to Athletown
- 4 Athletown
- 5 Athletown Sewer
- 6 Return to Athletown
- 7 Sewer to Cactus Village
- 8 Near Cactus Village
- 9 Cactus Village
- 10 Path to Mr. ABC's Cave
- 11 Mr. ABC's Cave
- 12 Subway to Waterfall
- 13 Cave to Grandpolis
- 14 Grandpolis Sewer
- 15 Grandpolis
- 16 Ending
- 17 Return to Cactus Village
Path to Computown
Proto | Final |
Computown can't be accessed from the west in the final. Additionally, the path is fairly straightforward in the prototype, while the final adds an updated version of the cut special stage from the beginning of the prototype.
Proto | Final |
Several inaccessible buildings were removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
An ellipsis was changed to an equal sign in the final.
Proto | Final |
This dialogue was separated differently in the final, and "his" was corrected to "this".
Proto | Final |
A missing "for" was added in the final.
Path to Athletown
Proto | Final |
Some rocks were removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
The subway is positioned lower in the final.
Proto | Final |
This character's dialogue became less correct in the final, for some reason.
Proto | Final |
Chairman Oly lost his title in the final, presumably to free up room in his dialogue boxes.
Proto | Final |
B.B. Virgo's dialogue was reworded slightly in the final.
Athletown Sewer
Proto | Final |
The image in this cutscene was completely redrawn in the final.
Proto | Final |
The floor was lightened in the final.
Proto | Final |
This area was restructured a bit in the final.
This was most likely done due to a glitch allowing you to dock your ship right next to the stairs.
Proto | Final |
The Star Bomb chest displays a slightly different message when empty in the prototype.
Proto | Final |
The wall was extended in the final.
Proto | Final |
More layout changes, most likely for the reasons mentioned above.
Proto | Final |
Bad News Boss had his dialogue completely rewritten in the final.
This line in the prototype, a modified duplicate of Jack's previous line, was removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
This dialogue was completely butchered in the final for some reason.
Return to Athletown
Proto | Final |
As before, Oly's title was removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
A quotation mark was added in the final.
Proto | Final |
"Gather round" became "Gather around" in the final.
Sewer to Cactus Village
Proto | Final |
A typo was fixed in the final.
Proto | Final |
A quotation mark was removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
The LV Counter 4 chest displays a slightly different message when empty in the prototype.
Proto | Final |
A glitch allows you to dock next to the stairs in the prototype. This was fixed in the final.
Proto | Final |
More rocks were added in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some cutoff on the mountains was fixed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some rather odd-looking grass tiles were turned into a proper bridge in the final, even more cutoff was fixed, and some mountains were removed and rearranged.
Near Cactus Village
Proto | Final |
The layout was completely changed in the final.
Cactus Village
Proto | Final |
Preacher ABC was renamed to Mr. ABC in the final.
Proto | Final |
A quotation mark was added in the final.
Path to Mr. ABC's Cave
Proto | Final |
The path is more straightforward in the prototype, and more rocks were added in the final.
Mr. ABC's Cave
Proto | Final |
The cave tileset was redrawn in the final, furniture was added, and the room was made more square.
Proto | Final |
As before, Preacher ABC became Mr. ABC in the final.
Proto | Final |
More renaming.
Proto | Final |
More renaming.
Proto | Final |
A period was added in the final.
Proto | Final |
The word "this" was removed in the final.
Subway to Waterfall
Proto | Final |
More rocks were added in the final.
Cave to Grandpolis
Proto | Final |
The cave tileset was redrawn in the final, the palette was changed, furniture was added, and the room was made more square.
Proto | Final |
The background was made more detailed in the final, and the minecart rail was redrawn.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final, and some jumps were made easier.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final, and a bat was removed.
Proto | Final |
This bat was repositioned a bit in the final.
Proto | Final |
Two more bats were removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final, and some spikes were removed.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final, and some spikes were removed.
Proto | Final |
More background details were added in the final.
Proto | Final |
An enemy was removed in the final, and the barrier was turned into a regular wall.
Proto | Final |
The layout of this area was changed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Climbing too high causes the player character's sprite to gradually disappear in the prototype. This was fixed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some spikes and an enemy were removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some spikes and an enemy were removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some ledges were removed in the final, making this part a bit easier.
Proto | Final |
More layout changes.
Proto | Final |
An enemy was removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
Some spikes were removed in the final, and the ledge was shortened.
Proto | Final |
More layout changes, and an enemy was removed.
Grandpolis Sewer
Proto | Final |
This area was restructured a bit in the final, most likely due to the aforementioned glitch. There's also a cracked wall tile that doesn't seem to be used anywhere in the final.
Proto | Final |
A wall was added in the final.
This was most likely done due to a glitch allowing you to board your ship right next to the stairs.
Proto | Final |
The tileset was redrawn, and its palette was changed.
Proto | Final |
More tileset changes.
Proto | Final |
More tileset changes.
Proto | Final |
The Aura items had spaces added to their names in the final, most likely because "Auraarmor" looks awkward.
Proto | Final |
The dialogue was improved in the final.
Proto | Final |
Rub-A-Doc's laughter was toned down in the final to make room for a quotation mark.
Proto | Final |
An erroneous quotation mark was removed in the final.
Proto | Final |
One of Robo Doc's moves has a different name in the prototype.
Proto | Final |
The ending uses a different image in the final.
Return to Cactus Village
Proto | Final |
The beginning of this cutscene was rewritten in the final.
Proto | Final |
A missing quotation mark was added in the final.
Proto | Final |
"Aura Balls" was changed to "Auraballs" in the final.