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Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 3/Stage Differences/Other Stages

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 3/Stage Differences.

2-Player Stages

Azure Lake

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) ALZ1.png
  • There is a spring that was removed from the final.

Balloon Park

Proto Final Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) BPZ1.png
  • The arrangement of the music is very unrefined and light on bass.

Chrome Gadget

Proto Final Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) CGZ.png
  • The background scrolls differently.
  • The music is arranged differently.

Desert Palace

Proto Final Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) DPZ.png
  • One of the background palette's colors is incorrectly set to black instead of brown.
  • The music is arranged differently with a quieter lead instrument.

Endless Mine

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) EMZ1.png
  • The large breakable gold nuggets aren't present.
  • The music is almost exactly the same as in the final.

Bonus Stages

  • The HUD has SCORE and TIME listed, as the smaller HUD isn't yet implemented.
  • None of these levels have title cards. This is due to zone IDs past The Doomsday, which the bonus stages are, hiding the title card. The "Bonus Stage" title card isn't implemented yet either.

Gumball Machine

No gumballs for you!

Incredibly barebones at this point, but a start has been made.

  • Plays the Special Stage theme.
  • The map only features a layout - there's no collision detection for the walls, the gumball machine itself doesn't do anything, and most importantly, there aren't any bumpers, meaning you unceremoniously fall... to your death, as the code to end the bonus game isn't present. The tiles for the spring net are present and are even a different color, but alas, there's no springs atop them, nor does said net have any collision itself.
  • There's some different graphics, namely in the tileset for the walls - the final has more shading details. The background is filled with placeholder tiles instead of the finalized checkerboard, and the layer in front of it is quite different in design. The gumball machine itself is more or less finalized, however. The floor structure is the same in both versions, in the final version only the palette will be changed.
To do:
Add the final map for comparison
Proto Final

Full Map

To do:
Add the final map for comparison
Proto Final
Behold, the pit of death.

Glowing Spheres

Numbers, numbers, numbers!
  • Plays the Slot Machine theme.
  • Even less complete than the Sonic 3C 0408 version, if you can believe it.
  • The stage's background does not exist in the ROM, and instead uses placeholder number tiles. These numbered tiles are intended to be animated by a reloading routine that doesn't seem to be present.

Slot Machine

Trippy graphics, as usual.
  • Plays the Gumball Machine theme.
Proto Final
Hole-y programmer art, Batman! A little more detailed.
  • The slot machine looks different:
    • The simple hole that operates the machine was replaced with an elaborate glass cage.
    • A bunch of shadowing was added. The top arm's shapes were shifted down for the newly added shadow.
    • The squares and triangles had their colors changed to a cycling yellow palette.
    • The indigo color used by the slot machine was updated to a proper blue.
  • The prototype's second palette is missing the colors needed for Rings, which is obviously a problem.
Very detailed and charming!
Robotnik's a cyclops now...
  • The colors in the object palettes had to be shuffled around to accommodate both the Rings and the updated slot machine, resulting in the slots themselves losing some of their details.
  • A layout is present, but collision has not been implemented.

Unused Chunks

Some unused chunks exist, most of which are blank, but some appear to be laid out to test the background animations. Blank chunks include C-F, 2A-2F, and 34-4E.

Special Stages

To do:
Map differences. Check if the other special stages existed in this build

Merely tech demos at this point in development, using different sprites entirely for the spheres. No proper gameplay has been implemented, though the proper Special Stage music is used.

Holding A and pressing Start will return you to the title screen.

Special Stage 1

Spheres on a sphere? Madness, I tell you!

A pre-rendered gray sphere with red spheres rotating around it. This set of spheres remains in the final game in Angel Island Zone Act 1, unused.

Button Controller 1 Controller 2
Start Toggles between automatic and manual rotation. Toggles between automatic and manual rotation.
A/C Rotates left or right. Zooms the spheres in or out. A zooms out, C zooms in.
B Resets the spheres to their point of origin. If automatic movement is enabled, stops the spheres from rotating along one of the axes if held down.
Up/Down Adjusts how fast the spheres rotate on one of the axes. Moves the matrix up and down.
Left/Right Rotates the spheres along the Y-axis Moves the matrix up and down.

Special Stage 2

A flat square of spheres bouncing up and down while rotating. A secondary animation causes them to contract and expand. Parts of this animation overload the VDP's sprite bandwidth, causing some of the sprite pixels to disappear (as can be seen in the expanding animation below).

Button Controller 1 Controller 2
Start Toggles between automatic and manual rotation. Toggles between automatic and manual rotation.
A/C Speeds up or slows down the rotation when automatic, or rotates the spheres left or right along the X-axis when manual. Zooms the spheres in or out. A zooms out, C zooms in.
B Toggles between the primary and secondary animations. If automatic movement is enabled, stops the spheres from rotating if held down.
Up/Down Rotates the viewing angle in the given direction. Moves the matrix up and down.
Left/Right Rotates the viewing angle in the given direction. Moves the matrix up and down.
Bouncing Expanding and Contracting
Up and down and up and down and... Woah, trippy...