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Proto:Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)/The Trial/Unused Content

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)/The Trial.

While most of these are used in the final, they go completely unused in this build, though there are some straight up unused ones.

Leftover Data

  • Examining 1ST_READ.BIN reveals that early animation data, start and end positions for half of the stages, and placeholder ranking information for Mission 1 exist within the game. Every main character (Sonic, Shadow, Mech Tails, Mech Eggman, Knuckles, Rouge, Tails, Eggman) has an animation list dedicated to them, but the internal IDs for said animations and their character models are different.
  • The internal stage list referenced by the characters' positioning data and ranking information reaches up to ID 28 (Pyramid Cave). Notably, Lost Colony's stage ID - 27 - is not referenced in either the placeholder ranking information or in Mech Eggman's start/end position values. Knuckles also references ID 53 in his positioning data, which is the stage ID for King Boom Boo in the Dreamcast version.
  • Ranking information for each stage aside from City Escape lists the following values:
Rank Score
D Rank 2,000
C Rank 5,000
B Rank 10,000
A Rank 15,000
  • Egg Quarters and Pyramid Cave do not have placeholder ranking information, despite being referenced in Rouge and Sonic's positioning information, respectively.

Unused Graphics

Seeing as this demo is only a sliver of the final, there are bound to be unused graphics. Most of these are used in the final, but are only in the demo because they're grouped with textures that are needed for the demo.

City Escape Map

SA2TheTrial CityEscapeMap.png

Available as a simple bitmap image file on the ROM is a map of City Escape. This map is used for geometry culling when entering specified areas of the level, a feature that is present in all versions of the game.

Capsule Graphics

SA2TheTrial Knuckles.png SA2TheTrial Tails.png SA2TheTrial Shadow.png SA2TheTrial Rouge.png SA2TheTrial Eggman.png

SA2TheTrial Bomb.png SA2TheTrial Life.png
Various icons for item boxes from other stages that aren't used in the demo.

SonicAdventure2 RandomRing.png
This one is unused in both the demo and the final though.

Two-Player Win Indicator

SA2TheTrial 2Player.png

The graphics that display on the bottom of each player's screen during two-player are on the ROM. 2 Player Mode exists but can't be accessed normally. The second graphic is slightly transparent, so a black background was added for visibility.

Other Unused Graphics

To do:
See what's here.

There are more textures used on things outside of the City Escape stage, including the Mystic Melody door, the hint computer for Knuckles/Rouge stages, and the textures for an upgrade point.

Unused Text

Early Level and Boss List

An unreferenced stage list can be found in TEXT_E.PRS and TEXT_J.PRS:

King Boom Boo
GOLEM(an assumed name)
THE BIOHAZARD(an assumed name)

This remains in the final, unused, but there are some differences to note:

  • Wild Canyon is listed without the "2P" suffix.
  • In the final, Weapons Bed 2P is just listed as Weapons Bed again.
  • Egg Quarters is listed as Egg Quarter.
  • Tails vs. Eggman 2 lacks an entry, suggesting it hadn't been implemented at this point.

Mission Entries

Although City Escape's first mission is normally the only seen mission entry, other missions have entries in MISSIONE.PRS; seems like none of the actual entries (including the used one) were ready yet since they are all just <NO MISSION> when English is the set language.

Mission text exists for the Japanese language setting in MISSIONJ.PRS and is in a more complete state, though aspects such as certain time limits for the available Mission 4 strings are different from the final version. The mission text list contains space for 250 entries, but the last filled entry in the file is the 145th, which corresponds to Pyramid Cave's Mission 5 text. Mission text that would correspond to the Kart levels and Crazy Gadget's second mission do not exist in this file.

Japanese Translation Notes
デバッグをしろ! Debug it!
このステージはやるな! Don't do this stage! This is the 11th entry, corresponding to "This stage is cool!" in the final game's English translation. 2-10 are left blank.
島から脱出しろ! Escape from the island! This is the 16th entry. 12-15 are left blank. This mission text slot corresponds to Green Forest in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! This mission text slot corresponds to Green Forest's second mission in the final version.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! This mission text slot corresponds to Green Forest's third mission in the final version.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! This mission text slot corresponds to Green Forest's fourth mission in the final version.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! This mission text slot corresponds to Green Forest's fifth mission in the final version.
島から脱出しれ! Escape from the island! 16, but written differently? This mission text slot and the following four correspond to White Jungle in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
あの鐘を鳴らせ! Ring that bell! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Pumpkin Hill in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にマスターエメラルドの欠片を集めろ! Gather the master emerald shards in two minutes!
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
トルネード号を追え! Follow The Tornado! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Sky Rail in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのマスターエメラルドの欠片を探せ! Search for the 3 master emerald shards! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Aquatic Mine in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にマスターエメラルドの欠片を集めろ! Gather the master emerald shards in two minutes! Copy of string 29.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのカオスエメラルドを盗れ! Steal the 3 chaos emeralds! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Security Hall in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17. Again.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にカオスエメラルドを集めろ! Collect the chaos emeralds in two minutes!
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
ロウヤに侵入せよ! Break into the prison! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Prison Lane in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
軍の基地から脱出しろ! Escape the military base! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Metal Harbor in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
基地の中心部をめざせ! Head towards the center of the base! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Iron Gate in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
基地内部に侵入せよ! Break into the base! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Weapons Bed in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
ゴールリングを目指せ! Head towards the goal ring! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to City Escape in the final version. This is also the only mission text that is normally seen in The Trial.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17. Again.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
軍の追跡から逃れろ! Escape the military's pursuit! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Radical Highway in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのマスターエメラルドの欠片を探せ! Search for the 3 master emerald shards! This is the 81st entry. 76-80 are left blank. This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Wild Canyon in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にマスターエメラルドの欠片を集めろ! Gather the master emerald shards in two minutes! Copy of string 29.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
端末室をめざせ! Head towards the terminal room! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Mission Street in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのマスターエメラルドの欠片を探せ! Search for the 3 master emerald shards! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Dry Lagoon in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にマスターエメラルドの欠片を集めろ! Gather the master emerald shards in two minutes! Copy of string 29.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
秘密基地に帰還せよ! Return to the secret base! This is the 106th entry. 96-105 are left blank. This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Sand Ocean in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
エッグマンのもとに急げ! Hurry towards Eggman! This mission text slot and the following three correspond to Crazy Gadget in the final version.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! This is the 113th entry. 112 is left blank. Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
ピラミッドに侵入せよ! Break into the Pyramid! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Hidden Base in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
コロニーの動力室をめざせ! Head for the colony's power room! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Eternal Engine in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのゲートスイッチを探せ! Search for the 3 gate switches! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Death Chamber in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゲートスイッチを集めろ! Collect the gate switches in two minutes!
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
3つのカオスエメラルドを盗れ! Steal the 3 chaos emeralds! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Egg Quarters in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゲートスイッチを集めろ! Collect the gate switches in two minutes! Copy of string 134.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
コロニーの中心部を目指せ! Head towards the center of the colony! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Lost Colony in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
秘密基地を探し出せ! Find the secret base! This mission text slot and the following four correspond to Pyramid Cave in the final version.
リングを100枚集めろ! Collect 100 rings! Copy of string 17.
とらわれたチャオを探し出せ! Find the captured chao! Copy of string 18.
2分以内にゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal within 2 minutes! Copy of string 19.
ゴールを目指せ! Reach the goal! Copy of string 20.
(Source: AlonWoof (Translation))