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Proto:Smash Hit/Version 0.1

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Smash Hit.

To do:
Find or record higher quality video. Also, rip some assets from this version.

Version 0.1 is the first known version of Smash Hit for iOS ripped from the App Store. The date associated with this version appears to be 2013-08-06.

The main menu has been completely updated to be more inline with the HUD, and there are now three levels: 1, 2 and 3. When in the game, there is now music and sound effects. It also appears that the powerups have been completely redesigned from the pre-alpha builds, as there are now six of them: multiball (shoots four extra balls for a limited period of time), diamonds (which now give 1000 points instead of 3000), barrels (blow up any glass nearby), extra balls (gives 10 extra balls), slomo (slows down time) and ball frenzy (rapidly shoots balls). Unlike later versions of the game, some of the power-ups can be combined at the same time.