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Proto:Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A prototype of Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys from March 15th, 2007.

Gameplay Differences

Main Menu

ShrekO&D Mar15 Menu.png

The build boots straight into a primitive debug menu.

Animation Test

ShrekO&D Mar15 ModelViewer.png

Animation Test allows you to play and cycle through the Ogres and Dronkey's animations.


ShrekO&D Mar15 Playpen.png

The gameplay and the UI are in a primitive state.

Model Differences

Ogre.nsbmd and Dronkey.nsbmd

Mar 15 Final
They could've always been uglier.

... they could've always been uglier.

ShrekO&D Ogre Final.png

ShrekO&D Dronkey Final.png

The Ogres and Dronkeys were both originally a lot uglier.


Mar 15 Final
ShrekO&D GMan Mar15.png ShrekO&D GMan texture final.png

The Gingerbread Man's texture is at double the resolution of the finalized texture.


Filename Mar 15 Final Notes
toyhammerlg.nsbmd ShrekO&D toyhammerlg Mar15.png ShrekO&D toyhammerlg final.png Changed from a bug on a stick to a toy hammer.
toyhammersm.nsbmd ShrekO&D toyhammersm Mar15.png ShrekO&D toyhammersm final.png Reverse of the former.
toymaskfunny.nsbmd A good choice to tone this down...
ShrekO&D toymaskfunny final.png
Toned down to be less frightening.
toymaskscary.nsbmd ShrekO&D toymaskscary Mar15.png
ShrekO&D toymaskscary final.png
Changed from a pumpkin mask to a cartoon witch mask.
toypiano.nsbmd ShrekO&D toypiano Mar15.png
ShrekO&D toypiano Final.png
A generic piano, later changed to a more aesthetically fitting wooden piano.

A good number of toys initially had different designs.

Unused Models


ShrekO&D toywand.png

A magic wand toy that was later cut.

Leftover Assets

Even more models from other WayForward games are here, many from unreleased or unannounced projects.


ShrekO&D dragon.png

A model of Jake Long leftover from American Dragon: Jake Long - Attack of the Dark Dragon.

ShrekO&D dragon01.gif

In addition are ten individual models representing frames of a walk cycle.


ShrekO&D monster jake.png

Another American Dragon: Jake Long leftover.


ShrekO&D shantae.png

A model of WayForward's own Shantae, who has yet to have a proper 3D game entry. Seemingly lacks her ponytail. May have been part of the leaked Shantae DS tech demo that was seemingly in development around the same time, though said demo uses a completely different model.


You really can't make this up.

This lovable character, a lanky cracker man with a photographic baby face is "Waferward", a pun on WayForward.


ShrekO&D xaolin.png

A model of Omi from Xaolin Showdown.

Unused Graphics


No boots?

A photograph of a cat.


ShrekO&D shantaeB.gif

An idle animation from the unreleased Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution for Game Boy Advance.
