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Proto:RimWorld/Alpha 4

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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.


UI Differences
So many!!!!!!!!
Texture Differences
Enough texture changes to make a grown man cry

Unused Content

Door Key

There is an unused door key item which can be spawned with the debug menu.
RWAlpha4 Doorkey.png


Various textures for hats exist in the game data but cannot ever be seen in this version of the game, even with the debug menu.

RWAlpha 4Helmet.png

RWAlpha4 M1Helmet.png

RWAlpha4 PowerHelmet.png

RWAlpha4 Cowboyhat.png

Tactical Game leftovers

There are some textures leftover from a distant ancestor of Rimworld, Tactical Game.

There is a "missing content" icon, presumably as a failsafe for if a texture fails to load or does not exist.
RWAlpha4 MissingContent.png

Colony creation

Stockpiles and sleeping spots are created on game start.

On dropping into a map, a regular and a dumping stockpile zone are already marked, both 5 by 5 tiles. 3 sleeping spots are also present. This is not the case in the final game.


5 storytellers exist in this version of the game, instead of the 3 in the final game. The scroll bar in the storyteller section leaves room for 3 more.

Name Description Present in final game?
Chill Callie Classic Callie is a less aggressive version of her sister Cassandra. She's good for a first game. No
Cassandra Classic Cassandra creates story events on a steadily-increasing curve of challenge and tension. Yes
Phoebe Friendly Phoebe doesn't want to hurt anyone. She just wants a relaxing tale about people building a colony. So she'll be very friendly. Yes - renamed to "Phoebe Chillax"
Randy Random Randy doesn't follow rules. He'll generate random events, and he doesn't care if they make a story of drama or utter hopelessness. It's all drama to him. Yes
Tough Cleopatra Classic Cassandra Classic's less forgiving cousin. No

Item/building differences

The home region is not automatically set when building.


The following is a list of all weapons available in the game at this point. Melee weapons have not been added at this point in development.

Alpha Item Note/Fate
Frag grenades Unchanged
Molotov cocktails Unchanged
Pistol Split into the "Revolver" and "Autopistol"
Pump shotgun Unchanged
Lee-Enfield Renamed to "Survival Rifle" and then later "Bolt-action Rifle" (final)
M-16 Renamed to "Assault rifle"
M-24 Renamed to "Sniper rifle"
Uzi Renamed to "Machine Pistol"
T-9 incendiary launcher Renamed to simply "Incendiary launcher"
L-15 LMG Renamed to simply "LMG"
Minigun Unchanged
Improvised turret gun Not supposed to be equipped by colonists (unchanged)
Charge blaster Mechanoid-only weapon, not supposed to be equipped by colonist (split into heavy & light)
Inferno cannon Mechanoid-only weapon, not supposed to be equipped by colonist (unchanged)
Short bow Unchanged
Pila Unchanged
Great bow Unchanged
Handful of stones Removed


Armour & clothing cannot be crafted, equipped, or taken off in this version of the game, so none of them have item textures. The only way for a pawn to get certain clothing is to be randomly generated with it.

Alpha item Note/Fate
T-shirt Unchanged
Button-down shirt Unchanged
Duster Unchanged
Jacket Unchanged
Armor vest Renamed to "flak vest"
Power armor Split into Recon armor, marine armor, cataphract armor, etc.
Tribalwear Unchanged


  • There are only 3 types of animals: Muffalo, squirrels, and boomrats. These three plus human are the only meat types available.
  • There are only 6 growable plants: Potato, strawberry, rose, daylily, dandelion, and oak tree. Potatoes, berries, and agave fruit (the latter two are both harvestable from wild plants) are the only vegetarian food types available.
  • Components aren't added yet, but a few items have the thingclass "ThingWithComponents"
  • Silver, metal, and uranium are the only ore items available, although silver and uranium don't generate in the world. (maybe wrong)
Alpha Item Fate in later versions
Mineral (ore) & Metal (item) Renamed to "Compacted Steel" (ore) and "Steel" (item) respectively.
Rock (walls, debris, etc.) Split into five types - Granite, limestone, marble, sandstone and slate.
Raspberry Bush Renamed to Berry Bush

Wood & walls

Alpha 4 is one of the last versions of the game to use the logs/planks system. Much like how debris must be cut into bricks at a stonecutter's table in the final game in order to be useful, logs would have been cut at a sawmill into planks.


  • Wood and metal walls all had built-in power conduits, while log walls & stone walls did not.
  • Regular doors transmit power, this is not the case in the final game.
  • Table sizes are 2x2 and 2x4. In the final game, there is also a 2x1 size table.
  • Machining bench has no purpose other than to disassemble mechanoid corpses. (maybe wrong)
Alpha Building Fate in later versions
Powered doors Renamed to autodoors
Research bench Split into research bench and hi-tech research bench. Moved from Misc to Production.
Shelves Shelves only hold 1 stack per tile, compared to the 3 stacks per tile in the latest version.

Mechanical Differences

Absent mechanics

  • Temperature
  • Hediffs (colonists use a HP system)


The "Thoughts" screen.

Colonists have only two needs in the needs tab, food and rest. There is a separate "Thoughts" tab with three need bars, "Loyalty", "Happiness", and "Fear", Loyalty being set to the value of either Happiness or Fear, whichever is higher. If the Loyalty score goes below a certain threshold (as indicated by an orange line), then the colonist will go into a mental break. Additionally, if the Loyalty score of a prisoner is below the threshold, all recruitment attempts will fail.
Similar to the final game, colonists will have "thoughts" that react to their surroundings, all of which provide a modifier to their Happiness (left) and their Fear (right) values. These thoughts expire over time.


There is no "Animals" skill.


To do:
Categories that need doing:
  • More societal positions
  • Medical and body
  • Aug abilities

All traits have the following description:

Traits are just fun story bits for now; most of them don't do anything. This will change in future versions.

The following is a list of traits, categorised as they are in the game data:

Talents and Skills Note/Fate In current version?
Mind reader No
Math talent No
Language talent No
Rapier wit No
Radiation tolerance Possibly turned into "tox resistance" gene. No
Imaginative No
Business acumen No
Charisma Possibly turned into various backstories that influence the social skill. No
Gunsmith No
Impersonator No
Sexually experienced Possibly turned into "high libido" gene.
Sexually inexperienced Possibly turned into "low libido" gene. No
Artistic Possibly turned into "tortured artist" trait, or any number of artist-related backstories. No
Musician Possibly turned into a backstory. No
Knitter No
Weaver Turned into a backstory. No
Weather predictor No
Leader Possibly influenced the Ideology expansion's leader system. No
Fashion knowledge No
Vehicle mechanic Possibly turned into a backstory. No
Culturally adaptable No
Eidetic memory No
Photographic memory No
Empathy Possibly turned into the "Psychic bonding" gene from the Biotech expansion. No
Gadgeteer Possibly turned into a backstory No
General (Positive) Note/Fate In current version?
Well-traveled No
Multilingual No
Double-jointed No
High pain threshold Turned into "tough" No
Charitable Possibly turned into the Ideology expansion's charity precepts No
Chummy No
Honest No
Truthful No
Attentive No
Broad-minded No
Careful Possibly turned into "nimble" No
Congenial Possibly turned into "kind" No
General (Neutral) Note/Fate In current version?
Vat-grown Possibly inspired the growth vat from Biotech No
Veteran Turned into backstory No
Dog lover No
Cat lover No
Bird lover No
Fur Turned into the furskin gene in Biotech No
Nose job Replaced with the hediff system No
Cosmetic surgery Replaced with the hediff system No
Cosmetic genemod Replaced with the hediff system No
City slicker No
Animal lover No
Celebrity fan No
Ascetic Wow Yes
Oracular visions No
Pious No
Humble No
General (Negative) Note/Fate In current version?
Pyromaniac Yes
Evil Possibly replaced by "psychopath" No
Sadistic No
Nymphomaniac No
Bestiality thirst What No
Sexual deviant No
Flatulent No
Tuneless humming Possibly replaced by "creepy breathing" No
Spits on floor No
Ticklish No
Hoarder No
Prone to anger No
History of murder No
Terrifying appearance No
Absent-minded No
Amnesiac Possibly replaced by "alzheimers" hediff No
Smells bad No
Goes berserk No
Raised by animals Possibly replaced by a backstory No
Bloodlust Yes
Bully Possibly replaced by a backstory No
Callous Possibly replaced by "abrasive" No
Chronically depressed Possibly replaced by "depressive" No
Chronic pain Replaced with the hediff system No
Clueless No
Colorblind No
Lazy No
Fragile No
Greedy No
Gullible No
Hamfisted No
Uncreative No
Impulsive No
Neurotic Yes
Incurious No
Indecisive No
Innumerate No
Insomniac No
Intolerant Possibly replaced by Ideology's "diversity of thought" precepts No
Jealous Yes
Killjoy No
Kleptomaniac No
Klutz No
Lame No
Loner Possibly replaced by the "recluse" trait added in Biotech No
Lecherous No
Low pain threshold Replaced by "wimp" No
Poor self-esteem No
Megalomaniac No
Miserly No
Nightmares No
No sense of humor No
Nocturnal Replaced by "night owl" No
Noisy No
Numb No
Overconfident No
Paranoid No
Hemophobic No
Fear of loud noise No
Hates technology No
Agoraphobic Possibly replaced by "undergrounder" No
Claustrophobic No
Hates foreigners Possibly replaced by the Ideology expansion's "diversity of thought" or "preferred xenotype" precepts No
Secret identity No
Selfish No
Selfless No
Short attention span No
Shy No
Leper No
Confused Possibly replaced by "alzheimers" hediff No
Cowardly Possibly replaced by "wimp" No
Curious No
Unlucky No
Hears voices No
Dyslexic No
Split personality No
Squeamish No
Stubborn No
Stutter No
Cosmetic surgery Duplicate No
Weak Possibly replaced with "delicate" No
Workaholic No
Chauvinistic Possibly replaced with "misogynist" or "misandrist" or the Ideology expansion's "diversity of thought" precepts No
No self-awareness No
Distractible No
Dreamer No
Dull No
Nosy No
Changing personality No
Proud No
Alcohol intolerance No
Compulsions Note/Fate In current version?
Compulsive partier No
Compulsive gambler No
Compulsively generous No
Compulsive liar No
Compulsive thief No
Compulsive cusser No
Compulsions Note/Fate In current version?
Illuminati connections No
Disowned by family No
Criminal reputation No
Excommunicated No
Famous No
No identity No
Societal positions Note/Fate In current version?
Illuminati connections No
Disowned by family No
Criminal reputation No
Excommunicated No
Famous No
No identity No


Scrapped researches

The following research options are available in Alpha 4 but not in the current version of the game. Many of them focus on unlocking modifiers instead of new items or buildings.

Name Description Fate in later versions
Pneumatic picks Miner's picks are 20% more effective. Removed
Slag refining Build slag refineries which use heat and strong electromagnets to extract useful metal from slag debris. Removed
Nutrient resynthesis Nutrient paste dispensers consume 10% less food per meal produced. Removed
Gun turret cooling Gun turrets fire four shots in a burst instead of three. Removed
Cremation Build crematoriums which can vaporize unwanted corpses. Merged with the "electricity" research (not present in this build)
Strong doors Powered doors gain an extra 100 health. Removed, perhaps in favour of using the materials system for different health values.
Fear tech 1 Research new ways to inspire fear. Removed
Fertilizer pump Allows you to build fertilizer pumps, which can create farmable soil anywhere. Replaced with/renamed to moisture pumps?