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Proto:Psycho Fox

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Psycho Fox.

A late prototype of Psycho Fox, released by SMS Power! on March 27, 2022 for their 25th anniversary.
Also referred to as the "AIMO prototype".

General Differences

  • The prototype's title screen credits AIMO instead of Sega.
Prototype Final
Psycho Fox SMS Proto title.png Psycho Fox SMS title.png
  • Upon loading a game, a level select is shown.
Psycho Fox SMS Proto LevelSelect.png
  • The credits in the prototype are slightly different:

"The Rich Man" features a different face graphic in the prototype.

Prototype Final
Psycho Fox SMS Proto TheRichMan.png Psycho Fox SMS TheRichMan.png

AIMO is credited in the prototype instead of Sega.

Prototype Final
Psycho Fox SMS Proto ProducedBy.png Psycho Fox SMS ProducedBy.png