Proto:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Spaceworld 1997 Demo/Text
This is a sub-page of Proto:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Spaceworld 1997 Demo.
While most of the overworld exists and is relatively easy to access, NPC dialogue and any kind of story content are sadly limited to the first few areas of the game. What text is present, though, reveals quite a different story, complete with unused characters and different character dynamics.
Demo Mode Strings
Strings exclusive to demo mode, which is how this build was presented to attendees of Spaceworld '97.
Opening Text
Japanese | Translation |
サトシ |
Ash |
The Player's name in demo mode.
Japanese | Translation |
シゲル |
Gary |
The Rival's name in demo mode.
Japanese | Translation |
ようこそ ポケット モンスターの せかいへ! ごぞんじ わしが オーキドじゃ! きょう きみに きてもらったのは ほかでもない あたらしい ずかんづくりを てつだって ほしいのじゃ! もちろん きみの パートナーとなる ポケモンと りュックは ようい しておる りュックの なかには キズぐすりと モンスターボールが はいっておるから あんしんじゃ! すでに きみの ライバルは しゅっぱつ しとる まけないよう がんばって くれい! |
Welcome... to the world of POKéMON! As you may know, I am PROF.OAK! I brought you here today because I need your help putting together a new POKéDEX! Naturally, I have prepared a POKéMON and a PACK. In the PACK you'll find POTIONs and POKé BALLs, so no need for worry! Your RIVAL's gone ahead already. Hang in there! |
Professor Oak's intro dialogue seen in demo mode. Note that the "Bag" option was known as "Pack" (りュック) in Generation II.
Oak's Lab
Japanese | Translation |
わたしは もちろん はかせを ソンケー しております あなた とは また どこかで おあい することに なるような きがします |
I'm one of PROF. OAK's AIDEs. I have a feeling that we'll see each other again. |
A string shared with both Aides in demo mode. Normally goes unseen unless the player uses debug mode to access Oak's Lab.
Story Mode Strings
For strings which only appear in story mode. This is how the game was likely intended to play out outside of the realm of the demo.
Opening Lecture
Japanese | Translation |
いやあ またせた! ポケット モンスターの せかいへ ようこそ! わたしの なまえは オーキド みんなからは ポケモン はかせと したわれて おるよ きみも もちろん しっているとは おもうが この せかいには ポケット モンスターと よばれる いきもの たちが いたるところに すんでいる! その ポケモン という いきものを ひとは ぺットに したり しょうぶに つかったり そして・・・ わたしは この ポケモンの けんきゅうを してる というわけだ では はじめに きみの なまえを おしえて もらおう! なまえこうほ じぶんできめる ゴールド サトシ ジャック ふむ・・・ <PLAYER> と いうんだな! そして この しょうねんは きみの おさななじみであり ライバルである ・・・えーと? なまえは なんて いったかな? なまえこうほ じぶんできめる シルバー シゲル ジョン そうか そうだったな <RIVAL> という なまえだ さて きみの きねんすべき たびだちのひを きろくしておこう! じかんも なるべく せいかくにな! きょうは なんようび だったかの? <DAY OF THE WEEK> ようび いまは なんじ じゃ? <HOUR>じ <HOUR>じ なんふん かな? <MINUTES>ふん <DAY>ようび <HOUR>じ <MINUTES>ふん ほんとうに あっているかの? <PLAYER>! いよいよ これから きみの ものがたりの はじまりだ! ゆめと ぼうけんと! ポケット モンスターの せかいへ! レッツ ゴー! |
Oh! Sorry for the wait. Welcome to the world of POKéMON! My name is OAK! People call me the POKéMON PROF! As you surely already know... This world is inhabited by creatures called POKéMON! For some people, POKéMON are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study POKéMON as a profession. First, what is your name? NAME NEW NAME Gold Ash Jack Right! So your name is <PLAYER>! Then there's this boy. He's been your rival since you were a baby. ...Erm, what is his name again? NAME NEW NAME Silver Gary John Oh that's right! His name is <RIVAL>! Now, let's mark the start of your journey by setting the day! Be precise! What day is today? <DAY> What time is it? <HOUR> <HOUR> hour, but how many minutes? <MINUTES> <DAY> <HOUR> <MINUTES>, is that all good? <PLAYER>! Your very own POKéMON legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with POKéMON awaits! Let's go! |
Professor Oak's intro dialogue seen in story mode. Worth noting is that the Player and Rival namesets are swapped between versions, with both of them being called Gold and Silver respectively in Gold, and vice-versa in Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
あなた の なまえは? ライバル の なまえは? |
Seen when choosing to give a character an original name.
Player's House
Japanese | Translation |
ケン『おっ おまえの うでで ひかりかがやく そのとけいは⋯⋯ <PLAYER>も ついに トレーナーギアを かったのか! すごいじゃないか! でも かったばかりじゃ じかんしか わからないだろ? あとで マップが みられるように してやるよ! おまえ どうせ あそびに いくんだろう? ざんねんながら おふくろは かいものに いってるから おこづかいを もらおうなんて きょうは むり だぜ! そうだ おまえの パソコンに メールが とどいていたな でかけるんなら メールぐらい よんでおけよ |
KEN: Oh! That shiny thing on your wrist... You finally bought a TRAINER GEAR! Sweet! But since it's new and all, you can't do much more than check the time, can you? I'll enable the map for ya later! You're going out anyway, right? Mom's out shopping, so if you were hoping to ask for some spending money, that's too bad! Oh, right, I saw your PC got a new e-mail. At least check that before you leave, huh? |
The dialogue of Ken, the Player's brother who is missing entirely in demo mode. Trying to leave without first checking the PC will cause the last string to repeat. The Trainer Gear (トレーナーギア) was renamed to Pokémon Gear (ポケモンギア) in the final games.
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は パソコンの スイッチを いれた! おや? <PLAYER>あてに メールが とどいている ようだ よんでみる? |
<PLAYER> turned on the PC. Oh? There seems to be a new e-mail addressed to <PLAYER>! Read it? |
Seen when interacting with the PC. A Yes/No choice pops up at the end.
Japanese | Translation |
あとで よもっと⋯⋯ |
I'll read this later... |
Seen when refusing to read your emails.
Japanese | Translation |
とつぜん メールを さしあげる しつれいを おゆるしあれ じつは きみに どうしても わたしたい ものが あるのじゃが うけとって もらえんかのう ポケモンけんきゅうしゃ オーキド |
I hope you'll excuse the sudden e-mail, but there is something that I would like to entrust you with. Won't you come by and collect it? POKéMON researcher OAK |
Seen when using the PC the first time.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモン ジャーナル ホームページ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ しんポケモン はっけん!! めいめい ヨロイドリ はがねの ように かたい つばさが とくちょう ひこうタイプ だけではなく あたらしく メタルタイプ としても ぶんるい されることが けってい これからの けんきゅうが またれる ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ |
POKéMON JOURNAL HOME PAGE... A new POKéMON has been discovered! Its strong wings are hard as steel. It is not only a flying type, but also part of the new metal type! Further research is in the works... |
Seen when using the PC a second time. The Pokémon being referenced is Skarmory, only using an earlier name. Note that the new type described here, "Metal" (メタル), was renamed to "Steel" (はがね) in the final games.
Silent Hill
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『よう ちょっと おまえに じまん したいことが あってきたんだよ おれ あの ゆうめいなオーキドから メール もらっちゃった! え? おまえにも きたの? ちぇっ! つまんねーの! ⋯⋯ふん! じゃあさ じゃあさー おまえさー じぶんの ははおや のこと いつも なんて よんでる? |
<RIVAL>: Hey, there's something I've gotta brag to you about! I got an e-mail from PROF.OAK! Yeah, the world famous one! Wha-? Y-you too?! Man,that's no fun! ...Hmph! Alright huh, then... What do you call your mommie?! |
Japanese | Translation |
なまえこうほ じぶんで きめる おかあさん ママ かあちゃん |
Here you have the option to choose your Mother's name, a functionality which still exists in the final games, albeit unused.
Japanese | Translation |
ははおや の なまえは? |
Seen when choosing to give your mother an original name.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『えー かっこわりい! そんな こどもっぽい よびかた してるなんて おわらいだぜ! あー ちょっとだけ すっきりした! そんじゃあ おれは ひとあし おさきに オーキドのところへ いくことに するぜ! |
<RIVAL>: Hahaha, that's so lame! You seriously call her that? Ahhh, that feels a bit better. Alright, I'm off to OAK's! See ya there! |
The Rival's dialogue from when you first exit your house. Missing entirely in demo mode.
Japanese | Translation |
ちょいまち! まってよ! まてっ てば! きみは まったく なんにも しらないんだね! くさむらでは やせいの ポケモンが とびだす! じぶんも ポケモンを もって いれば たたかえるんだ⋯⋯ あっ! ひょっとして きみは ⋯⋯ちょっと ぼくに ついて きて! |
Wait! Wait up! Stop right there! You don't know anything, do you? Wild POKéMON live in tall grass! You need your own POKéMON for your protection. Ah! Are you perhaps...? ...Come with me for a sec! |
Blue's dialogue from when you first try exiting Silent Hill. Missing entirely in demo mode.
Japanese | Translation |
あれ? カギが かかっている |
Huh? It's locked... |
Seen when trying to access Professor Oak's lab. Always seen in demo mode, but only appears after defeating the Rival in the lab in story mode.
Rival's House
Japanese | Translation |
おや? <RIVAL>あてに メールが とどいている ようだ よんでみる? |
Oh? There seems to be a new e-mail addressed to <RIVAL>! Read it? |
Seen when interacting with the PC. A Yes/No choice pops up at the end.
Japanese | Translation |
ひとのメールは みちゃ いけないよな⋯⋯ |
Right. I shouldn't read others' mail. |
Seen when refusing to read the email. Accepting will bring the same message as the one from the Player's PC. Interacting with it a second time brings up the "POKéTIMES Homepage" like how it does with the Player's PC.
Rival's House
Japanese | Translation |
ケン『ななな なんだ <PLAYER> じゃないか! おれは ちょっと あのー がっこうの しゅくだいを おしえに きてるんだ! えっ マップ? そうか そんな やくそくも してたな わかった トレーナーギアを かしてみな スロットに マップの カセットを さしこんでっと⋯⋯ よし これで マップが みれるぞ! |
KEN: Wh-wha-... If it isn't <PLAYER>! I'm huh... here to help out with homework! Yeah! Huh? A map? Right, I promised to help with that, didn't I? Hand me your TRAINER GEAR for a second. By putting the map cartridge into this slot here... There we go! Now you can use the map! |
Seen after defeating the Rival in Professor Oak's lab.
Japanese | Translation |
もし オールドにいくなら マサキって やつに あうといい おれの ともだちで すごい ポケモン マニアだ! きっと おまえの てだすけを してくれるぜ |
KEN: If you're going to OLD CITY, you should look for this guy BILL! He's a friend of mine who knows a lot about POKéMON. I'm sure he'll help you out! |
Seen after interacting with Ken a second time.
Japanese | Translation |
ケン『<PLAYER> オーキドはかせに みこまれて ポケモンずかんを つくるんだって? すごいじゃないか がんばれよ |
KEN: You were invited by PROF. OAK to help make a new POKéDEX? Whoa! Good luck! |
Seen after interacting with Ken a third time.
Oak's Lab
First Room
Japanese | Translation |
なんだろう? でんし てちょう かな? |
What's this...? Some sort of PDA? |
Seen when interacting with either of the Pokédex on the desk.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『なんだ <PLAYER>じゃないか! おれも ここが あやしいと おもって きたんだけど だれも いないみたいだな⋯⋯ |
<RIVAL>: Well, if it isn't <PLAYER>! Now, you're in the right spot, but it looks like this place is empty? |
Seen when interacting with the Rival before trying to leave town.
Japanese | Translation |
じいちゃん! つれてきたよー! オーキド『ごくろうさん! <RIVAL>『あのメールを くれた オーキドって こんな じじい⋯⋯ あっ ゴメン こんな じいさん なのか? ほんもの はじめて みたよ! |
Gramps! Look who I found! OAK: Good work! <RIVAL>: I can't believe this old geezer is PROF.OAK... Oh, sorry, I mean... Old man?! It's the first time I see him in person! |
The dialogue for when Blue walks you to the Lab to meet Professor Oak.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『そうとも! わしが オーキドじゃ! じじいで わるかったな! おまえたち ふたりは この オーキドが よんだのじゃ! すこし わしの はなしを きいては くれんか? |
OAK: Indeed! I am PROF.OAK. You've got quite the mouth on you! It is indeed I who called you here! Won't you listen for a while? |
The player is then given a Yes-No choice.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『そうか⋯⋯ わしに ひとを みるめが なかったと いうことじゃな⋯⋯ いや! わしの ひとを みるめは まちがっては おらんはず! な? わしの はなしを きいてくれるな? |
OAK: Oh. I might not be as good a judge of character as I thought... No! It can't be! I have an eye for this sorta thing! You'll surely listen, no? |
Answering "No" leads to this response from Oak, and selecting "No" again only repeats the sequence.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『いまから 1ねんまえ わしは カントーで きみたちの ような しょうねんに ポケモンの けんきゅうの ため ポケモンと ずかんを わたした そして かれらは じつに よくやってくれた! 150しゅるいの ポケモンを みつけることに せいこう したのじゃ! が ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ しかし ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ せかいは ひろいものじゃ そのご ぜんこく かくちで あたらしい ポケモンが ぞくぞくと みつかっておる! そこで わしは カントーから ここ サイレントヒルに けんきゅうの ばしょを うつした ばしょが かわれば あたらしい ポケモンにも であうことが できるからな ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ これからも どんどんと けんきゅうを すすめるが わしも ごらんのとおりの おいぼれ まごや じょしゅたちも おるが それでも やはり かずが たらん! <PLAYER>! <RIVAL>! ポケモンけんきゅうの ために ちからを かして くれんか! |
OAK: One year ago, in KANTO, I entrusted two boys much like you with a POKéMON and a POKéDEX each, to assist in my research. In the end, their work was truly astounding! They succeeded in discovering 150 POKéMON species! However... It's a vast world we live in. With that, new POKéMON started being found all over the country! Therefore, I moved from KANTO to here, SILENT HILL, to establish a new laboratory! Because, you see, in a new place, new POKéMON may well be found. ... Research will keep me busy,but as you see, I'm growing old. My grandson and AIDEs help, but they can only do so much... <PLAYER>! <RIVAL>! Please! Help me research POKéMON! |
Of note is that Oak only mentions "150 species", likely in hope to keep Mew a relative secret to the fans... even though Mew was distributed to players at Space World '97.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『<PLAYER>! なんだか おもしろく なってきたな! |
<RIVAL>: Hey! <PLAYER>! This just got interesting! |
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『ふたりとも! ちょっと わしに ついてこい! |
OAK: Follow me, you two! |
The Player and Rival are then directed to the back room, where the starter selection happens.
Japanese | Translation |
ぼくは かつて ポケモンのトレーナーの ちょうてんを めざしたことが あるんだ そのとき いいきに なっていた ぼくの てんぐのはなを へしおった やつに きみは どことなく にている あいつの おかげで ぼくは こころを いれかえて じいさんの けんきゅうを てつだうように なったのさ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ さあ! これが ポケモンずかんだ! みつけた ポケモンの データが じどうてきに かきこまれて ぺージが ふえて いく という とても ハイテクな ずかん だよ! オーキド『<PLAYER>!<RIVAL>! このずかんを おまえたちに あずける! <PLAYER>は オーキドから ポケモンずかんを もらった! |
I used to want to be the strongest POKéMON trainer. When I got too arrogant, there was one who showed me humility. Somehow... you remind me of him. Thanks to him, I was able to mend my ways. Since, I started helping my grandpa with his research. ... ... Oh right! Here's your POKéDEX! It automatically records data on POKéMON you've seen or caught! OAK: <PLAYER> and <RIVAL>! Take these with you! <PLAYER> got POKéDEX from OAK! |
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『この せかいの すべての ポケモンを きろくした かんぺきな ずかんを つくること! それが わしの ゆめ だった! しかし しんしゅの ポケモンは ぞくぞくと みつかっている! わしに のこされた じかんは すくない! そこで おまえ たちには わしの かわりに ゆめを はたして ほしいのじゃ! さあ ふたりとも さっそく しゅっぱつ してくれい! これは ポケモンの れきしに のこる いだいな しごとじゃー! |
OAK: To make a complete guide on all the POKéMON in the world... That was my dream! But new POKéMON are being found even as we speak. I don't have enough time left in this world... So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me! Now you two, you better get going! This is a great undertaking in POKéMON history! |
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『よっしゃあ! じいさん! おれにまかせな! |
<RIVAL>: Alright! Leave it to me, old man! |
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『せかい じゅうの ポケモンたちが <PLAYER>を まって おるぞー |
OAK: POKéMON around the world wait for you, <PLAYER>! |
Spoken by Professor Oak after the Starter Pokémon has been selected.
Japanese | Translation |
ぼくも むかし やったけど なかなか たいへんだよ⋯⋯ がんばってね! |
I did the same work you did long ago, but it's real hard... Good luck! |
Spoken by Blue after the Starter Pokémon has been selected.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『おれが えらんだ ポケモンのほうが つよそうだぜ! こっちに したかったんじゃないの? |
<RIVAL>: My POKéMON looks stronger! Sure you didn't want this one? |
Spoken by the Rival after the Starter Pokémon has been selected.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『<PLAYER>! せっかく じいさんに ポケモン もらったんだから ⋯⋯ ちょっと たたかわせて みようぜ! |
<RIVAL>: Hey, <PLAYER>, since we just got these POKéMON and all... Let's try 'em out, with a battle! |
Seen before the first battle with the Rival.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『やった! いいポケモン えらんだかも! |
<RIVAL>: Yes! I guess I chose a good POKéMON! |
Seen in-battle after losing against the Rival. Interestingly, that line managed to remain all the way up to the final releases, albeit going unused.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『あれー? おまえの ポケモンに すりゃあ よかったのかなあ? |
<RIVAL>: Huh? I should've chosen your POKéMON! |
Seen in-battle after winning against the Rival. Interestingly, that line managed to remain all the way up to the final releases, albeit going unused.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『くっそー! こんどは ぜったい まけないぞ! |
<RIVAL>: Darn it! I won't lose next time! |
Seen in the overworld after defeating the Rival.
Japanese | Translation |
ナナミ『さっき あなたを つれてきた わかい おとこのこ⋯⋯ あれは わたしの おとうとなの ⋯⋯ということは つまり そう! わたしも オーキドの まご なの! おじいちゃんは りっぱな ポケモンけんきゅうしゃよ わたしは おてつだい できることが とっても うれしいの! あっ こんなこと しられたら おじいちゃん ちょうしに のるから ないしょに しておいてね! ⋯⋯おじいちゃん すっかり わすれている みたいだから わたしが かわりに これを あげる! さいしんがた ポケモンりュックよ <PLAYER>は ポケモンりュックを もらった! ナナミ『この りュックには モンスターボールを まとめて いれられる ボールホルダと わざマシンを まとめて いれられる わざマシンホルダが ついているの モンスターボール 6こと わざマシンひとつは オマケしておくわ ホルダに なんにも はいってないと さびしいもんね! ねえ <PLAYER>くン あなたの おかあさんが しんぱいすると いけないから このまちを でるまえに かおを みせに いってあげてね ⋯⋯あなたの かつやく いのっているわ |
DAISY: The young boy who brought you here... That's my little brother. In other words... I'm PROF.OAK's granddaughter! Grandpa's a super researcher! I'm so happy I get to help out. Oh, but grandpa would get full of himself if he heard that, so don't tell him! Grandpa seems to have completely forgotten, so... I guess I'll give this to you! It's the newest model of POKéPACK! <PLAYER> received a POKéPACK! DAISY: This PACK comes with a BALL HOLDER for POKé BALLs, and a TM HOLDER for TMs! I'll throw in six POKé BALLs and a TM as a freebie! <PLAYER>, we can't have your mother worrying, so before you leave town, make sure to say goodbye. I'll be rooting for you! |
Spoken by Daisy when trying to exit the Lab for the first time.
Japanese | Translation |
⋯⋯あなたの かつやく いのってるわ |
I'll be rooting for you! |
Daisy's dialogue after her monologue.
Japanese | Translation |
わたしは はかせの じょしゅ です わたしは もちろん はかせを ソンケー しております あなた とは また どこかで おあい することに なるような きがします |
I am one of PROF. OAK's AIDEs. Of course, I respect the professor greatly. I have a feeling that we'll see each other again. |
A string shared with both AIDEs in story mode. Oddly enough, they only appear after the Starter has been selected.
Back Room
The starter room. Here, quite the amount of dialogue is recycled from Generation I.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『ほれ そこに 3びき ポケモンが いる じゃろう! ほっほ! こいつらを きみたちに いっぴき づつ やろう! ⋯⋯ さあ えらべ! <RIVAL>『あッ! おれにも! じいさん おれにもくれよう! オーキド『まあ あわてるな <RIVAL>! おまえも すきなものを とれ! <RIVAL>『いいぜ <PLAYER>! さきに えらんで! おれは こころが ひろいからな オーキド『さあ <PLAYER> どの ポケモンに するかね? |
OAK: Look over there! Do you see those 3 POKéMON? Hohoho! You can each have one! ...Choose! <RIVAL>: Me too! C'mon, gramps, gimme one too! OAK: Now now, <RIVAL>, there's no need to rush. Take whichever one you'd like! <RIVAL>: I'll let you choose first, <PLAYER>, 'cause I'm a generous kind of guy! OAK: Now, <PLAYER>, which POKéMON do you want? |
The interaction which plays as soon as you enter the room?
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『ほう! ほのおのポケモン ホノオグマに するんじゃな? |
OAK: So! You want the fire POKéMON, Honooguma? |
Seen when interacting with the Poké Ball on the left.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『ふむ みずのポケモン クルスに するんじゃな? |
OAK: So! You want the water POKéMON, Kurusu? |
Seen when interacting with the Poké Ball in the middle.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『おお! くさのポケモン ハッパが いいんじゃな? |
OAK: So! You want the grass POKéMON, Happa? |
Seen when interacting with the Poké Ball on the right.
Japanese | Translation |
では どれに するのじゃ? |
Very well. Which one would you like? |
Seen when ultimately picking a different starter.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『この ポケモンは ほんとに げんきが いいぞ! <PLAYER>は オーキドはかせから <STARTER>を もらった! |
This POKéMON is really lively! <PLAYER> received a <STARTER>! |
Seen when finally deciding on which starter you want.
Japanese | Translation |
ゲットした <STARTER>に なまえを つけますか? |
Give a nickname to the <STARTER> you received? |
Seen when the nickname prompt pops up.
Japanese | Translation |
<STARTER>のニックネームは? |
Seen when nicknaming your starter.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『じゃ おれは これ! <RIVAL>は オーキドから <STARTER>を もらった! |
<RIVAL>: I'll take this one, then! <RIVAL> received a <STARTER>! |
Seen after the Rival picks a starter of his own.
System Text
Japanese | Translation |
どうぐ をひとつも もっていません! |
You have no item on hand! |
Seen when trying to access your pack without having any items.
For strings which appear in both demo and story mode.
Title Screen
Japanese | Translation |
スタートホタン⯈タイトルかめん |
START⯈ Title |
Seen during the running Pikachu minigame.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンを あそぶ せっていを かえる じかんセット |
Play POKéMON Change Settings Time Adjuster |
Seen when going past the title screen. The third option only appears after pressing Down + B + A on the title screen.
Japanese | Translation |
<HOUR>じ <MINUTES>ふん? |
Seen in the time adjuster menu.
Japanese | Translation |
はなしの はやさ はやい ふつう おそい せんとう アニメーション じっくり みる とばして みる しあいの ルール いれかえタイプ かちぬきタイプ モノラル ステレオ おわり わく を かえる <FRAME#> |
Text Speed Fast Medium Slow Battle Animation On Off Battle Style Shift Set Mono Stereo Cancel Set frame <FRAME#> |
The Settings panel which here is more akin to its Generation I equivalent, though with the addition of the Sound and Frame settings.
System Text
Japanese | Translation |
ファイト フィールド サウンド サブゲーム モンスター なまえ |
Battle Field Sound Sub-Games Monsters Name |
The options from the game's main debug menu.
Japanese | Translation |
テスト ファイト No. なまえ レベル 1. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 2. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 3. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 4. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 5. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 6. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> <ENCOUNTER TYPE> No. なまえ レベル <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> |
Battle Tester No. Name Lv. 1. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 2. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 3. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 4. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 5. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> 6. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> <ENCOUNTER TYPE> No. Name Lv. <DEX#> <NAME> <LEVEL> |
Seen in the Battle Tester. The encounter type is either "フイルドモンスー" (Wild Monster) or "ディーラー" (Dealer). The "NAME" in the second string is either that of a Pokémon or a Trainer class, depending on the selected encounter type.
Japanese | Translation |
マサラタウン ポケモンセンター ポケモンジム ? ? ? ? ? ? ポケモンしんか あさあさあさ ? ? ? ? ? つれていかれる オーキドとともに ライバル サントアンヌゴウ フぁンファーレ3 フぁンファーレ5 フぁンファーレ6 フぁンファーレ ふえ せんとう せんとう せんとう さいしゆうせんとう かち かち かち フぁンファーレ4 フぁンファーレ5 フぁンファーレ8 タイトル エンディング でんどういり けんきゆうじよ プりンノうた じてんしや うみ カジノ オープニングデモ どうくつ どうくつ どうくつ どうくつ とう とう ディーラー ディーラー ディーラー フぁンファーレ3 フぁンファーレ6 |
The song labels seen in the Sound Test.
Japanese | Translation |
ポーカー 15パズル しんけい ピクロス スロット |
Poker 15-Piece Puzzle Shinkei Picross Slots |
The minigame names from the Sub-Games menu.
Japanese | Translation |
エーボタンで チューニング! けんがい ちぇっ............ |
To tune, use the A button! Out of Range Darn... |
The PokéGear options from the Name menu.
Japanese | Translation |
コージ |
Koji |
The Player name in the Field debug mode.
Japanese | Translation |
レッド |
Red |
The Rival name in the Field debug mode.
Japanese | Translation |
つぎ► とじる ワープ キャラ のりもの ツールギア パソコン ショップ かいふく じっけん ゲーム マッパー イベント テスト テレポ! つれてけ ちず |
Next► Close Warp Chara Transportation Toolgear PC Shop Recover Experimental Game Mapper Event Test Telepo! Follow Map |
The options from the Field Debug Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
サイレント オールド ウエスト ハイテク フォント バードン ニュータイプ シュガー ブルーフォレスト スタンド カントー サウス ノース 15ばんどうろ 18ばんどうろ |
Silent Old West High-Tech Font Birdon Newtype Sugar Blue Forest Stand Kanto South North Route 15 Route 18 |
The options from the Warp Debug Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
<DESTINATION>に ワープします! |
Warping to <DESTINATION>! |
Seen when warping to a destination from the Warp Debug Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
かいはつちゅう これをせんたくしますか? |
In the works Would you like to select this one? |
The options from the Chara Debug Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
あるき じてんしゃ スケボー ラプラス |
Walk Bike Skateboard Lapras |
The options from the Transportation Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は <VEHICLE>に のった <PLAYER>は <VEHICLE>から おりた ここでは のることが できません |
<PLAYER> got on the <VEHICLE>. <PLAYER> got off the <VEHICLE>. You cannot ride here. |
The messages triggered by the Transportation menu. The first two appear respectively when riding or getting off either the Bike (じてんしゃ), the Skateboard (スケボー), or the Lapras (ラプラス). The last one, meanwhile, appears when trying to ride Lapras on anything but water.
Japanese | Translation |
とけい ざひょう アジャスト 60びょう 24じかん けす |
Clock Coordinates Adjust 60 Seconds 24 Seconds Erase |
The options from the Toolgear Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
コンピューターを きどう! ネットワークにせつぞくした! <PLAYER>の パソコン ???の パソコン オーキドの パソコン せつぞくをきる <PLAYER>は じぶんのパソコンに つないだ どうぐあずかりシステムを よびだした! ひきだす あずける すてる せつぞくをきる ふつうの どうぐ だいじなどうぐ わざマシンホルダ ボールホルダ --やめる-- だいじな もの いくつひきだしますか? <ITEM>を <QUANTITY>こ ひきだしました もちものが いっぱいなので ひきだせません! どうぐを ひとつも もっていない! わざマシンは あずけられない! ボールホルダは あずけられない! いくつあずけますか? <ITEM>を<QUANTITY>こ あずけました どうぐが いっぱいです もう あずけられません! <PLAYER>は じぶんのパソコンとの せつぞくをきった ポケモンの ようすをみる ポケモンを つれていく ポケモンを あずける ポケモンを にがす ボックスを かえる さようなら なんに するん? ボックス/いまの ボックス しゅるい なまえ レべル <POKéMON> <NICKNAME> <LEVEL> <GENDER> やめる どのポケモンが みたいねん? ポケモンを えらんだ! それ あずけたら こまるんとちゃう? <POKéMON> をほんとうに にがしますか? No. 01 ダミーボックス0 No. 02 ダミーボックス1 No. 03 ダミーボックス2 No. 04 ダミーボックス3 No. 05 ダミーボックス4 No. 06 ダミーボックス5 No. 07 ダミーボックス6 No. 08 ダミーボックス7 No. 09 ダミーボックス8 No. 10 ダミーボックス9 やめる あずかっているポケモン <STORED>/30 ボックスきりかえ なまえを かえる やめる ポケモン ボックスを かえると どうじに レポートが かかれます … … それでも いいですか? バンクチェンジは かいはつちゅうです! バンク の なまえは? ポケモンを もちきれません! ボックスも いっぱいで てんそうできません! ポケモンセンターなどで ボックスを かえてきて ください かいせん が こみあっていて せつぞくできません ネットワークへの せつぞくを やめました |
Computer started! Now net-connected! <PLAYER>'s PC ???'s PC Oak's PC Log Off <PLAYER> accessed his own PC. Item Storage System opened. Withdraw Deposit Toss Log Off Item Bag Key Item Bag TM Holder Ball Holder --Cancel-- Key Items Withdraw all this? You have withdrawn <QUANTITY> <ITEM>. You're already carrying too much! You don't have any item on hand! You can't deposit a TM! You can't deposit the Ball Holder! Deposit how many? You deposited <QUANTITY> <ITEM>. No more room left, you can't deposit! <PLAYER> shut down his PC. See POKéMON Status Withdraw POKéMON Deposit POKéMON Release POKéMON Change Box See ya! What to do? Box/ Current Box Name Nickname Lv. <POKéMON> <NICKNAME> <LEVEL> <GENDER> Cancel Check which PKMN? I choose this one! Don't you want to keep this one? Would you like to withdraw <POKéMON>? No. 01 DUMMYBOX0 No. 02 DUMMYBOX1 No. 03 DUMMYBOX2 No. 04 DUMMYBOX3 No. 05 DUMMYBOX4 No. 06 DUMMYBOX5 No. 07 DUMMYBOX6 No. 08 DUMMYBOX7 No. 09 DUMMYBOX8 No. 10 DUMMYBOX9 Cancel POKéMON in storage <STORED>/30 Change Box Rename Box Cancel Changing the box requires a SAVE. ...Is that okay? Box changing is still under work. BOX'S NAME? No space left! Could not deposit. The box is full! Visit any POKéMON CENTER for this. The line's jammed. Could not connect. You disconnected from the network. |
Seen when using a PC in Field Debug, or by using the PC debug submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
フレンドりーショップへ ようこそ! なんになさいますか? どうぐを かう どうぐを うる さようなら いくつ おかいあげになりますか <ITEM>を <QUANTITY>こで <PRICE>円 おかいあげですか? ごめんね かいはつちゅうなんだ かいはつちゅうです |
Welcome to the POKéMON MART! May I help you? Buy Items Sell Items See ya! How many would you like to purchase? <QUANTITY> <ITEM>? That will be ₽<PRICE>. OK? Sorry. Still under development. Under development. |
Seen when using the Shop submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンの たいりょくを かいふくしました |
Your POKéMON have been healed. |
Seen when using the Recover debug option.
Japanese | Translation |
スロットマシン ポーカーゲーム ぺアゲーム [MINIGAME]で あそびますか? |
Slot Machine Poker Game Pair Game Want to play [MINIGAME]? |
Seen when using the Game submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
マップビューワーを しようしますか? テーブル アクターナンバー キャストナンバー ビューワーモードを かいじょ しますか? |
Wanna use the map viewer? Table Actor number Cast number Wanna leave the map viewer? |
Seen when using the Mapper submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
フラグを クリア フラグを うめる このマップは シーケンスの とうろくが ありません |
Clear Flag Set Flag This map lacks a recorded sequence. |
Seen when using the Event submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
このばしょを とうろくしました |
This place is now registered. |
Seen when using the Telepo! debug option.
Japanese | Translation |
はじまる おわる ポケモンを つれているときは だめです |
Start End Impossible when you own a POKéMON. |
Seen in the Follow submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
とびさき を えらんでください |
Pick a destination |
Seen in the Map submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
ほんとに よろしいですか? |
Are you sure you want to confirm? |
Seen in the Reset submenu. A Yes/No question is linked to this string.
Japanese | Translation |
1ばんめ 2ばんめ 3ばんめ 4ばんめ 5ばんめ 6ばんめ 7ばんめ 8ばんめ |
Frame1 Frame2 Frame3 Frame4 Frame5 Frame6 Frame7 Frame8 |
Seen in the Frames submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
ここではだめです! |
No, not here! |
Seen in the Animation submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
つける はずす |
Add Remove |
The options from the Take Me submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
ここでは できません ロード1でじっこうできます とくていちてん まで うごかします |
Impossible here. Usable on Route 1. Moved to the set location. |
Seen in the Automatic submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
とめる うごかす |
Stop Move |
Seen in the Movement submenu.
Japanese | Translation |
ずかん ポケモン りュック <PLAYER> レポート せってい とじる |
The main menu options.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンを えらんで ください つよさをみる ならびかえ もちわざ そうび キャンセル どこに いどうしますか? そうびを する そうびを はずす <POKéMON>は <ITEM>を そうびした! <POKéMON>は なにも そうび していません! タイプ/<TYPE> いりょく/<POWER> |
Choose a POKéMON. STATS SWITCH MOVE ITEM CANCEL Move to where? GIVE TAKE Made <POKéMON> hold <ITEM>. <POKéMON> isn't holding anything. TYPE/<TYPE> ATTK/<POWER> |
Seen when checking your party.
Japanese | Translation |
なまえ/<PLAYER> おこづかい <MONEY>円 ポケモンずかん <OWNED#>ひき <BADGE#>こ ポケモンりーグバッジ |
Name/<PLAYER> Money ₽<MONEY> Pokédex <OWNED#> <BADGE#> Gym Badge |
Seen when checking your trainer card.
Japanese | Translation |
テスト しゅじんこう <PLAYER> もっているバッジ <BADGE#> こ ポケモンずかん <OWNED>ひき プレイじかん <PLAY TIME> ここまでの かつやくを ポケモンレポートに かきこみますか? まえに かかれた レポートが きえて しまいますが うえから かいても いいですか? <PLAYER>は レポートに しっかり かきのこした! |
Test Player <PLAYER> Badges <BADGE#> Pokédex <OWNED> Time <PLAY TIME> Would you like to save the game? There is already a save file. Is it OK to overwrite? <PLAYER> saved the game! |
Seen in Field Debug mode when trying to Save the game.
Japanese | Translation |
つぎは がんばるぞ!! |
Do your best next time around!! |
Seen in the overworld after losing a Pokémon battle. Will then return you to the title screen.
Japanese | Translation |
みつけたかず <SEEN#> つかまえたかず <OWN#> |
Seen in the Pokédex UI.
Japanese | Translation |
セレクト►けんさく |
Select►Search |
Seen in the Pokédex UI. The final games instead use a sprite to display this feature, and Start is instead used to bring up the Search function (Select being relegated to the options).
Japanese | Translation |
ぞくせい で さがす えらんだもの さがす もうひとつ やめる |
Seen in the Pokédex UI in the type search option.
Japanese | Translation |
ノーマル かくとう ひこう どく ほのお みず くさ でんき エスパー こおり じめん いわ むし ゴースト ドラゴン メタル あく ??? |
The various Pokémon types used in the game. Seen either in the Status menu or in the Typefinder option of the Pokédex (though strangely enough the Dark and Metal types are nowhere to be seen in the latter).
Japanese | Translation |
りュックの なか |
Inventory |
Seen in the pack menu in anything but field debug mode, where the "Item Bag" (ふつうの どうぐ) string is instead used.
Japanese | Translation |
つかう すてる とうろく |
Use Toss Sel |
Seen when selecting an item in the pack.
Japanese | Translation |
どのポケモンに つかいますか? |
Use item on which POKéMON? |
Seen when using an item in battle.
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は <ITEM>を つかった! |
<PLAYER> used <ITEM>! |
Seen when using an item outside of battle.
Japanese | Translation |
つかっても こうかがないよ |
It won't have any effect. |
Seen when using an item in a given context, such as a Potion on a Pokémon with full health.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキドの ことば… … <PLAYER>よ! こういうものには つかいどきが あるのじゃ! |
OAK: <PLAYER>! This isn't the time to use that! |
Seen when trying to use some items at the wrong time or place.
Japanese | Translation |
<ITEM>を いくつ すてますか? <ITEM>を <QUANTITY>こ すててもよろしいですか? <ITEM>を すてました! |
Throw away how many? Throw away <QUANTITY> <ITEM>(s)? Threw away <ITEM>(s)! |
Seen when tossing away items.
Japanese | Translation |
それは とても たいせつなモノです すてることは できません! |
That's way too important to toss! |
Seen when attempting to toss a Key item.
Japanese | Translation |
<ITEM>を べんりボタンに とうろくした! |
Registered the <ITEM>. |
Seen when registering the correct type of item, such as the bike.
Japanese | Translation |
そのどうぐは とうろくできません! |
Can't register this item! |
Seen when trying to register the wrong type of item.
Japanese | Translation |
わざマシンを きどうした! ひでんマシンを きどうした! なかには <MOVE>が きろくされていた! <MOVE>を ポケモンに おぼえさせますか? どのポケモンに おしえますか? <POKéMON>と <MOVE>は あいしょうが わるかった! <MOVE>は おぼえられない! <POKéMON>は すでに <MOVE>を おぼえています |
Booted up a TM! Booted up an HM! It contained <MOVE>! Teach <MOVE> to a POKéMON? Use TM on which POKéMON? <POKéMON> is not compatible with <MOVE>. It can't learn <MOVE>. <POKéMON> knows <MOVE>. |
Seen when using a TM/HM.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>の <STAT>の きそ ポイントが あがった! たいりょく こうげきりょく ぼうぎょりょく すばやさ とくしゅのうりょく |
Seen when using any sort of "Vitamin" (Protein, Carbos, etc.) on a Pokémon. The "STAT" portion corresponds to one of the entries in the second message.
Japanese | Translation |
どのわざを かいふくする? わざポイントが かいふくした! |
Restore PP of which technique? PP was restored. |
Seen when using any item which heals PPs.
Japanese | Translation |
どのわざの ポイントをふやす? <MOVE>の わざポイントが ふえた! <MOVE>は これいじょう ふやすことが できません |
Raise PP of which technique? <MOVE>'s PP increased. <MOVE>'s PP is maxed out! |
Seen when using any item which raises PPs.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>は くさかりを つかった! ここでは つかえません! |
<POKéMON> used Mow! Can't do that now! |
Seen when Cut is used in the overworld. The last string is shared with Fly, Dig, and Teleport when they also cannot be performed in the overworld.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>は <PLAYER>を のせた! ここでは のることが できません |
<PLAYER> hopped on <POKéMON>! Can't ride here. |
Seen when Surf is used in the overworld.
Japanese | Translation |
さいごに たちよった ポケモンセンターにもどります とびさきが みつかりません |
Returning to the POKéMON Center last visited. Can't find the destination. |
Seen when Teleport is used in the overworld.
Japanese | Translation |
なにも いない みたい ⋯⋯ つれないなー ⋯⋯ おっ! ひいてる ひいてる! つりあげた <POKéMON>が とびかかってきた! |
Looks like there's nothing here. Not even a nibble! Oh! It's a bite! The hooked <POKéMON> attacked! |
Seen when the fishing rod is used. Taken straight from Red and Green.
Japanese | Translation |
あなたの コイン <COINS>まい |
Coins <COINS> |
Seen when the coin case is used. Taken straight from Red and Green.
Japanese | Translation |
<TRAINER>の <POKéMON>が しょうぶを しかけてきた! あ! やせいの < POKéMON>が とびだしてきた! |
<TRAINER> sent out <POKéMON> Wild <POKéMON> appeared! |
The text linked to the two encounter types, namely fighting a trainer and a wild Pokémon respectively.
Japanese | Translation |
だめだ! ポケモンが ボールから でてしまった! ああ! つかまえたと おもったのに! ざんねん! もうすこしで つかまえられたのに! おしい! あと ちょっとの ところだったのに! やったー! <POKéMON>を つかまえたぞ! |
Oh no! The POKéMON broke free! Aww! It appeared to be caught! Aargh! Almost had it! Shoot! It was so close too! Gotcha! <POKéMON> was caught! |
Seen when catching Pokémon. In order, the messages correspond to failing at zero ball shakes, one shake, two shakes, three shakes, and then finally succeeding. Identical to final.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>の データが あたらしく ポケモンずかんに セーブされます! |
New POKéDEX data will be recorded for <POKéMON>. |
Seen after catching a Pokémon you hadn't already caught previously. Identical to final.
Japanese | Translation |
つかまえた <POKéMON>に なまえを つけますか? |
Give a nickname to <POKéMON>? |
The nickname prompt seen after catching a Pokémon. Slightly different wording when compared to both Red and Blue, and Gold and Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
トレーナーに ボールを はじかれた! ひとの ものを とったら どろぼう! |
The trainer blocked the BALL! Don't be a thief! |
Seen after trying to catch a trainer's Pokémon. Identical to final.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>は だれかの パソコンに てんそうされた! ボックスに あずけている ポケモンが いっぱいなので つかえません! |
<POKéMON> was transferred to someone's PC. The POKéMON BOX is full! That can't be used now! |
Seen after catching a Pokémon with a full party, with the first message being displayed if you still have space left in your current PC box, and the second one being shown if you don't. The first string is actually a leftover from Generation I, where it was displayed prior to meeting Bill at his villa on Route 25. Afterwards, both this message and the corresponding PC prompt would change to "BILL's PC". It's then likely Gold and Silver were meant to work the same way, with the string would update after meeting Bill in Old City. The final games, however, would end up only using the "BILL's PC" version, even at the very start of the game, and while the "someone's PC" one remains, it goes completely unused.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンえほんが モるってる! |
Crammed full of POKéMON books! |
Seen when interacting with bookshelves.
Japanese | Translation |
オコリサルが あばれている⋯⋯ サトシが にげまわってる!⋯⋯ ポケモンアニメだ! |
Primeape is on a rampage and Ash is running away! The POKéMON anime is on TV! |
Seen when interacting with a TV. This appears to be referencing the episode "Primeape Goes Bananas", which aired in Japan around two months prior to this demo's debut at Space World 1997.
Player's House
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は ラジオのスイッチを おした! ジェイ オー ピー エム こちらは ポケモン ほうそうきょく です ポケモンニュースを おおくりします ⋯⋯ ポケモンの せかいてきな けんきゅうしゃ オーキドはかせが カントー から すがたを けしました あらたな けんきゅうの ばしょを もとめて いどうした との みかたも ありますが なんらかの じけんに まきこまれた かのうせいも あり かんけいしゃは とても しんぱい してます ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ いじょう ポケモンニュースでした ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ それでは ひきつづき おんがくを おたのしみ ください |
<PLAYER> turned on the radio. Now listening to JOPM, the POKéMON broadcast station! We'll now present POKéMON News. ...World-renowned POKéMON researcher reported missing from Kanto! Some suspect that PROF.OAK may have simply left for a new place to study, but we can't yet disprove that foul play may have been involved. Concerned parties are very worried. ...That concludes today's news. ... ... ... ... Coming up, music. |
Seen when interacting with the radio.
Japanese | Translation |
クりスマスに カントーの しんせきに プレゼント してもらった にんぎょうだ |
It's a doll you got as a Christmas present from a relative in KANTO. |
Seen when interacting with the Player's plushie.
Japanese | Translation |
ニンテンドウ64を してる! ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ さてと! そろそろ そとに あそびに でかけるか! |
You're playing the Nintendo 64! ...Alright! It's time to go play outside! |
Seen when interacting with the Player's game console.
Japanese | Translation |
ガスコンロの ひは きえている あんぜん だいいち! |
The fire in the stove is out, safety first! |
Seen when interacting with the stove. The final equivalent for this line instead brings up how Cinnabar Volcano Burgers are your Mother's specialty.
Japanese | Translation |
ピカピカの ながしだい! こんやの メニューは なんだろう? |
A spotless sink! What's on the menu this evening? |
Seen when interacting with the sink. The final equivalent for this line is similar, though replaces the second half of it with a mention of how your mother likes cleaning the sink.
Japanese | Translation |
なかは...... ほとんど からっぽだ...... |
The inside... Is almost empty. |
Seen when interacting with the fridge. The final equivalent for this line instead has the fridge stocked with Fresh Water and Lemonade.
Japanese | Translation |
おかあさん『えっ あなた オーキドはかせに ポケモンずかんを つくってくれって たのまれたの? すごいじゃない! わたしも ポケモン きらいって わけじゃないし がんばるのよ! |
MOM: Oh, you were asked by PROF.OAK to help make a new POKéDEX? That's wonderful! I may not know too much about POKéMON, but I'll be rooting for you! |
The dialogue of the Player's Mother. Available from the start in demo mode, but only accessible after the Rival has been defeated in Oak's Lab in story mode.
Silent Hill
Japanese | Translation |
ここは <PLAYER> のいえ |
<PLAYER>'s house |
Seen when interacting with the sign beside the Player's house.
Japanese | Translation |
ここは <RIVAL> のいえ |
<RIVAL>'s house |
Seen when interacting with the sign beside the Rival's house.
Japanese | Translation |
にゅうきょしゃ ぼしゅうちゅう! |
Seen when interacting with the sign beside Professor Oak's lab.
Japanese | Translation |
ここは サイレント ヒル しずかな おか |
Ever peaceful SILENT HILL |
Seen when interacting with the sign beside the Pokémon Center. "Silent Hill" (しずかな おか) was ultimately renamed "Budding-Green Town" (ワカバタウン) in the final games.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンの たいりょく かいふく! ポケモンセンター |
Seen when interacting with the Pokémon Center sign. Identical to final.
Japanese | Translation |
あなたの りュック かっこいいわよ どこで てに いれたの? |
That's such a cute PACK! Where'd you get it? |
The dialogue of the female NPC.
Japanese | Translation |
よのなかに ポケモンが きらいな ひとは いるのかな? |
Is there anyone in the world who doesn't like POKéMON? |
The dialogue of the male NPC.
Rival's House
Japanese | Translation |
このまえ かわったいろの ポッポを みかけたわ |
The other day I saw a strangely- colored PIDGEY! |
Seen when interacting with the Rival's sister. Likely a reference to the shiny coloration that was introduced with Gen II and already exists in this build, albeit in a rudimentary form.
Japanese | Translation |
まどが よごれているぞ? |
A window. Nothing wrong with it |
Seen when interacting with the window. The final equivalent for this line instead has the Player cockily stating that his reflection looks good.
Oak's Lab
First Room
Japanese | Translation |
スタート ボタンを プシュ! おすと メニューが ひらくなり |
Push START to open the MENU! |
Seen when interacting with the back wall scroll. Taken straight from Red and Green.
Japanese | Translation |
カギが かかっている |
It's locked. |
Seen when trying to open the door to the back room.
Japanese | Translation |
パソコンを みると なんと メールが きていた! ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ オーキドはかせ! あなたが ゆくえふめいに なっていると せけんは おおさわぎ です! それは そうと はかせ から みつけるように たのまれた れいのポケモン みつけるどころか まだ てがかりも つかむことが できません やはり あいつは かくうの ポケモンなのでは ないでしょうか⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯じょしゅより |
There's an e-mail out in the open! ...PROF.OAK! The whole world's in a terrible stir over your whereabouts! As for the POKéMON you asked I search for, I have yet to find even a single lead-- let alone its hiding spot. I suppose that's to be expected... It's high up in the sky after all. Regards, Your AIDE |
Seen when interacting with the PC.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『おう! <PLAYER> どうだ? わしの あげた ポケモンは⋯⋯? ほう! だいぶ なついた みたいだな おまえには ポケモントレーナーの さいのうが あるかもしれん これからも ときどきは わしのところへ かおを だせ! ポケモンずかんの ぺージが きに なるからな |
Oak: <PLAYER>! How is the POKéMON I gave you doing? Oho! It seems to have taken a liking to you. It looks like you have a knack for being a POKéMON trainer. I'm interested in seeing how your POKéDEX develops, so please come by and say hello once in a while! |
Seen when interacting with Professor Oak. Goes unseen in both versions unless the Player uses debug mode or cheats to access the lab.
Back Room
All the lines here appear in both versions, but normally go unseen in demo mode unless debug mode is used to access Professor Oak's lab.
Japanese | Translation |
<RIVAL>『<PLAYER>のポケモン いいなあ! でも おれのポケモンも ちょっと いいだろ? |
<RIVAL>: Your POKéMON is really cool, <PLAYER>! But mine's pretty nice too, right? |
The Rival's dialogue after you both chose a starter.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『そうじゃ! やせいの ポケモンが でて きても そいつを たたかわせて いけば となりまちへ いける! |
OAK: If a wild POKéMON appears, your POKéMON can fight against it! |
Professor Oak's dialogue after you and your Rival chose a starter.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『これ! よくばっちゃ いかん! |
OAK: Hey now! Don't be greedy! |
Seen when trying to interact with one of the Poké Balls on the desk.
Pokémon Center
Sadly, most of the features normally found in Pokémon Centers are unavailable due to the demo's limitations.
Japanese | Translation |
もうしわけありませんが ただいま しゅうりちゅう でして かいふくは できません まちから でるときは じゅうぶんに おきをつけ ください |
We're truly sorry, but as maintenance is currently being done, we are not able to heal your POKéMON right now. Be very careful when leaving town. |
The dialogue of the Pokémon Center Lady.
Japanese | Translation |
いま じゅんびちゅうの きかいは すごいらしいよ なんでも ときを こえて ポケモンが こうかん できるって! ほんとかな? |
I heard that the machine they're in the middle of setting up is really amazing! Apparently it can leap through time to trade POKéMON! I wonder if it's really true... |
The dialogue of the standard male NPC.
Japanese | Translation |
あそこに ある パソコンは トレーナー だったら いつでも むりょうで つかうことが できるよ きが きいてるよな! |
If you're a trainer, you can use that PC over there anytime for free! Thoughtful of them, isn't it? |
The dialogue of the Gentleman NPC. This message was streamlined and eventually reused in Cherrygrove City in the final games, with it still being assigned to a Gentleman NPC.
Japanese | Translation |
げんざい ちょうせいちゅうです |
Currently under adjustment. |
Seen when trying to use the PC.
Japanese | Translation |
こいつ へルガー いままでにない タイプの ポケモンさ |
This is HOUNDOOM! It's a POKéMON of a brand new type! |
The dialogue of the slick-haired male NPC. Interestingly, while he mentions Houndoom as being of a "brand new type" (the Dark type), it is a pure Fire type in this build (as opposed to the final's Dark/Fire).
Japanese | Translation |
へルガー『ぐるるうー |
HOUNDOOM: Grrrr... |
Seen when interacting with Houndoom.
Route 1
Japanese | Translation |
ここは 1ばん どうろ サイレントヒル ⋯⋯ オールドシティ |
Seen when interacting with the sign closest to Silent Hill.
Japanese | Translation |
このさき しずかな おか やせいの ポケモンに ちゅうい |
Beyond here lies the SILENT HILLS. Beware of wild POKéMON. |
Seen when interacting with the sign closest to the forest entrance. Interestingly, both this area and the starting town go by "Silent Hill", although the former uses "しずかなおか" and the latter goes by "サイレントヒル". The debug menu simply refers to the town as Silent.
Japanese | Translation |
しょうねん! モンスターボールは やせいの ポケモンを よわらせてから つかうのが きほんだ! |
Listen up, lad! POKé BALLs should be used only after weakening the wild POKéMON! |
Spoken by the NPC near the sign on Route 1.
Japanese | Translation |
ぼく ゆうがた じゅくの かえりに かわった ポケモンを みたよ |
One evening, on my way home from cram school, I saw an unknown POKéMON! |
Spoken by the NPC near the grass patch on Route 1.
Route 2
Japanese | Translation |
ここは 1ばん どうろ サイレントヒル ⋯⋯ オールドシティ |
Seen when interacting with the sign closest to Old City. Note that the sign mistakenly refers to the map as Route 1, but the source code reveals that it is actually Route 2.
Japanese | Translation |
まあ かわいらしい トレーナーやこと うちと ポケモン しはります? うちの ポケモン そら もう かわいいんどすえ |
What a lovely trainer you are! Won't you partake in a battle? Look, my POKéMON are so cute! |
Spoken by the Kimono Girl by the bridge. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
かわいい かおして つよおすなあ その ちょうしで おきばりやす プりンちゃんが かわいそ どす |
You look cute, but you truly don't hold back! You'll strain yourself... Poor Jigglypuff... |
Spoken by the Kimono Girl by the bridge. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
シゲル『おっ サトシじゃないか! なんとか ここまで これた って かんじだな じつりょくが ないのに むり するなよな もっと ポケモン あつめるとか いろんな ポケモン そだてるとか やること あるだろ? ここで ひきかえしたほうが いいぜ! じゃあな |
GARY: Oh! If it isn't ASH! Guess you actually made it all the way here. Even though you're a wimp! Don't push yourself, huh? You've got your work cut out for you, don'tcha? Like catching more POKéMON, or raising lotsa different types of POKéMON. You should turn back here! See ya! |
The dialogue spoken by the Rival, which prompts a return to the title screen once his monologue finishes. Oddly enough, his name is always set to be Gary, and yours, Ash, regardless of what you had actually inputted.
Silent Hills
Japanese | Translation |
しずかな おか サイレントヒル は こちら |
Seen when interacting with the sign near the forest entrance.
Japanese | Translation |
この おかの ポケモンは よわい! だから ここで しゅぎょう している トレーナーも おおいよ みんな バトルが すきだから うでだめしを するといい |
The POKéMON around here are weak, so trainers like to use this place as training grounds. Everyone loves a good fight, so why not try your luck? |
Seen when interacting with the NPC near the forest entrance.
Japanese | Translation |
むしポケモンの ことなら だれよりも くわしいよ ポケモンは はじめたばかり? それやったら まけへんで |
When it comes to bug type POKéMON, no one knows more than me! You just started training POKéMON? Then there's no way I can lose! |
Spoken by the first Bug Catcher you encounter. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンずかんを つくるんだって? ちょっと みせてよ へー タイプべつに ポケモン さがせるんだ なんか すっげー くやしいわ |
Is that a POKéDEX you're filling? Let me see! Whoa! You can even search by type! That was just sooo upsetting... |
Spoken by the first Bug Catcher you encounter. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
いい てんきねー あなた ちょうしは いかが? |
What beautiful weather we have! How do you do on this fine day? |
Spoken by the Beauty exclusive to Gold. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
なんで こうなるの? さんぽしてた だけなのに |
How could this happen to me? I was just taking a walk outside... |
Spoken by the Beauty exclusive to Gold. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
ねーねー あたしと ポケモンしょうぶ しよーよー |
Hey, hey! You and me, let's battle! |
Spoken by the Lass exclusive to Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
よるになると くらくなるじゃない? あるいてても まわりが よくわからなくて こわいわ |
The sun's setting, it's getting dark. As I walk, I can't even see where I'm going. So scary... |
Spoken by the Lass exclusive to Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
こんなところで ひを ふく れんしゅう! |
I chose this place to practice my fire-breathing! |
Spoken by the Firebreather exclusive to Gold. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
よるになると くらくなるから こどもは はやく かえりなさい! おれ? おれは ひをふくから だいじょうぶ |
It's dark at night, so kids should go home before then! Oh, me? I breathe fire, so I'm fine. |
Spoken by the Firebreather exclusive to Gold. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
きみ! おこらないから いけが あるところを おしえなさい! |
You! Tell me where to find a pond before I get mad! |
Spoken by the Fisherman exclusive to Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
どうして おじさんは こんなところに いるんだ? |
What am I even doing out here? |
Spoken by the Fisherman exclusive to Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
ねえ ねえ みてよ これ ぜったい しんしゅの ポケモン だよ! じゃーん! みたことない ポケモン だいはっけん |
Look, look! This has got to be a new species of POKéMON! Tadaa! I made a grand discovery! A never before seen Pokémon! |
Spoken by the second Bug Catcher you encounter. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
あたらしい ポケモンだけでなく あたらしい タイプも みつかったって うわさだよ きみの ポケモンも みたことないな ね こうかん しない? |
There's a rumor that besides new POKéMON, they found new types too. Hey, I've never seen your POKéMON before either. Wanna trade? |
Spoken by the second Bug Catcher you encounter. The first string is used in Gold, and the second in Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
いっとくけど きみよりも べんきょう してるから きみよりも つよいよ ぜったい! |
I'm telling you, I've studied more than you, so that means I'm stronger than you. Definitely! |
Spoken by the Schoolboy exclusive to Gold. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
おかしいよ⋯⋯ まいにち ポケモンの べんきょうを きちんと してるのに まけるなんて |
This is weird… I study POKéMON every day. How could I lose? |
Spoken by the Schoolboy exclusive to Gold. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
ここは ひろくて トレーニングに さいてきだ なんのって もちろん ポケモンの トレーニングだよ! |
This place is so wide open, it's perfect for working out. What am I working out? My POKéMON, of course! |
Spoken by the Sportsman exclusive to Silver. Pre-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
よーし はしる ぞー |
OK! Time to start running! |
Spoken by the Sportsman exclusive to Silver. Post-battle dialogue.
Japanese | Translation |
しずかな おか オールドシティ は こちら |
Seen when interacting with the sign near the forest exit.
Old City Gate
Only accessible by using debug mode, as trying to enter the gate house normally will have the Rival return you to the title screen.
Japanese | Translation |
オールドシティには あの ゆうめいな ごじゅうのとう が あるの いってみたこと ある? |
In OLD CITY they have a FIVE-STORY PAGODA. It's very famous. Have you ever been there? |
Spoken by the female NPC on the base floor.
Japanese | Translation |
このゲートを ぬけると すぐに オールドシティ です |
OLD CITY is just on the other side of this gate. |
Spoken by the male NPC on the base floor.
Japanese | Translation |
ガンテツさんって しってる? ガンテツさんに きに いられるように なれば トレーナーとして たいしたもの よ |
Ever heard of KURT? If you can get on his good side, you'll have made it as a Trainer. |
Spoken by the Lass NPC on the first floor.
Japanese | Translation |
あなた かんこうで きたの? なら ざんねんね オールドシティの ごじゅうのとう は だれでも はいれる って ものじゃないわ |
Are you a tourist? If you are, too bad. The FIVE-STORY PAGODA isn't open to just anyone. |
Spoken by the little girl NPC on the first floor.
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は ぼうえんきょうを のぞいた! むむむ! たかーい とう が みえる! |
<PLAYER> peeked through a telescope! Whoa! You saw a tall, tall tower! |
Seen when interacting with the telescope on the left.
Japanese | Translation |
<PLAYER>は ぼうえんきょうを のぞいた! むむ? ながーい かわ が みえる |
<PLAYER> peeked through a telescope! Hm? You see a long, long river. |
Seen when interacting with the telescope on the right.
Old City
Japanese | Translation |
おりゃ! |
Hwarg! |
Spoken by the old man on the first floor of the Pokémon Center.
Japanese | Translation |
つうしん ケーブル クラブに ようこそ! こちらは ともだちと つうしんケーブルを つないだ かたがたを とくべつに! ごあんない いたして おります |
Welcome to the Cable Club! Here we provide special services to those who have connected to their friends using a Link Cable! Let me give you the tour. |
Spoken by both Link Cable Nurses, as well as the one found inside the "Time Machine". Taken straight from Red and Green.
Japanese | Translation |
うしろにあるのは タイムマシンです それでは なかへ どうぞ <POKéMON>は つれていけません! |
The device behind me is the TIME MACHINE. Please come in. You can't bring your <POKéMON> with you! |
Spoken by the Nurse by the Time Machine (タイムマシン), which in the final games was renamed to Time Capsule (タイムカプセル). The second string only appears if your party is entirely composed of Generation I Pokémon. The third one, meanwhile, shows up if you have a Generation II Pokémon in your team.
Japanese | Translation |
ちょっとまってね! |
Just a sec! |
Used by the Player NPC in the Link Cable rooms.
Unused Strings
Player's House
Japanese | Translation |
しんはつばい トレーナーギア! ポケモントレーナーの ための さいせんたんの とけい です じかんが わかるのは あたりまえ カセットを ついかすれば ばしょも わかる! でんわが かけられる! とどめは ラジオを きくことができる! もうしこみさきは⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ シルフの ホームぺージだ |
Introducing the TRAINER GEAR! A cutting edge watch just for POKéMON trainers. It tells the time, of course, but add a CARTRIDGE and it can show you where you are! It can even make phone calls! And to top it all off, you can use it to listen to the radio! Order yours at… ……………………………… It's SILPH's home page. |
An ad for the PokéGear (or, as it's called here, the Trainer Gear) that would have logically been displayed on a PC. However, all accessible PCs either display Oak's email, the "POKéMON Journal" homepage, or the standard PC options. Cards, such as the Map Card, were originally called cartridges.
Oak's Lab
Japanese | Translation |
セーブするには ポケモン レポート こまめに かくと いいなり |
The SAVE option is on the MENU screen. Remember to save frequently. |
Taken straight from Red and Green, but goes completely unused as it is not assigned to any scroll.
Japanese | Translation |
ゲームフリーク! |
Seen when interacting with the back wall scroll in the back room. Goes unused in both versions, as the lab is inaccessible in demo mode without the debug menu activated, and in story mode Professor Oak blocks the access to this corner of the room. Interestingly, this line appears to also be some sort of error handler, as interacting with some NPC outside of the demo's boundaries and then entering a new area will cause it to appear on-screen. Interestingly, that line still remains in the final games, just as unused as it does here.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『よく きたな! ポケモンずかんの ちょうしは どうかな? どれ⋯⋯ ちょっと みて あげようか! |
OAK: Good to see you! How is your POKéDEX coming? Here, let me take a look! |
Never seen since the Lab is locked up as soon the player exits it the first time.
Japanese | Translation |
オーキド『⋯⋯ おっほんッ! よくやったな <PLAYER>! ちょっと わしに ついて きなさい! <RIVAL>は すまんが そこで まっていなさい! <RIVAL>『えー! なんだよ ケチー! オーキド『<RIVAL>は でんせつの ポケモンが ほしかった だけじゃないのか? <RIVAL>『ギクッ! <RIVAL>『よーし! ほかの ポケモンと たたかわせて もっと もっと つよくしよう! そんじゃ ばいばい! |
OAK: ...Oho! Well done, <PLAYER>! Come with me for just a moment. Sorry, <RIVAL>, but you'll have to wait there. <RIVAL>: Whaaat! C'mon, me too! OAK: <RIVAL>, you were after the legendary POKéMON, weren't you? <RIVAL>: Urk! <RIVAL>: Okay! I'll make my POKéMON fight to toughen it up! <PLAYER>! Old man! See ya later! |
An interaction that is never seen at any point of any version.
Trainer Dialogue
The dialogue that would have normally appeared upon defeating a trainer. Is skipped in all modes.
Japanese | Translation |
いやあ かんにんやわあ うそでしょー! じゃなくて なに しはるんよ |
My apologies... Impossible! What to do now... |
Linked to the Route 2 Kimono Girl. The first string is exclusive to Gold, and the second to Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
パラパラー うわ なんでやねん |
Para Paraaa! Urgh, you gotta be kidding me! |
Linked to the first Bug Catcher. The first string is exclusive to Gold, and the second to Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
なにするニャー ⋯⋯なにいってるのかしら あたし |
Where do you think you're going, nya! ...Oh my, where are my manners? |
Linked to the Beauty exclusive to Gold.
Japanese | Translation |
やーん |
Aaah! |
Linked to the Lass exclusive to Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
あちち しっぱいだー |
OW, HOT HOT HOT! I messed up... |
Linked to the Firebreather exclusive to Gold.
Japanese | Translation |
みずが ちかくに ないと...... |
No water in sight. |
Linked to the Fisherman exclusive to Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
まだ ポケモンの とくちょう わかってないから しかたないよ ほかの ポケモンも つかまえて おくべきだったー |
I don't know the specifics of POKéMON yet, so cut me some slack! I should've caught more POKéMON... |
Linked to the second Bug Catcher. The first string is exclusive to Gold, and the second to Silver.
Japanese | Translation |
な なぜなんだ? |
Wh- why? |
Linked to the Schoolboy exclusive to Gold.
Japanese | Translation |
れ れんしゅう ぶそくか...... |
I- I didn't train enough... |
Linked to the Sportsman exclusive to Silver.
Daycare Text
The breeding system is still (ironically enough) very early in its infancy, and while things like Pokémon eggs are not even remotely implemented, there does exist quite a handful of text related to a primitive Daycare system.
Japanese | Translation |
わたしは こずくりやさん さて どうする? あずける ひきとる やめる |
I'm a Breeder. What do you want? Deposit Withdraw Cancel |
The initial starting dialogue. The owner of the Daycare was originally described as a "こずくりやさん", which translates to "Breeder"... although it is an admittedly literal way of putting their occupation. Meanwhile, only by Generation III would the Trainer class "ブリーダー" (Breeder) be properly introduced. As for the final games, the introduction text instead labels the character as the "DAY-CARE MAN/LADY", and the options are instead a Yes/No choice regarding whether or not the Player wants to have a Pokémon taken in.
Japanese | Translation |
すでに 2ひきのポケモンを あずかっています こずくりを ちゅうししますか? ポケモンは いっぴきも あずかってませんが ひきとった! |
I already care for two POKéMON. Would you like to check on them? I don't have a single POKéMON. Withdrawn! |
It appears that the Daycare originally worked the same as it went on to do in future generations, with only one Daycare owner, who took care of both Pokémon. In comparison, the final versions of Gold and Silver have a daycare couple, where the husband and wife each look after one Pokémon. There is also no option to "check on them" (likely see how many levels the Pokémon had gained), only the option to get them back, and that for a fee. The third string was likely intended for trying to withdraw a Pokémon where you hadn't deposited one prior, and the fourth string was thus logically for actually withdrawing a Pokémon.
Japanese | Translation |
それでは こづくりします! |
Let's make babies! |
A rather... cheeky line, which likely would have being shown after depositing two Pokémon.
Japanese | Translation |
あいしょうが いいようです あいしょうが わるいようです <pre> せいべつが あわないようです |
The two seem to get along. The two don't seem to get along. Their genders don't match. |
The original compatibility messages regarding the two Pokémon you deposited, with them corresponding to "Medium Compatible", "Low Compatible", and "Incompatible" (can't breed). These lines' wording is once again closer to their Generation III equivalents, where the Daycare owner remarks that your Pokémon seem to "get along very well" (High Compatible), "get along" (Medium Compatible), "not to like each other much" (Low Compatible), and "prefer to ignore each other" (Incompatible). Meanwhile, in comparison, Generation II works quite a differently.
Namely, you get insight as to the Pokémon's compatibility by talking with the Pokémon themselves, with the first half of the message stating how it's "<POKéMON> that was left with the DAY-CARE MAN/LADY", and with the second half saying if it either "cares for the opposite Pokémon" (High Compatible), "is friendly with it" (Medium Compatible), "shows interest in it" (Low Compatible), or "shows no interest in it" (Incompatible). There also exists a second incompatible state, where the message instead states that the Pokémon is "brimming with energy." This string is a failsafe, and only shows up if both Pokémon's Defense IVs are the same, and their Special IVs are different by either 0 or 8, as this interferes with the breeding mechanic.
Japanese | Translation |
ざんねんながら まだ うまれて こないようです タマゴが うまれました! ひきとりますか? |
Unfortunately, no egg was laid yet. An egg has been laid! You want it? |
The final two Daycare strings, which each correspond to "no egg laid" and "egg laid". The final games have no equivalent for the "no egg laid" string, and the other string was padded out a bit, explaining how the couple was shocked to find an egg one morning, and how they have no idea where it came from, which fits with the final games' idea of Pokémon eggs seemingly being a very recent discovery.
Overworld Text
Japanese | Translation |
てもちも マサキの パソコンも ポケモンで いっぱいのようです |
Bill's PC is full of POKéMON. |
A miscellaneous line which relates to the PC being full. Goes unused as another similar string is used instead. It's interestingly grouped alongside the Daycare strings, though it doesn't appear to fit anywhere there, meaning that its placement was perhaps accidental.
Japanese | Translation |
よけられた! こいつは つかまりそうにないぞ! |
It dodged the thrown BALL! This POKéMON can't be caught! |
An unused line leftover from Red and Green, where it was used in the Pokémon Tower after trying to catch any of the Ghosts roaming the place. This line still remains in the final games, albeit going unused as no such scenario exists there either.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンに うまく あたらなかった! |
You missed the POKéMON! |
Another unused Red and Green leftover, this time the message which popped up when a wild Pokémon broke free from a Poké Ball after zero shakes. The final games, as well as this build, use a different message entirely for this string, though for some reason it was kept around, still ending unused even in the final releases.
Japanese | Translation |
<POKéMON>は マサキの ところへ てんそうされた! |
<POKéMON> was transferred to BILL's PC. |
A carryover from Generation I, in that this line actually gets used in the final games. This build, however, only uses the "someone's PC." version of this line, leaving this one unused.
Japanese | Translation |
<ITEM>を すてます ほんとに よろしいですか? |
Is it OK to toss <ITEM>? |
Another leftover from Generation I. This build, and the final games for that matter, instead use a slightly different string, which mentions the number of item tossed.
Japanese | Translation |
たいせつな あずかりものです! つかうことは できません! |
This isn't yours to use! |
The message shown after trying to use Oak's Parcel in Generation I. This item doesn't exist in the final games, or even this build.
Japanese | Translation |
ここでは じてんしゃに のることは できません ここでは<POKéMON>に のることは できません |
Cycling isn't allowed here. No SURFing on <POKéMON> here! |
Two leftovers, once again. The first appeared when trying to ride a bike indoors, and the second when trying to surf on land. Newer, different messages are used in their place.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンのふえを ふいた! うーん! すばらしい ねいろだ! <PLAYER>は ポケモンのふえを ふいてみた! すべての ポケモンが めを さました! |
Played the POKé FLUTE! Now, that's a catchy tune! <PLAYER> played the POKé FLUTE! All sleeping POKéMON woke up! |
Messages relating to the Poké Flute, an item which doesn't exist in the final games, and is completely non-functional in this build.
System Text
Japanese | Translation |
リセット わくせん セル なまえ つうしん アニメ つれてく くさかリ あしもと じどう うごき アイテム |
Reset Frames Cell Name Communication Animation Take Me Mow Tile Automatic Movement Items |
The unused options from the Field Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
プりンス フジヤマ はつでんしょ1 はつでんしょ2 はつでんしょ3 はつでんしょ4 いせき 1 いせき 2 はいこう1 はいこう2 はいこう3 はいこう4 はいこう5 はいこう6 はいこう7 アジト 1 アジト 2 アジト 3 ヤドンの いど1 ヤドンの いど2 ポケモンりーぐ1 ポケモンりーぐ1 ポケモンりーぐ2 ポケモンりーぐ3 ポケモンりーぐ4 ポケモンりーぐ5 ポケモンりーぐ6 ポケモンりーぐ7 ポケモンりーぐ7 |
Prince Mt.Fuji Power Plant 1 Power Plant 2 Power Plant 3 Power Plant 4 Ruins 1 Ruins 2 Abandoned Mines 1 Abandoned Mines 2 Abandoned Mines 3 Abandoned Mines 4 Abandoned Mines 5 Abandoned Mines 6 Abandoned Mines 7 Hideout 1 Hideout 2 Hideout 3 Slowpoke Well 1 Slowpoke Well 2 Pokémon League 1 Pokémon League 1 Pokémon League 2 Pokémon League 3 Pokémon League 4 Pokémon League 5 Pokémon League 6 Pokémon League 7 Pokémon League 7 |
The unused entries from the Warp Debug Menu.
Japanese | Translation |
スタート►しゅるい |
Start►Sort |
Would have logically been seen in the Pokédex UI. A similar option exists in the final games though not only is a sprite used there to display this feature, but the Select button is the one being used.
Japanese | Translation |
とり |
An unused type strings leftover from Generation I.
Japanese | Translation |
パソコンの どうぐ は つかえません |
Can't use the PC. |
An odd string only seen when trying to return to the bag when in the Key Item pocket of the debug "Items" menu.
Japanese | Translation |
ポケモンもってへんやつは おことわりや! 1ぴきも もってへんやんか! それいじょう よくばったって ポケモン もたれへんで! |
You gotta have POKéMON to call! You didn't bring a single POKéMON! Don't be greedy! And my POKéMON! |
Three unused PC-related strings, which still remain in the final games, still as unused as it does here. These lines are spoken with a strong Osaka accent typical of Bill, which is fitting as he's the one who programmed the PC system in-universe.
Japanese | Translation |
⋯⋯ が つながっていなかった ようだ ⋯⋯ ピーッ! ポケモンを もっていない ひとは つかうことが できません! |
...Looks like you could not connect. Beep! People with no POKéMON can't use this service. |
Two extra unused PC-related strings. The first may have been intended for options not yet implemented, or for ones you would not have had access to at first. The second one actually still remains in the final games, still going unused, as it is displayed when the Player attempts to use the PC while not having any Pokémon, something impossible during normal gameplay. Interestingly, it would have logically been seen in this build of the games had the PCs being functional, as the starting town featured a Pokémon Center.