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Proto:Pikmin 2/Space Mail

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Pikmin 2.

Less Than 3000 Pokos

The President

Demo Final
Our future is dependent
upon your efforts, so
check your Treasure List
regularly. I'll check in
often... Keep up the pace!
Our future depends on
your efforts, so check
your treasure hoard
regularly. I'll check in
often. Keep up the pace!

The Treasure Hoard is referred to by an earlier name, Treasure List. and is no longer in capital letters.

Demo Final
There's nothing left to
repossess, so HA!
Besides, there's nothing
left to repossess, so HA!
Demo Final
Just remember, sitting
back and watching from
afar makes for a boring
Remember, you'll never
get anything done if you
sit back and watch from
Demo Final
Louie: It's been three
months since you joined
our company. Isn't it what
you'd call "cool"?
Louie: It's been three
months since you joined
our company, and I'm
sure you love it.

The President's attempts to connect with the youth aren't present in the final message.

Demo Final
Olimar! I see that you're
making notes in the
treasure list. This is no
scientific jaunt! It's
business! Which is why
the ship is making sales
for your finds.
Olimar! I see that you're
making notes in the
treasure hoard. This is
no scientific jaunt! It's
business! Which is why
the ship is writing sales
for your finds.

Another instance of "treasure list" instead of "treasure hoard".

Demo Final
Sometimes I think of
where we'd be now if I
hadn't been so stingy...
If I'd purchased space
insurance... But the route
Louie took was always
a safe shipping lane...
I wonder where we'd be
now if I hadn't been so
stingy and purchased
space insurance... But
the route Louie took
was always a safe
shipping lane

Olimar's Wife

Demo Final
My dearest dear...how are
you? Your boss gave me
this space-email account
and told me of this
business trip of yours.
My dearest dear...how
are you? Your boss gave
me this space e-mail
account and told me all
about your business trip.

"Space-mail" changed to "space e-mail". Space.

At Least 3000 Pokos

The President

Demo Final
While you two are
dawdling about, my life is
hanging by a thread! Get
to work, slackers!
While you two are
dawdling about, my life
hangs by a thread! Get
to work, slackers!
Demo Final
Louie, your auntie sent
me some cookies. Now,
I only meant to taste
one, but...then I ate them
all. Sorry. To make up for
it, I shall officially make
you a Cookie Specialist.
Louie, your auntie sent
me some cookies. Now, I
only meant to taste one,
but...then I ate them all.
Sorry. To make up for it,
I shall officially make you
a Cookie Specialist.
Demo Final
Some say that one
should look to the past,
to places one has been
already, in order to make
new finds...
Some say that you
should look to the past,
to places you have been
already, in order to make
new finds...

Rewritten to sound less awkward.

Demo Final
All I do now is take calls
from debt collectors.
Thinking it was OK to
work at a leisurely pace
was a big mistake. Work
isn't about quality, it's all
about speed. Go to it!
All I do is take calls from
debt collectors! Thinking
it was OK to work at a
leisurely pace was a big
mistake. Work isn't
about quality, it's all
about speed. Hop to it!

At Least 5000 Pokos

The President

Demo Final
Olimar! You're my hero!
You've erased half of our
debts. Still, things have
become a bit dangerous,
so I'm going into hiding.
Make sure to focus on
work...and don't slack off!
Olimar! You're my hero!
You've erased half of our
debt. Still, things have
become a bit dangerous,
so I'm going into hiding.
Focus on work...and
don't slack off!

"Debts" is no longer plural in the final text.

Demo Final
Hello... I am still on the
lam from debt collectors...
For the time being, I've
decided to live under the
bridge, but if they catch
me, I don't know what will
become of poor me...
Hello... I am still on the
lam from debt collectors.
For the time being, I've
decided to live under the
bridge, but if they catch
me, I don't know what
they'll do to me...
Demo Final
I finally have. I'm thinking
maybe I'll just fire you
two ingrates and hire
these nice animals...
I finally have. Maybe I'll
just fire you two ingrates
and hire these nice
Demo Final
Today, a group from the
government offices paid
me a visit. They whisked
me out from under the
bridge as if I were trash.
Today, a group from the
government offices paid
me a visit. They kicked
me out from under the
bridge as if I were trash.
Demo Final
Today, I just missed
getting nabbed by the
debt collectors. I was
able to escape them
thanks to the diet my
wife suggested I go on.
You should try it, too!
Today, I just missed
getting nabbed by the
debt collectors. I was
able to escape them
thanks to my all-grass
diet! You should try it,

The President's previously mention of eating grass comes up again in the finalized message.

Olimar's Daughter

Demo Final
Dad! Dad! Thank you so
much! Mom is giving me
allowance again!
Dad! Dad! Thank you so
much! Mom is giving me
an allowance again!

Grammar fixing.

At Least 8000 Pokos

The President

Demo Final
Today, I tried building a
small room at the top of
a tree. It reminded me
of my younger days,
when I lived in a little
shed. Remembering those
days makes this bearable.
Today, I tried building a
small room at the top of
a tree. It reminded me
of my younger days,
when I lived in a little
shed. Those memories
help make this bearable.
Demo Final
If I don't pay off
the company debts right
away, I'm to be buried
in Hocotate swamp. It's
bleak here... Please hurry!
If I don't pay off
the company debt right
away, I'm to be buried
in Hocotate Swamp. It's
bleak here... Hurry!

Hocotate Swamp was changed to a proper name.

Demo Final
hostage in my place. I'm
going to run....uh, I mean,
I'm going to search for
treasures. Hurry, now!
hostage in my place. I'm
going to run....uh, I
mean...search for
treasures. Hurry up!
Demo Final
Olimar! You are slow as
molasses. Effective now,
I'm reducing you to a
bottom-rung employee
until you get back on
pace! Seems Louie has
more promise as of late...
Olimar! You are as slow
as molasses. Effective
now, I'm reducing you to
a bottom-rung employee
until you get back on
pace! Lately, Louie has
held more promise...
Demo Final
Olimar! I believe in you!
Hurry up and get these
debts repaid!
Olimar! I believe in you!
Hurry up and get this
debt repaid!

Standard "debts" change.

Demo Final
I wonder just how many
days have gone by since
I was captured by the
debt collectors. Olimar...
Louie... Please... I'm almost
done for... Repay..the..
debt! P..l..e...a...s...e...
I wonder how many days
have gone by since I was
captured by the debt
collectors. Olimar...
Louie... I'm almost done
for... Repay...debt!

Debt Repaid

Louie's Grandmother

Demo Final
Louie! Are you eating
well? When you were just
a little boy, you were a
bit skinny side, so I made
you eat healthily. Be sure
to cook suspect foods
before eating them!
Louie! Are you eating
well? When you were a
boy, you were quite
skinny, so I made you
clean your plate. Be sure
to cook suspicious food
before eating it!

Louie was changed from eating healthily to eating heartily.

Demo Final
You hated to
play outside, so I made
you walk and eat bugs
and plants. Ah, memories.
You hated to
play outside, so I made
you eat bugs and plants.
Ah, memories...

Louie wasn't forced to walk in the final game.

The President's Wife

Demo Final
Why you... Some president
you are! I just got back
from vacation to find
you're on a treasure hunt!
Well, don't bother coming
home until you've found
every item on your list.
Hmmph! Some president
you are! I just got back
from vacation to find out
you're on a treasure hunt!
Well, don't bother coming
home until you've found
every item on your list!

Olimar's Wife

Demo Final
Olimar, you've worked so
hard! Your special bonus
arrived today. This is a
first isn't it?
Olimar, you've worked so
hard! Your special bonus
arrived today. This is a
first, right?

Olimar's Son

Demo Final
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! My
allowance doubled! And
it's all thanks to my Papa!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! My
allowance doubled! And
it's all thanks to my papa!
Demo Final
Lately, I've been getting
a lot of strange mail from
a funny address. It's from
a strange lady asking me
to be her friend... It really
freaked me out. What
should I do, Papa?
Lately, I've been getting
a ton of mail from a
strange person selling
designer items at cut-
rate prices. It sounds
like a deal. Should I send
them your bonus check?

The spam message that Olimar's Son talks about switched in the final version to be funnier.


Demo Final
I want to meet someone
like you. Contact me at
I want to meet someone
like you. Contact me at

The website was changed from nintendo.com to pikmin.com.

Demo Final
Do you like DESIGNER
PRICES? Then come save
tons of pokos at...
Do you like DESIGNER
PRICES? Then come save
tons of Pokos at...

Website was changed again, and pokos was properly capitalized.

Louie Rescued

Olimar's Wife

Demo Final
Hey, hon! I'm on a solo
vacation right now. Beach
during the day, theater at
Hey, hon! I'm on a solo
vacation right now.
Beach by day, theater at

Olimar's Daughter

Demo Final
Both mom and brother
slept through it, but not
me! Aren't I proper?
Both Mom and Brother
slept through it, but not
me! Aren't I proper?
Demo Final
Brother is always crying...
Being a lady stinks.
Brother is always crying.
Growing up isn't any fun
at all...

The final sentence was softened a bit.

Olimar's Son

Demo Final
I was a little
nervous, but I got over it.
Next time, you totally
have to come with us!
I was a little
nervous, but I got over
it. Next time, you totally
have to come with us!
Demo Final
Where did our nice Mama
from before go?
I want the old Mama

Different sentence, but same sentiment.

All Treasures Collected

Olimar's Wife

Demo Final
I think I may have messed
up, darling... I lost a
small fortune buying
lottery tickets. It was all
a nightmare. We may have
to live a little lean for
awhile, I'm afraid.
I think I may have messed
up, darling... I lost a
small fortune buying
lottery tickets. It was all
a nightmare. I'm afraid
we're going to have to
live lean for awhile.

Olimar's Son

Demo Final
I'm not sure what the
reason is... Love, maybe?
Anyway, hurry up and
come home, and don't
forget to bring souvenirs!
I'm not sure what the
reason is... Love,
maybe? Anyway, hurry up
and come home, and don't
forget to bring souvenirs!
Demo Final
Dad, today I'm writing on
behalf on Bulbie. Mom
and I completely forgot
to feed him. He got
skinny, but he's been
eating a lot of PikPik
carrots, so he'll be OK.
Dad, today I'm writing on
behalf of Bulbie. Mom
and I completely forgot
to feed him. He got
skinny, but he's been
eating a lot of Pikpik
carrots, so he'll be OK.

"Behalf on" was corrected, and Pikpik was capitalized differently.


Demo Final
Not just songs; songs
of love! Listen to the
greatest hits of Pikpik
and get happy! Pikpik!
Not just songs; songs
of love! Rock out to
Pikpik's greatest hits and
get sappy!

Standard website change, "happy" changed to "sappy", and an extra Pikpik was removed. Pikpik!