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Proto:NARC (NES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of NARC (NES).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Forestofillusion.com logo.png  This was documented on Forest of Illusion.

A sample prototype of the NES NARC was released on August 20, 2022 by Forest of Illusion.

Intended for demo purposes at the Consumer Electronics Show, the game is still largely uncensored at this point. Various references to smoking and illicit drugs were toned down for the final version.

General Differences

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto title.png NARC-NES-Final-title.png

The car's license plate on the title screen reads "SAY NO OR DIE" instead of "JUST SAY NO".

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto Q.png NARC-NES-Final-Q.png

The scanner font has a different letter Q in the prototype.

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto daslof.png NARC-NES-Final-daslof.png

The Das Lof gang member's cigar was removed.

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak1.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak1.png
Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak2.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak2.png
Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak3.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak3.png
Prototype Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak4.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak4.png
Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak5.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak5.png
Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto kwak6.png NARC-NES-Final-kwak6.png

Every instance of "KRAK" was changed to "KWAK".

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto lab.png NARC-NES-Final-lab.png

The Hypoman's secret lab is explicitly referred to as a drug lab.

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto addict.png NARC-NES-Final-addict.png

Dumpster Man is referred to as being a PCP addict.

Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto MrBig.png NARC-NES-Final-MrBig.png
Proto Final
NARC-NES-Proto MrBig2.png NARC-NES-Final-MrBig2.png

Mr. Big's cigar was removed.