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Proto:Lumines II

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Lumines II.


A demo version of Lumines II is playable within the American and European releases of Every Extend Extra. While the executable is dated August 8, 2006, the file archives go up to June 22, which is over two months before the final American build, and over four months before the game's initial release.


  • The title screen graphic has a "Puzzle Fusion" subtitle, which is absent from the final release.
  • Only Avatar 1 (Boy) is playable. Avatars 7 (Bear) and 20 (Cat) can also be seen in the game's demo sequence.
  • Avatar animations play slightly faster than they should.
  • Skin progression is based on a level system, much like the original Lumines: Puzzle Fusion.
  • The following skins are played, in order:
    • Level 0: Sparks!!
      Hold Time: 2s / Fall Interval: 0.43s / Special Rate: 30 / Blocks to Level Up: 16
    • Level 4: JUST...
      Hold Time: 1s / Fall Interval: 0.4s / Special Rate: 40 / Blocks to Level Up: 10
    • Level 8: Shadow of Grand Father
      Hold Time: 1s / Fall Interval: 0.33s / Special Rate: 10 / Blocks to Level Up: 16
    • Level 12: You are not here.
      Hold Time: 0.83s / Fall Interval: 0.23s / Special Rate: 40 / Blocks to Level Up: 10
    • Level 16: Dao
      Hold Time: 0.5s / Fall Interval: 0.3s / Special Rate: 20 / Blocks to Level Up: 16
    • Level 20: My Generation (different)
      Hold Time: 0.83s / Fall Interval: 0.3s / Special Rate: 40 / Blocks to Level Up: 16
  • Additionally, the skins SQUARE DANCE, MEGURO, STRANGERS, HOLIDAY IN SUMMER, and My Generation (original) can only be seen in the game's demo sequence.
  • As noted above, the version of My Generation which is played is different in the following aspects:
    • This version uses the ID 903, which is associated with the licensed song Pump It in the final product.
    • Streamed audio is used for the background music, rather than separate tracks for each instrument. This is also done with the game's licenses.
    • A unique video is displayed, which itself features videos from many other skins:
    • A different tileset is used. In the final game, this early tileset is also used by the Time Attack mode and Easy Mission skins.

Unused/Unseen Graphics

  • The larger icons in the main menu would have originally had shadows inside them, which were removed in favor of a flatter design in the final game.
Demo Final
LuminesII-liconsDEMO.png LuminesII-liconsFINAL.png
  • Some of the smaller icons seen in the demo's files are not present at all in the retail game. There are also two unused "Congraturations!!" and "Rank In!!" graphics which might have been seen when getting a highscore.
Demo Final
LuminesII-iconsDEMO.png LuminesII-iconsFINAL.png

Text Differences

The file LUMINES2\message\mes_en.dat contains the game's text strings. While very few are actually seen in-game, there are many differences compared to the final product.


  • The "START" in the title screen's "Press START button" is not in all-caps in the demo's files.
  • There are no proper credits strings in the demo's files.

How To Play

  • The How To Play text noticeably lacks polishing. There is also an earlier version of these strings in the demo's files which references a scrapped feature, located closer to the Credits text. The changed lines between the used Demo strings and the final game are highlighted in bold.
Demo (Unused) Demo Final

Turn selected block 90 degrees clockwise with A button.
Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise with X.
Button configurations can be changed in Options > Controlls.
Use directional buttons to move left or right.
Continue pressing to move faster.
Press the down button for speedier falls.
Aim to be correct and effective as much as possible!
To delete, create a same colored squares.
Pump out lots of squares using the two colored blocks!
The squares are erased when Time Line passes.
Watch the Time Line closely and place blocks effectively.
Game over when blocks reach the top.
Use useful items to achieve high scores!

Rotate with the buttons.
Use directional buttons to move left or right.
Hold down directional button to move faster.
Press the down button for quicker falls.
To delete, create a same-colored square.
Square is deleted when the time line passes.
Create as many squares before the Time Line passes.
Delete more than 4 squares during a single sweep of the Time Line...
and receive bonus points!
Special blocks!
When a 2x2 square contains a special block…
all connected same-colored blocks will be erased!
Single color! Bonus points!
Game over when blocks reach the top.

Use △,○,□, and × buttons to rotate block.
Use left or right buttons to move block from side to side.
Hold the button to move faster.
Use down button to drop block faster.
To delete, create a same-colored square.
A square is deleted when the Time Line passes.
Create as many squares before the Time Line passes.
Delete more than 4 squares during a single sweep of the Time Line...
and receive bonus points!
Special blocks!
When a 2x2 square contains a special block…
all connected same-colored blocks will be erased!
Single color! Bonus points!
The game is over when blocks reach the top.

Main Menu

  • The demo version's strings contain references to an "Arena" mode, which is not present in the final game.
Arena Mode
Enter the Arena
Arena Mode game record.
  • There is also a reference to a "Tournament Tour", though it seems to be just a "subgame" for VS CPU Mode.
Tournament Tour
VS CPU Mode Tournament Tour
A 10-stage tournament.
  • The descriptions for Time Attack Mode originally did not have the "as" in "Erase as many squares as possible.".
  • The description for the Challenge, Skin Edit, Puzzle and Mission modes, as well as for the Options, Help and Credits menu, were slightly rewritten:
Demo Final
Play to gain new skins and music Play to receive new skins and music.
Reorder the skins obtained. Reorder obtained skins.
Make given shapes and clear other requirements. Make and clear shapes with blocks.
Complete designated missions. Complete assigned missions.
Change game settings Change game settings and/or use various functions.
View game rules and tips. View tutorials and tips.
View staff credit. View staff credits.

Skin Edit Menu

  • Practically all of the strings that would be seen here lack polish.
Demo Final

Select skins to be replacd.
Aim for highest possible score before finishing one full lap in selected skin.
The selected skin can be played over until the game is over.
Select skins to be replaced.
Please assign Skin to Play List.

Choose a skin to replace.
Score as many points as possible in one round, playing with the first 10 skins in your play list.
Play your play list over and over again until game over.
Choose a skin to replace.
Choose from available skins to create your own play list.


  • Some of the strings which would be seen in the Play History menu were also slightly rewritten.
Demo Final

Highest Score
Maximum number of blocks erased in 1 Time Line sweep

Number of erase-alls in 1 play
Number of single-color blocks erased in 1 play


Highest Score in Single Lap

Average Game Completion Time

Times Cleared
Winning Rate
Longest Game Time
Shortest Winning Time

Winning Rate


Average Erasure

High Score
Maximum number of blocks erased
in One Time Line sweep

Number of erase-alls in one game
Number of single-color blocks erased
in 1 game


High Score in One Single Lap

Average Game Completion Time

Times Cleared
Win Rate
Longest Game Time
Shortest Win Time

Win Rate


Average Amount Erased


  • More lack of polish in the earlier strings.
Demo Final

Button configurations.
Edit current character's design.
Edit position and colors of the in-game console.

System set up in Typa A.
System set up in Type B.
System set up in Type C.
System set up in Type D.
This character selected.
Select in-game console color.
In-game position and colors of console edited.
Select character design.

Change button configuration.
Change design of playable character.
Select colors and display layout during game play.

Type A chosen.
Type B chosen.
Type C chosen.
Type D chosen.
This character chosen.
Choose colors for in-game console.
Choose console placement.
Change button configuration.

  • The demo has strings for a function to adjust the volume of the background music and sound effects, which is not present in the final game.
Adjust volume of sound effects and music.
Sound balance adjusted.


  • The Tutorial and Tips menus have slightly different descriptions:
Demo Final

View the tutorial.
Open menu for useful tips.
View useful tips.

See Tutorial.
Open menu to see useful tips to play.
See useful tips to enhance game play experience.

  • The "Basics 16" Tip, which covers the Special Blocks, was originally under a different label, "Items 1". This is due to the presence of six other "Items"-labeled strings which cover a scrapped feature (see: Item Strings).
  • Many of the Tip descriptions were completely rewritten.
Demo Final
[L-shaped Block Usage 1]

Get the basics down!

[Using L-shaped Blocks (1)]

Learn the basics!

[Checker Block Usage 1]

This difficult [▚] block is
Look for blocks that can be erased in this pattern.

Master the usage of checker blocks to advance further.

[Using Checker Blocks (1)]

Checker blocks [▚] can be hard to erase.
So try to match them to patterns like this.

Mastering checker blocks is key to advancing!

[Checker Block Usage 2]

Stack them up like this...
...and it would make it a lot easier later. Keep one level off-centered.

[Using Checker Blocks (2)]

You can also stack them like this:
Let one side shift down.
It'll make them easier to handle.

[Checker Block Usage 3]

If [▚] comes twice in a row,

[Checker Block Usage 3]

If you get two [▚] in a row...

[The Sandwich Method]

insert a different-colored block in between the blocks that come only in two colors
Erase them all!

Try to find other ways to erase blocks effectively!

[The Sandwich Technique]

In situations like this, make a "sandwich" of opposing colors!
You'll erase them all!

These are just examples. Try other ways, too!

[L-shaped Block Usage 2]

When this occurs,
think this way:

[Using L-shaped Blocks (2)]

When this occurs:
Try this kind of approach.

[L-shaped Block Usage 3] [Using L-shaped Blocks (3)]
[Patterns to Take Advantage Of]

Don't miss your chance when you see a good pattern!

[Advantageous Patterns]

Keep your eyes peeled for advantageous patterns!

[L-shaped Block Usage 4]

An upside-down L atop an L-shaped mountain,

[Using L-shaped Blocks (4)]

Have a pair of interlocking L-shapes?

[Bring in This Shape 1]

if [▍ ] comes next,

[Make This Pattern (1)]

When you get [▍ ]

[Bring in This Shape 2]

if there is a [▍ ] on Mountain,

[Make This Pattern (2)]

If you already placed a block like [▍ ]

[Balance with Time Line]

In the situation of b1...
Wait until the Time Line passes here,

Wait for the Time Line to pass, or play hand before it does?

[Time Line Techniques]

If you have a block like [▉]
Wait for the Time Line to pass.

Time your patterns to match the sweet of the Time Line!

[Write in and Erase]

Figure out a way to erase as many blocks possible with one block!

[Slide in and Erase]

Try to erase as many blocks as possible with it!

[Single-color Block Usage]

Take this situation: If the next block is [ ],
place it like this,
and if the next one is [▘],
3 squares can be made in two hands.

Single-colored blocks give you chance to make larger squares!

[Using Single-color Blocks]

Let's say your next block is [ ]
Place it like this.
Then, if you get [▘] next...
You can make 3 squares in just two steps.

Single-colored blocks are a chance to make larger squares!

[Go for High Score]

If you end up with a huge square like this one,
the number of squares is 9.
Gain large square count with less area!

Erase as many blocks possible to gain bonus points!

[Maxing Your Score]

If you can make a huge square like this one:
You'll get credit for 9 squares!
Dense patterns like this get higher scores!

Erasing more blocks nets you bonus points!

[Special Blocks]

This item erases same-colored blocks connected to same-colored squares including Item Block.
Connect as many blocks possible and erase them!

Use items effectively and make games easier!

[Special Blocks]

Make a square containing a Special Block.
You'll erase all connected same-colored blocks!
Connect and erase as many blocks as possible!

Use Special Blocks effectively to make your game easier!

[How to Stack Up 1]

If they're stacked up like this, no matter what block comes next
It will work in advantage for you.

Take advantage of two-colored blocks' characteristics

[Stacking (1)]

If you've got a stack like this,
no matter which block comes next...
It will always work out in your favor!

Use two-colored blocks to your advantage!

[How to Stack Up 2]

Out of 5 block types there are 4 blocks that are same colors vertically.
Place them so the two adjacent lines will be in same color...
A square can be made effectively.

Another good hand: Match colors of the adjacent columns.

[Stacking (2)]

Out of the 6 block types,
5 feature the same color oriented vertically.
Place them next to each other so that these colors match up.
It's an efficient way of making squares.

Here's a hot tip: match the colors of adjacent columns!

[Special Block Erase Half]

Make a square including a Special Block when Time Line is at this position...
...and the Special Block will be left.

Use Item Block (not limited to Special Blocks) half-erase effectively

["Half-Erasing" Special Blocks]

If you make a square with a Special Block
when the Time Line is in this position...
The Special Block will be left behind!

Master the "half-erase" feature of Special Blocks!

[How to Stack Up 3]

Stack them up like this...

Putting focus on columns works for making bigger chunks!

[Stacking (3)]

Try stacking blocks this way.

Use columns to create a big chunk of squares!

[How to Stack Up 4]

Make sure to stack them to avoid situations like this.
Place them so the adjacent blocks will be in same color...
And it will be a lot easier to erase them later.

Place the blocks imagining how the blocks left in the mountain would be.

[Stacking (4)]

Whatever you do, try to avoid situations like this.
Arrange blocks so that adjacent ones have matching colors.
It will make erasing them a lot easier.

Try to envision what the remaining blocks will look like!

Puzzle Mode

  • Puzzle 023, which is known as "Large Letter "X"", was originally labeled as "Cross".
  • Puzzle 063, which is known as "Hand", was originally "Large Z".

Mission Mode

  • While the final game talks about "clearing" blocks in a determinate amount of "steps", the demo's strings ask the player to "erase" blocks in a determinate amount of "hands".
  • Mission 23, which requires the player to fill the playfield with blocks within 3 minutes, seems to have originally been rather stricter, as, according to its early description, clearing blocks would result in loss of time.

Item Strings

The demo has strings for a scrapped gameplay feature: Items. They can be found within the Gameplay and Tips menu strings.

One Row In Side
Rhythm Double
All Clear
Clear Single Color
Expand 2
Tips No.22
Tips No.23
Tips No.24
Tips No.25
Tips No.26
Tips No.27
[One Row on Side]

This item erases all the blocks in the same row as the Item Block.
Erase as many blocks possible and aim to create chain reactions!


This item reverses the movement of the Time Line.
Use it to your advantage!

[In the Tempo Twice]

This item slows the speed of the Time Line to twice the time for a set time.

[Eraser Single Color]

This item erases the same-colored blocks as the square including the Item Block within your own field.

[Expand 2]

This item moves the partation line two blocks into your opponent's way when used in a Duel Rule battle.


This item resets the partation line to center screen when used in a Duel Rule battle.

Skin Listing

Curiously, LUMINES2\boot.dat\skin_list.bin, which contains a skin masterlist of sorts, references several early names and scrapped skins that did not make the final cut.

ID Graphics Package Video File Audio Package
001 skin001 mvevery_st.pmf every_music
References the scrapped skin Everything Needs Love, which was seen in prerelease footage.
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is used by Heavenly Star.
010 skin010 gori02.pmf gori02_music
Likely references FEEL GOOD INC., whose graphical data can be found unused in Lumines Supernova.
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is used by the scrapped DLC skin SORRY.
011 skin011 starguitar.pmf starguitar_music
References Star Guitar, which uses the ID 901 in the final game.
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is taken by SHININ', a scrapped DLC skin which originates from the first game.
017 skin017 rockin.pmf rockin_music
References Block Rock'in Beats, whose graphical data can be found unused in Lumines Supernova.
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is taken by SHAKE YA BODY, a scrapped DLC skin which originates from the first game.
026 skin026 jaga.pmf jaga_music
References a currently unknown license.
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is taken by I hear the music in my Soul, a scrapped DLC skin which originates from the first game.
027 skin027 gori02.pmf gori02_music
Another skin that references FEEL GOOD INC..
In Lumines LIVE!, this ID is taken by Lights, a scrapped DLC skin which originates from the first game.
031 skin031 mv031_lp.pmf so_music34_120
The skin Flashback.
It seems that at this point in development, its audio file was not created yet, so the 120 BPM version of Fanatic was used.
033 skin033 mv033_lp.pmf so_music34_120
The skin Butterfly Stroke.
It seems that at this point in development, its audio file was not created yet, so the 120 BPM version of Fanatic was used.
034 skin034 starguitar.pmf starguitar_music
Another skin that references Star Guitar.
This is the ID taken by this song in the Lumines Supernova data.
036 skin036 mv036_lp.pmf so_music34_120
The skin Day dream.
It seems that at this point in development, its audio file was not created yet, so the 120 BPM version of Fanatic was used.
041 skin041 rockin.pmf rockin_music
Another skin that references Block Rock'in Beats.
This is the ID taken by this song in the Lumines Supernova data.
045 skin045 mv045_lp.pmf so_music34_120
The skin T.S.L.
It seems that at this point in development, its audio file was not created yet, so the 120 BPM version of Fanatic was used.
047 skin047 mv047_lp.pmf so_music34_120
The skin BIG THINGS.
It seems that at this point in development, its audio file was not created yet, so the 120 BPM version of Fanatic was used.
050 skin050 gori02.pmf gori02_music
Another skin that references FEEL GOOD INC..
This is the ID taken by this song in the Lumines Supernova data.
111 skin111 mv704_lp.pmf so_music34_120
A skin meant for an eleventh round of VS CPU Mode.
It uses placeholder assets, those being the video of neodimium and the audio of the 120 BPM version of Fanatic.
901 skin901 mvtakagi2.pmf takagi2
Lists the skin Girls. In the final game, this ID is used by Star Guitar, while Girls takes the ID 918.
902 skin902 mvtakagi1.pmf takagi1
Lists a currently unknown Takagi Masakatsu skin.
In the final game, this ID is taken by Gangster Trippin'.
904 skin904 mv704_lp.pmf disney_music
Lists a currently unknown skin.
It's worth noting that Buena Vista Games, Lumines II's publisher in North America and Europe, were a subsidiary of Disney.
In the final game, this ID is taken by Lose Control.
905 skin905 mvmoto.pmf moto_music
Lists a currently unknown skin.
In the final game, this ID is taken by Black Tambourine.
906 skin906
Placeholder entry. In the final game, this ID is taken by Take My Time.
907 skin907
Placeholder entry. In the final game, this ID is taken by Born To Lead.
908 skin908
Placeholder entry. In the final game, this ID is taken by Bottle Rocket.
909 skin909
Placeholder entry. In the final game, this ID is taken by Hollaback Girl.

In addition, there are no entries for the following skins, as well as any skins from ID 910 onwards:

  • 718 - Manager class (Skin Edit)
  • 719 - MACHINE INTERFACE (Skin Edit)
  • 720 - Elect.M.G.R