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Proto:Iron Commando: Kotetsu no Senshi

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Iron Commando: Kotetsu no Senshi.

A build of an unreleased European version, simply titled Iron Commando, was leaked by the Italian scene group PARADOX on December 30, 1994, albeit with an intro screen added by said group.

On January 1, 1995, fellow scene group ELITENDO released a hack that ousts the aforementioned intro (in total, just 16 bytes are changed). There's also a ROM of uncertain origin that is near-identical to the ELITENDO release, changing a further two bytes.

(Source: SNES Central)

General Differences

  • The level select is enabled by default in the Options menu.
  • The number of lives the player starts with is lower in all three difficulties:
Difficulty Japan Europe
Easy 5 3
Medium 5 4
Hard 6 5

Graphical Differences

Japan Europe
Iron Commando Koutetsu no Senshi Poppo Logo.png Iron Commando Arcade Zone Logo.png

The publisher logo is for Arcade Zone in this version.

Splash Screen

Japan Europe
Iron Commando Koutetsu no Senshi JP Splash Screen.png Iron Commando EU Splash Screen.png

Aside from the logo change, Poppo's credit is absent, "Licensed by Nintendo" is present, and the text is brighter.


Japan Europe
"Since the first meteorite, there has been disaster..." Iron Commando EU Intro.png

Title Screen

Japan Europe
Snesironcom-title.png Iron Commando EU Title.png

The logo is again changed, and a credit for Arcade Zone is present.

Continue Screen

Japan Europe
Iron Commando Koutetsu no Senshi JP Continue Screen.png Iron Commando EU Continue Screen.png

The logo (once again) and background are different.