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This page details one or more prototype versions of Glyph.

Given to play testers, this documents changes from the Focus Test Build of Glyph.

Config File

The following was added to the final's Config file.

(render_fonts 1)
(local_data_dir 0)
(create_log 0)

While the test build only has one minimum fps setting, the final adds two.

Test Build Final
(auto_min_fps 20)
(auto_min_fps_down 20)
(auto_min_fps_up 38)

Developer Mode

A mysterious developer mode setting is present in the test build. Turing the value to 1 appears to do nothing in the game itself.

# developer mode -- remove this for release versions
(dev_mode 0)


  • The Sandlot Games intro cinematic is omitted from the test build.
  • Some cutscenes are unfinished
  • Sandlot logo on the upper right corner of the menu was removed in the final.
  • The game's logo changed from green and yellow, to gold.
Test Build Final
Glyph-options-testbuild.png Glyph-options-final.png
  • The tip toggle was added to the right of the quality button.
  • Bottom right shows the build number "SLG 1.0.76"
Test Build Final
Glyph-files-testbuild.png Glyph-files-final.png

The final file select shows the "click to create" text as "<click to create>"

Test Build Final
Glyph-hiscore-testbuild.png Glyph-hiscore-final.png

Test build shows all default scores as "sandlot", with them being blank in the final.

Test Build Final
Glyph-lvlsel-quest-testbuild.png Glyph-lvlsel-quest-final.png

On the quest level select screen,

  • The previous and next lines of text was added in the final.
  • The arrow buttons are smaller in the test build.
  • Level number is also smaller compared to the final.
Test Build Final
Glyph-nextlvl-quest-testbuild.png Glyph-nextlvl-quest-final.png

The menu text on the upper left corner when transitioning to another level is omitted from the button, with it also being faded out in the final build

Quest Mode

The tutorial text and images are different, with the images used in the beta being glitchy and flickering. The title of the tutorial is pink in the beta, and blue in the final.

Test Build Final
Dig deep enough to unveil parts of the Glyph Dig deep enough to unveil the Glyph fragment and beat the level.


The test build also has an extra dialog box with a unique image not in the final.