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Proto:Frogger (1997)/Build 01

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Frogger (1997).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

An early build of the PlayStation version of Frogger built on June 19th, 1997, identified internally as "Build 1". It was released on January 2, 2023 by Kneesnap. It has a ton of differences from the final build. Despite this build being labelled "Build 1", this build was just the first build after E3 1997. The first "official" build of the game is from between April 10th and April 22nd 1997, but this ignores the Frogger game which got scrapped.

General Notes

  • Many animations such as drowning animations do not exist yet, or do not play in certain situations.
  • There are two ways to pause the game. Pressing SELECT will pause the game and show text which says "PAUSED". Pressing START will pause the game and remove Frogger's shadow.
  • Frogger's throat is visible during normal gameplay. An easy way to observe this is playing Lily Islands and with the initial camera angle croak a few times.
  • Frogger's superjump is extremely powerful in this build, it's able to climb seemingly infinite heights, such as accessing the green frog in Lily Islands, or skipping stairs in Webs Cavern)


Boot Screen
  • Upon bootup, the above screen will display for a second before disappearing and loading the main menu..

Unused Intro Sequence

  • The E3 intro sequence is still on the disc, but it is no longer used by the game.

Sound Differences

To do:
Go over differences in sounds.

Music Differences

  • The music in the level VOL1 (Scorching Switches) volcano zone is an early version, lacking all the industrial/blacksmith sound samples that are present in the final version.

Debugging Cheats

  • To unlock a couple of locked levels, while on the Main Menu highlight "Start" and press instead of .

Cheat Code Instructions:

  • 1) Pause the game by pressing START (NOT SELECT)
  • 2) Press & Hold L1, R1, and the button corresponding to the cheat code you'd like to activate.
  • 3) Press START while holding the buttons, the game will not unpause.
  • 4) Release the held buttons. If successful, text will show up on top of the level timer showing the cheat. If nothing shows up, retry from step #2.
  • Note: Pressing L1 and R1 will turn the background purple. It seems to return to black after a cheat is successfully entered.

Cheat Code Buttons:

✕: Toggle Enemy Collision Deaths

◻: Toggle Timer

△: Toggle Infinite Lives

Main Menu

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-MainMenu.png FROGGERPSXUSA-title screen.png
  • The main menu in this prototype is completely different from the final build. There are absolutely no 3D objects rendered here, but instead it uses a black background with some simple font, and some "HI-SCORE" text above.
  • The leaderboard is also the same as in some later builds.
  • Several game demos exist in the games files, and play if you idle on the main menu for long enough.

Options Menu

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-OptionsScreen.png FROGGERPSXUSA-options menu.png

Level Select

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-LevelSelect.png FROGGERPSXUSA-level select.png
  • Many of the levels on the level stack are locked/unplayable. Most of these levels have not been started and are not present in the game files, but some are present and can be loaded with other means.
  • To unlock two other levels, highlight "Start" and press instead of . The other levels can be loaded with GameShark codes described below.
  • Many levels have incorrect names or a placeholder graphic.
  • The background used in this version is the background used on the final PSX version for the "View High Scores" option, and on the "Low poly mode" in the retail PC version.


Upon getting a "Game Over", a continue screen is displayed. Selecting both "Yes" and "No" will return the player to the level select screen. However, selecting "No" leads to something strange. All levels on the level stack are fully unlocked, including levels which do not have any files in the build. Selecting any map, including ones which load under normal circumstances will exit to the main menu, instead of loading the level. Additionally, pressing LEFT or RIGHT on the D-PAD allows switching between multiplayer and singleplayer level select modes, even if you started the game as a singleplayer session.

Ruins Zone

By using the quirk of selecting "No" on the continue screen, we are able to see the cut Ruins Zone is in the level stack. None of its levels are present in the game files, and they all use the placeholder level preview.

Ruins Zone Level Stack Art

Race Mode (Multiplayer)

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-MultiplayerFrogSelect.png FROGGERPSXUSA-race screen.png
  • All four frogs use the same model with no lighting, and their croak ball is expanded.
  • Different strings of text for the menu.
  • An absent player is referred to as a "Slave".
  • Multiplayer seems to not work, since it seems impossible to activate any player besides player 1. Upon loading a level, it will load the singleplayer version of the level, because there are no multiplayer map files included in the prototype.

Input Name Screen

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-HSInputScreen.png FROGGERPSXUSA-input name.png


To do:
Get renders of these maps with FrogLord once FrogLord supports this build.
To do:
Search this prototype for ISLAND.MAP's remap, and use that to get a render what that level actually looked like.

Original Levels (ORG)

  • The spikes/nettles seen in the final build are spikes in this build, as seen in the E3 build footage.
  • Blue cars use a color scheme close to what is seen in the retail Windows build under low poly mode.
  • The lady/pink frog doesn't hop with Frogger when stepped on.
  • Bulldozers are placed are placed above the road and river seemingly at the positions where invisible sound sources are placed in the final game.
Frogger1997-june19psx-Retro1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-Retro2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-Retro3.png
Road Bulldozers River Bulldozers Nettles next to baby frogs

Suburbia (SUB)

SUB1 (Lily Islands)

  • Plays music from ORG1.
  • Horrid camera angles at starting area.
Starting Camera Angle

SUB2 (Peli's Island / Bow Wow Falls)

  • This is the infamous level seen in the german trailer.
  • Peli's Island is named after the pelicans in the level according to lead tester Alex Sulman.
Frogger1997-june19psx-LevelSelect-PelisIsland.png Frogger1997-june19psx-PelisIsland1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-PelisIsland2.png
Map Name (Level Select) Starting Area Better View of Starting Area
Frogger1997-june19psx-PelisIsland3.png Frogger1997-june19psx-PelisIsland4.png Frogger1997-june19psx-PelisIsland5.png

SUB4 (Spinning Lillies)

  • The level has not yet been given a sunset appearance, aesthetically looking almost identical to SUB1 aside from a few darkened tiles on the spawning island.
  • Some tiny enemy is following a path right in front of spawn location, as well as the island across from it, and will kill Frogger. This may explain why the starting island has so much unused space in the final.
  • All vehicles on this level are the beta light blue car model.
  • No dog huts exist near the road.
  • The spire that the red frog sits on in the final build is located where the green frog is instead, and is missing its sides. It is possible to reach the frog with a super hop, despite the height.
  • Pelican flight paths are different due to the aforementioned change in spire location.

SUB5 (Nameless)

  • This map was completely replaced with "Bow Wow Revenge" in the retail release.
  • Large 29x? orange grid.
  • The only thing in this level are the baby frogs in the bottom right corner of the plane.
Frogger1997-june19psx-sub5unknown2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-sub5unknown2.png
Starting Area Froglets

Load SUB5 GameShark Code: (Activate ONLY after selecting a level on the level select, but before loading it.)

3009429C 00000000
30094254 00000004

Sewer (SWP)

SWP1 (Bang Bang Barrel)

  • Level design is close to final.
  • Water is untextured
  • Waterbed floor is untextured.
  • Missing decorations
Frogger1997-june19psx-BangBangBarrel1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-BangBangBarrel2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-BangBangBarrel3.png
Starting Area Untextured Waterbed floor Green frog on Fridge model.

SWP2 (?)

To do:
Get a proper render.
  • This level appears to be the upper half of Reservoir Frogs.
  • Appears impossible to reach the lower part of the level due to the newspaper and oil drums being too slow to reach the other side before reaching the waterfall.
  • Crashes sometimes if you ride the oil drums or newspapers down the waterfall, or if you go to capture the green frog.

SWP3 (Uncanny Crusher)

  • Uncanny Crusher has not been finished yet, and using size reference textures to
  • The water is a purple plane and can be walked on.
  • Green Frog, Red Frog, and Orange Frog are inaccessible.
Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher3.png
Superjump Walking on trash pile Water Walking
Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher4.png Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher5.png Frogger1997-june19psx-UncannyCrusher6.png
Inaccessible Green Frog Left Path Right Path

SWP4 (?)

  • Doesn't resemble any map in the final.
  • There's a straight path with crushers that branches off into two separate paths. One of the paths has crushers on it, but both contain nothing at the end.
Frogger1997-june19psx-swp4unknown1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-swp4unknown2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-swp4unknown3.png
Starting Area Ramp to fork in path Right Path End

SWP5 (Reservoir Frogs)

  • This level appears to be the lower half of Reservoir Frogs.
  • The pipes are not slimey.
  • The water under the pipes can be walked on if you fall down.


  • The land backdrop scales up very large when Frogger falls off the map.
  • The sky land backdrop sometimes shows its edges / where it ends.

SKY1 (Looney Balloons)

  • Green balloons are a funny shape and rotate in place without ascending.
  • They appear to reflect a texture on them, and the reflection changes as they rotate, so they were likely some kind of rotation test.
Starting Area

SKY2 (Airshow Antics)

  • Clouds are not slippery
  • Clouds are white & see-through.
Frogger1997-june19psx-AirshowAntics1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-AirshowAntics2.png
Starting Area Non-slippery Clouds

SKY3 (Time Flies)

  • Unfinished version. Has flat 2D tiles instead
  • Neither of the cloud islands at the bottom of the level are present, though there is a see-through plane where one of the islands belongs, which cannot be jumped on.
  • Flocking bird only has a single bird in the 3D model, despite having collision around it.
  • Not very many bugs on the way down.
Frogger1997-june19psx-TimeFlies1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-TimeFlies2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-TimeFlies3.png
Starting Area Retail Area (& SKY_LAND edge) Bottom Cloud Island Plane

SKY4 (?, Bug Test)

  • 9x9 grey grid
  • Appears to have been used to test bugs.
Full Map

Load SKY4 GameShark Code: (Activate ONLY after selecting a level on the level select, but before loading it.)

3009429C 00000003
30094254 00000003

SKY5 (Multiplayer Airshow Antics)

  • This map appears to be Airshow Antics, but with four starting spots, for multiplayer frogs.
Starting Area

Load SKY5 GameShark Code: (Activate ONLY after selecting a level on the level select, but before loading it.)

3009429C 00000003
30094254 00000004

Forest (FOR)

To do:
Get renders of the maps to avoid the beehive crash.

Activating a beehive will crash the game, so it's difficult to know what's in these levels.

FOR1 (Honey Bee Hollow)

Starting Area

FOR2 (?, Beehive Test)

  • Appears to have been used to test beehives.
Starting Area

Load FOR2 GameShark Code: (Activate ONLY after selecting a level on the level select, but before loading it.)

3009429C 00000004
30094254 00000001

VOL (Volcano)

VOL1 (Scorching Switches)

  • Graphics set appears different from the other builds, with a red tint.
  • None of the floating platforms exist in the level, so it is impossible to complete.
  • The lava floor's textures look very different from other builds.
Starting Area

Cave (CAV)

CAV1 (Cave Maze)

  • Untextured maze-like structure which somewhat resembles Webs Cavern. There is no collision on the maze walls.
  • Appears similar in design to Webs Cavern.
Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze2.png Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze3.png
Starting Area Bottom Left Mid Left
Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze4.png Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze5.png Frogger1997-june19psx-CaveMaze6.png
Top Left Top Middle Middle

Load CAV1 GameShark Code: (Activate ONLY after selecting a level on the level select, but before loading it.)

3009429C 00000007
30094254 00000000

CAV2 (Dark Dark Cavern)

  • Pretty much final.

CAV3 (Snail Racing)

  • This map appears to be the cut "Snail Racing" level, before the snails were added, because there are tracks in this level which you can't walk outside of, which seem to suggest some kind of sliding mechanic.
  • There are only 4 froglets in this level,
  • Because the racing snail model was created after this build, it is likely that a later build will have the snails in it.
Frogger1997-june19psx-SnailRacing1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-SnailRacing2.png
Starting Area One of the tracks

CAV4 (Webs Cavern)

  • The height of all of the high platforms are extremely high, but superhop is almost able to jump up the entire distance.
  • The area which contains the gold frog in the final game is completely empty, not even a spider is there.
  • Some webs are missing collision.
Frogger1997-june19psx-WebsCavern1.png Frogger1997-june19psx-WebsCavern2.png
Starting Area Empty Gold Frog Area

CAV5 (?)

  • 9x9 grid of size reference textures
  • This map is also present in build 20, but this one has a bug powerup.
Full Level