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Proto:F-Zero Maximum Velocity

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This page details one or more prototype versions of F-Zero Maximum Velocity.

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the July 2020 Nintendo Leak.
Check the July 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.

Two prototypes of the Chinese version were found within the iQue Netcard leaks at the paths netcard.7z\iqgba.tar\iQue-GBA\cvsroot\FZERO_for_GBA\rasheen\rasheen_1.bin (file modification date: 2006-03-24) and netcard.7z\iqgba.tar\iQue-GBA\cvsroot\F-Zero-One\F-Zero.gba (file modification date: 2006-05-22).

rasheen_1.bin F-zero.gba Final
Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto) ISBN.png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto 2) ISBN.png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) ISBN.png
Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto) Title Screen.png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto 2) Title Screen.png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) Title Screen.png

In the earliest build, "BIANCA CITY" is called "BA CITY" when starting a race. Also, the player's vehicle is invulnerable and automatically accelerates and drives very fast (around 600km/h). The player cannot use the brakes to slow down at all.

In the vehicle selection menu, the earliest build also features unique, localized text for the vehicle names. For example:

rasheen_1.bin Final
Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto) Vehicle Select.png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) Vehicle Select.png
Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) (Proto) Vehicle Select (2).png Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China) Vehicle Select (2).png