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Proto:Dragon Quest Builders 2/Demo versions

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Dragon Quest Builders 2.

Broadly speaking, there are two notable demo builds for Dragon Quest Builders 2: a prerelease demo that was first made available in Japan on December 6th 2018 and a devloper-named "Jumbo Demo" that was released worldwide on December 4th 2019.

Prerelease Demo (worldwide) differences

The chisel options are not capitalized.

Original Worldwide Demo (Switch) Final Worldwide (Switch)
DQB2 Demo Chisel Name.png DQB2 Final Chisel Name.png

The Modernist DLC icons have placeholders. Here are all of the icons that differ:



DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 2.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 3.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 4.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 5.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 6.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 7.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 8.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 9.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 11.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 10.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 13.png
DQB2 Placeholder Items Demo 12.png