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Proto:Derby Stallion 64

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Derby Stallion 64.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Released publicly back in Aug 15, 2004, not much is known about the prototype's history other than it's a bad dump thanks to errors caused by the method used. Known damaged files have been reconstructed but they may not be byte-for-byte identical to a good dump.

Retail Differences

Between Prototype 0C9AF40 and retail 0B2F568, the columns are swapped and 小窪廐舎 is now 古窪廐舎.

Prototype Retail
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.0C9AF40.320x240.ci8.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.0B2F568.320x240.ci8.png

When selecting a source or target for saved data, the final game has a label on the cartridge. In the prototype, it's just an abbreviation for the game.

Prototype Retail
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1B5A850.13680.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1A7EA10.13680.png


Most of the banners supporting the running horses are placeholders, listing a name and their internal filename. There are only 90 of them, versus the 120 in retail, and they are organized slightly differently.

Proto 19255E4 #1 Retail 15DFFF0 #27 Proto 19255E4 #2 Retail 15DFFF0 #28
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.01.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15DFFF0.27.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.02.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15DFFF0.28.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #3 Retail 15DFFF0 #29 Proto 19255E4 #4 Retail 15DFFF0 #30
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.03.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15DFFF0.29.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.04.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15DFFF0.30.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #5 Retail 15EA970 #1 Proto 19255E4 #6 Retail 15EA970 #2
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.05.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.01.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.06.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.02.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #7 Retail 15EA970 #4 Proto 19255E4 #8 Retail 15EA970 #3
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.07.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.04.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.08.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.03.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #9 Retail 15EA970 #6 Proto 19255E4 #10 Retail 15EA970 #5
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.09.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.06.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.10.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.05.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #11 Retail 15EA970 #7 Proto 19255E4 #12 Retail 15EA970 #8
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.11.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.07.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.12.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.08.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #13 Retail 15EA970 #9 Proto 19255E4 #14 Retail 15EA970 #10
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.13.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.09.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.14.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.10.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #15 Retail 15EA970 #11 Proto 19255E4 #16 Retail 15EA970 #12
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.15.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.11.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.16.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.12.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #17 Retail 15EA970 #13 Proto 19255E4 #18 Retail 15EA970 #14
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.17.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.13.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.18.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.14.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #19 Retail 15EA970 #15 Proto 19255E4 #20 Retail 15EA970 #17
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.19.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.15.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.20.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.17.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #21 Retail 15EA970 #16 Proto 19255E4 #22 Retail 15EA970 #18
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.21.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.16.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.22.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.18.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #23 Retail 15EA970 #19 Proto 19255E4 #24 Retail 15EA970 #20
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.23.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.19.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.24.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.20.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #25 Retail 15EA970 #21 Proto 19255E4 #26 Retail 15EA970 #22
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.25.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.21.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.26.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.22.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #27 Retail 15EA970 #23 Proto 19255E4 #28 Retail 15EA970 #25
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.27.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.23.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.28.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.25.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 19255E4 #29 Retail 15EA970 #24 Proto 19255E4 #30 Retail 15EA970 #26
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.29.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.24.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.19255E4.30.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.26.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #1 Retail 15EA970 #27 Proto 1929884 #2 Retail 15EA970 #28
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.01.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.27.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.02.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.28.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #3 Retail 15EA970 #29 Proto 1929884 #4 Retail 15EA970 #30
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.03.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.29.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.04.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15EA970.30.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #5 Retail 15F5190 #2 Proto 1929884 #6 Retail 15F5190 #1
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.05.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.02.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.06.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.01.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #7 Retail 15F5190 #3 Proto 1929884 #8 Retail 15F5190 #4
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.07.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.03.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.08.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.04.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #9 Retail 15F5190 #5 Proto 1929884 #10 Retail 15F5190 #6
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.09.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.05.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.10.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.06.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #11 Retail 15F5190 #9 Proto 1929884 #12 Retail 15F5190 #7
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.11.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.09.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.12.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.07.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #13 Retail 15F5190 #10 Proto 1929884 #14 Retail 15F5190 #11
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.13.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.10.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.14.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.11.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #15 Retail 15F5190 #8 Proto 1929884 #16 Retail 15F5190 #12
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.15.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.08.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.16.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.12.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #17 Retail 15F5190 #15 Proto 1929884 #18 Retail 15F5190 #13
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.17.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.15.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.18.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.13.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #19 Retail 15F5190 #18 Proto 1929884 #20 Retail 15F5190 #17
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.19.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.18.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.20.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.17.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #21 Retail 15F5190 #16 Proto 1929884 #22 Retail 15F5190 #14
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.21.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.16.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.22.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.14.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #23 Retail 15F5190 #19 Proto 1929884 #24 Retail 15F5190 #20
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.23.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.19.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.24.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.20.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #25 Retail 15F5190 #21 Proto 1929884 #26 Retail 15F5190 #23
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.25.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.21.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.26.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.23.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #27 Retail 15F5190 #22 Proto 1929884 #28 Retail 15F5190 #24
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.27.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.22.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.28.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.24.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 1929884 #29 Retail 15F5190 #25 Proto 1929884 #30 Retail 15F5190 #26
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.29.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.25.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.1929884.30.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.26.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 192DB00 #1 Retail 15F5190 #27 Proto 192DB00 #2 Retail 15F5190 #28
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.01.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.27.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.02.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.28.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 192DB00 #3 Retail 1600C70 #6 Proto 192DB00 #4 Retail 15F5190 #29
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.03.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.06.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.04.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.29.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 192DB00 #5 Retail 1600C70 #1 Proto 192DB00 #6 Retail 15F5190 #30
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.05.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.01.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.06.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.15F5190.30.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 192DB00 #7 Retail 1600C70 #2 Proto 192DB00 #8 Retail 1600C70 #3
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.07.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.02.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.08.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.03.128x32.ci4.png
Proto 192DB00 #9 Retail 1600C70 #4 Proto 192DB00 #10 Retail 1600C70 #5
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.09.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.04.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.10.128x32.ci4.png DerbyStallion64 NDAJ.1600C70.05.128x32.ci4.png
DerbyStallion64 PDAJ.192DB00.30.128x32.ci4.png

There are a number of generic, non-horse related banners as well but only one is shared between the prototype and final retail, #30. In total, the prototype has 20 of these. There are at least 24 in retail. It's uncertain how many of the initial 26 images are also generic.

Unlike the other placeholder images for horses, these have basic designs and in some cases, text. A few designs, such as #20 and #26, were expanded on. Most are unique to the prototype.

Dummy Files

All of the images from 1686150 to 19255E0 in the prototype are unique to it, most of them with no known use. In some cases, these files are lookalikes of used files shared with retail but stored as individual, standalone files with embedded palettes. Among the more notable is a control sheet for both console and PC.