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Proto:Conker's Bad Fur Day

From The Cutting Room Floor
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This page details one or more prototype versions of Conker's Bad Fur Day.

To do:
There is are a lot of things in general we need added to both of these pages.

Two prototypes of Conker's Bad Fur Day surfaced online in early 2013, and can be downloaded here.


ConkersBFD SmallRareLogo-ECTS.gif
Dated August 25, 2000. The build shown off at that year's European Computer Trade Show, with quite a few differences from the final.
Debug Build
Dated October 25, 2000. Closer to the final, but still has some differences.

Unused Graphics


Present in both ROMs is a small leftover graphic from the E3 2000 demo, where it was used on the main menu.