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Project Horned Owl

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Title Screen

Project: Horned Owl

Developer: Alfa System
Publishers: SCEI (JP), SCEA (US)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: December 29, 1995
Released in US: August 1996

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

The correct title of this game is Project: Horned Owl. The substitution or omission of the colon is due to technical restrictions.

Camera Debug

Project Horned Owl Debug Mode.png

Use the code, after that press L2 to enter a camera debug mode.

D00876AC 0001
800877CC 0000
  • L1, L2: Up, Down
  • D-pad: Move
  • Select + D-Pad: Rotate
  • Start: Exit the debug mode
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden Developer Message

This developer message can be found at 0x796B0 in ROLL.BIN, after all of the credits and post-credits text. This is from programmer Chapuni Nakamura and it appears only in the US version.

Japanese English
ちゃぷ/なかむらたくみ, GBA02750@niftyserve.or.jp
X68000 よ、永遠なれ。まだまだくたばるまいぞ。
...5 月 30 日、欧州版はぽしゃってしまった。
You're welcome! Please e-mail to me when you read this message.
My address is GBA02750@niftyserve.or.jp, .
You should know, Hiro Utsumi's name is Ryo Kurotsu, and
Nash Stolar's name is Marco Antonelli, in Japanese version.
We call Hiro Kurotsu, and call Nash Marco!
    chapuni/Takumi Nakamura
それにしても、海外版のこれ(Project: Horned Owl)を

Note: The empty lines are filler, replace them with spaces or something.
This section is not related to the game in any way.
I, Nakamura, was responsible for customizing the North American and European release. Those who know me call me chapuni.
I fought a little to get some of the things we could not fit into the Japanese version of the game. I think the biggest one was the vast improvement to aiming precision.
Kumamoto's a nice place. I would just leave the office whenever I lost motivation and would go to a hot spring in Aso or just take a catnap. Hot springs are great; it doesn't even have to be mixed-gender.
I'm currently looking for a girlfriend. You could say that I'm trying very hard to find one.
Not because I feel like I have to get married, but it's lonely, y'know?
chapuni/Takumi Nakamura, GBA02750@niftyserve.or.jp
So long, X68000. Don't kick the can yet.
...May 30, the European release was scrapped.
You're welcome! Please e-mail to me when you read this message.
My address is GBA02750@niftyserve.or.jp, .
You should know, Hiro Utsumi's name is Ryo Kurotsu, and
Nash Stolar's name is Marco Antonelli, in Japanese version.
We call Hiro Kurotsu, and call Nash Marco!
    chapuni/Takumi Nakamura
Come to think of it, you're a Japanese person with an overseas version of this thing (Project: Horned Owl). You must like the game quite a bit. What's more, you found this message. Yes, you. Aren't you a bored one.
Of course, that applies to me as well, since I'm writing all this (except not really).

(Source: Decension, divingkataetheweirdo)