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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Wizard101.

Press Kit

A press kit disk was posted on Reddit, bought by someone by the name AnonW101DiskBuyer. They were kind enough to rip the contents of the disk, showing contents that the press would have access to assist with making articles about the game.


W101Pre Commons.jpg

Screenshot of the Wizard City commons. Note that several things are missing or different. The teleport to commons, home and the ability to set a marker or recall to a marker aren't present yet. Additionally, there appears to the bug reporting icon exclusive to test realm on the left side, where it's on the right side in the final game. Also the friends list icon appears to be a laughing/talking scroll.


W101Pre Cyclops.jpg

Screenshot of someone using the spell Cyclops in an ice themed area in Krokotopia.


W101Pre Halloween.jpg

Screenshot of a dark cave area. Only thing notable here is that the friends list icon is now using the final game's design unlike some other screenshots.


W101Pre Marleybone.jpg

A screenshot of Marleybone depicting an imp attacking a white rat magician.


W101Pre Marleybone6.png

A screenshot of Sherlock Bones.


W101Pre Moo Shu.jpg

A screenshot of the Great Moodha statue in the Jade Palace area of Mooshu.


W101Pre Mooshu10.png

A screenshot of Rikugun Mikawa in the Crimson Fields instance of Mooshu.

Storm School_8

W101Pre Storm School 8.jpg

A screenshot showing some characters near the storm tree Torrence in Ravenwood.


W101Pre Training.JPG

A screenshot of the screen where players train new spells from their professor, specifically the ice school. Curiously, it's later in development as earlier materials showed Lydia being the Headmaster instead of Ambrose being there in the final game. Remnants of this remain to this day as Ambrose's house is internally referred to as "WC_Headmistress_House". Another interesting different is that a tutorial tip/notification involving Mr. Lincoln is at the bottom right of the screen, as opposed to the center right, likely a change made to make the tips more visible. The character is also clearly a level 1 ice wizard in the school, likely teleported there, which is normally not possible to get into Ravenwood before completing Unicorn Way, which is guaranteed to get the player to at least level 4 by then (technically a player can level lock and stay at level 1, but this wasn't an option at the game's launch).

Other changes in this screenshot include stuff related to the spells:

  • Snow Shield normally is not trained at the ice school. You have to pick it up from a trainer in the commons at Level 10, unlike Level 8 where it's shown here. In the live game, you learn Volcanic Shield instead (-70% to the next incoming storm and fire attacks).
  • Evil Snowman here is trained at Level 11, where it's normally trained at Level 10.
  • Ice Wyvern also has a different icon and is trained at Level 21 where it's normally learned at Level 22 in the live game.
  • Balefrost here is shown to be trained at Level 33, but currently, you can pick up that spell at Level 30.


W101Pre Winter.jpg

A screenshot of Colossus Boulevard.