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Prerelease:Wii Sports Club

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Wii Sports Club.

To do:
  • Iwata Asks interview has some development details.
  • The Wii U eShop and Wii Fit U Direct have some earlier scenes for Tennis and Bowling with different fonts and lighting.

E3 2011

The initial unveiling of the Wii U had some gameplay of a new Wii Sports title.


Shows using the GamePad to pitch and catch the ball.

  • In this version, you can only pitch the ball by pressing A and can't change the speed of the throw.
  • The announcer line for "Out" is different.
  • The stadium seems to be the unused Baseball field model found in the final game's files, being an upscaled version of the one from Wii Sports.


Demonstrates using the GamePad as a "tee" that you put on the ground.

  • The graphics are completely different, being much more colorful than the final game.
  • The UI and sound effects are also different.
  • The hole being played appears to be Hole 1 from Wii Sports Resort.