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Prerelease:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt/Removed Characters

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


Hierarch Hemmelfart is the leader of the Church of the Eternal Fire. While he was once set to appear in Novigrad, he is only mentioned by name in the final game.

Supporting Documentation

  • Page 2 of "W3 Characters production list - OUTDATED!" describes him as "B kapłan, Tanja nim manipuluje". [B priest, Tanja manipulating him].


Hvitr was an albino Skellige child with minor mental disabilities. He was originally going to make an appearance in a deleted Skellige main quest called thralls.

Supporting Documentation

  • Page 2 of "W3 Characters production list - OUTDATED!" notes that he is a child, describing him as "lekko niedorozwinięty chłopczyk, albinos [a slightly retarded boy, albino]".


Iorveth, an elven warrior and one of Geralt's main companions in The Witcher 2, is never actually encountered in The Witcher 3. In fact, it is even suggested in a random snippet of Scoia'tael dialogue that he has died between the previous game and this one. However, numerous leaked development documents indicate that his character was, indeed, going to feature in Geralt's final adventure:

Supporting Documentation

  • There is an entry for him in the NPC dialogue task list from "W3 Quests - Story production list" and "W3 Quests & Story production list - Story&Quests".
  • His Scoia'tael deck card's description from "GWINT - placeholder concepts" refers to him as the Scoia'tael commander of The Witcher 2 and The Witcher 3.
  • There is an entry for him in the asset creation list from "W3 Characters production list - OUTDATED!", which describes his model as a work in progress, with his head 33% complete. The document also indicates that he would have appeared in Novigrad.
  • The document "W3 Quest Asset List" specifies that sidequest 309, known as "investigation", requires the following custom SFX: "Iorveth playing flute (same music as in W2) - note: it should be exclusive for sq309 scene".
  • The document "character_database" contains an entry for "Iorweth_head", which is listed as a WIP, 0% finished, and a "main" character appearing in Novigrad. Finishing this model is given a low priority of 3/3.
  • The document "characters list (checklist vs asset browser)" refers to him as a main NPC.
  • The document "TW3 - Characters List" indicates that he appears in Novigrad.

Bug Reports

The following text is sourced from the spreadsheet "W3 ALPHA BUGS". It provides details on Iorveth's role in the game at the time the bug list was compiled. Unfortunately, it's largely in Polish.

Sheet Name: Dialogi q301

  • dodac spalona chate o ktorej mowi Iorweth [add burned down house which is said by Iorweth].
  • tlumaczenie Iorwetha - jak znalazl sie w domu triss, jest srednie [Iorweth's explaining - how he apear in triss's house is awerage].
  • Iorweth mowi o tym ze jest slabo, a potem ze na ulicy lezy kasa - to jest mu zle czy nie? [Iorweth says he was a problem witch cash and later says that cash lie on the street - he has a problem or not?]
  • pierwszy clues - na szafie - wyglada jakby od dawan nikogo tu nie bylo, a przed chwila zabilismy typwo, plus Iorweth mowil ze ten dom byl czesto pladrowany [First clues - on wardrobe - seems abandon for a long time, but one moment before we killed dudes, plus Iorweth says that this house were pillaged many times].
  • wpierw iorweth wyrzuca ze pomoglismy rochowi, a potem w dialogu o krolu zebraow mowi ze jest nam winny pomoc - nie ma sensu [First iorweth accused that we helped rosche in the past, later in dialogue about The Beggar King he said that he was obligated us to help - this have no sense].
  • spotkanie z Iorwethem - musimy jasno okreslic relacje Roche-Iorweth, chca sie zabic? jakie sa miedzy niemi relacja? [meeting with Iorweth - we must clearly define relations Roche-Iorweth, they want to kill each other? What is relation between them?]
  • stylizajca Iorwetha - wiecej bloede dhoine [Iorweth's stylization - more bloede dhoine].
  • Dialog Iorweth-Roche u Ochmana. Wieprz i Tasak powinny byc uzyte, zeby latwiej bylo ich wprowadzic pozniej [Dialogue Iorweth - Roche at Ochman. The Hog and The Chopper should be used to easier introduce them later.]
  • backstory i background do historii Iorwetha [backstory and background to Iorweth's history].

Notes from 8-21-2013:

  • scenka z sprawdzaniem znaku krola zebrakow powinna byc na gampalyu - Geralt wola iorwetha bo cos znalazl, na gameplayu komentuje co znalazl, i dopiero kaszetowy sie zaczyna [cutscene with checking King's beggard singn should be in Gameplay - Geralt call Iorweth taht he found something, at gameplay he commented what he found.]
  • dialog z iorwethem powinien sie animacja wyjscia z budynku, i powinno byc pokazane jak dochodza do punktu na rynku i zaczyna sie cutscena z zlodziejem (This sentence has no sense due to the lack of few words) [Dialogue with iorweth should animation leaving the building, and should be show, how they came to point at hierch square and starts a cutscene with thief].
  • za dluga wymiana zdan miedzy geraltem a iorwethem - skrocic [Too long discusion between geralt and iorweth - cut].

Sheet Name: Q301

  • You can set Iorweth ( friendly NPC ) on fire.
  • Iorweth can't leave triss house - he blocks on doors.
  • On cutscene where Iorweth is telling geralt about thieves on the market square. Scene with robbing ppl is played in wrong position.
  • W cutscenie gdy iorweth pokazuje geraltowi kradzieze brakuje tekstow [On cutscene where Iorweth is telling geralt about thieves few sentences is missing].

Sheet Name: q403

Because q403 is referred to in the document "W3 Quests _ Story production list" as a battle at Kaer Morhen, it seems that Iorveth was to be present during the climactic fight.

  • dialog Letho - roach - iorweth - brakuje linii dialogowych, sprawdzic czy cos nie jest skopane [Dialogue Letho - roach - iorweth - Some dialogue lines are missing, check if something is fucked up].