Prerelease:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Design Documents
This is a sub-page of Prerelease:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
To do: Document what there is to say about the Spot order.) |
Deku Tree
To do: Add comparison screenshots how one of the doors in the Old Deku Tree's window room was placed differently. (Latter might be bs, so remove it if so.) |
妖精の樹改造仕様(最終?) | Fairy Tree Remodel Specifications (Final?) |
◯中央の柱を囲む無?なスペースを用る。 | Use the [?] space surrounding the central pillar. |
??の??に?び???の無い (??には????があるが) |
そうしてできる?で???と??は ?????で?き?えるようにし、 |
1?? | 1 [?] |
?? | [?] |
????? | [?] |
中央に??な?-?はここまで | The [?] [?] in the center goes to here |
これをふまえて......。 | Based on this... |
Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly
Map Overview
By darkening the image, an overview of the dungeon map with a partially cut-off legend can be seen in the sheaf of documents below the Child Spot map.
Legend | |
➀入口 ➁下か |
(1) Entrance (2) [...] From Below |
Tentacle Area
This page has an early name for Barinade, whose final Japanese name is also バリネード (Barinēdo).
Topmost Sheet | |
触手のある通路 | Passages with Tentacles |
Room Layout Diagram | |
赤の触手 | Red Tentacle |
青の触手 | Blue Tentacle |
緑の触手 | Green Tentacle |
Note Beside Diagram | |
通路をふさぐ触手 ビリバリンが張り巡らせた触手は、赤、青、緑 |
Tentacles Blocking Passages The 3 types of tentacles stretched around the area by Biribarin: |
Text on Lower Half | |
➄赤い触手スイッチのある部屋(➇はグリーン、➈はブルー) | (5) Room with Red Tentacle Switch ((8) is green, (9) is blue) |
触手の先端(触手スイッチ) | Tentacle Terminus (Tentacle Switch) |
通路の・害物となっている赤の触手の先端がこの部屋 の中にある。 |
The terminus of the red tentacle blocking the passage is in this room. |
同じレイアウトで➇、➈を作る。 | Create (8) and (9) with the same layout. |
この部屋は全部ブヨブヨ | This Entire Room Boyoings |
Text Under Tentacle Room Diagram | |
壁面はブヨブヨ処理 | Boyoing Processing on the Wall Surface |
Forest Temple
There's also a partially hidden sheet underneath that has a diagram of the Forest Temple.
Japanese | English |
ネタ要素 ●カギ付き扉(カギ) |
Material Components - Locked Door (Key) |
➀エントランス ➁回廊1 |
(1) Entrance (2) Corridor 1 |
☆中庭もダンジョン扱い 壁面で四方を囲み、上空は |
The courtyards are also treated like the dungeon, enclosed in all directions by walls, and fog is |
Fire Temple
Fire Temple 1
Upper Half | |
ネタ3:噴火上下ブロック | Material 3: Eruption Rise & Fall Block |
<応用>噴火で上下する移動ブロック | <Application> A moving block that rises and falls via eruptions |
☆噴火で上下している時はブロックの移動を止めます。 | ☆ Stop the block's movement when eruptions are rising and falling. |
☆一定のリズムで上下するブロックに飛び移ります。(乗ったら沈んで、他のブロックが上昇 するのも面白い。この場合は最初からブロックを一定の高さに上昇させておきます。) |
☆ Jump from one rising and falling block to another in a fixed rhythm. (It would also be fun if getting on a block caused it to sink and another block to rise. |
Lower Half | |
こういったネタを配置して......最後は | Deploy this material... and then |
Text Beside Hole | |
天井に?いた2階への穴 | Hole to 2F [?] in Ceiling |
Text for Inset Image | |
ブロックを落として | Drop the Blocks |
火山 | Volcano |
落としたフラグでリフト化 | Turn into Lift with Drop Flag |
Main Illustration Sound Effect | |
ドド.. | Rumble.. |
Fire Temple 2
To do: This version of the Fire Temple seems to date between April-June 1998. |
Late 1997 Overdump | Design Document | Final |
- Room 01 looks closer to final, but is still missing a separate room (15) for the fire elevator. It seems to be post April 1998, since the room back then still resembled the Late 1997 Overdump design more. Room 13, 14 or 16 would've likely been where the separate fire elevator room is in the final game.
- Room 05, 06 and 10 were all part of the same room which is the room with rolling boulders and Torch Slugs. It was later split into two to make room for the room that's covered in lava and has fire wall chase Link. June 1998 we see this in its final form.
- The Flare Dancer mini-boss took place in room 0A which is the fire wall room. It was very likely moved to a room (18) of its own when room 0A got busy with various fire actors such as fire walls, fire totems and spinning fire hazards.
- Room 0A had two blocks you had to hammer down to the pre-boss room and they didn't travel through the big tunnel that was between room 0A and 10 at this point in time, but rather through two tiny ones. The early version of the pre-boss room can still be found in the final game.
- There was a cut or relocated room behind room 09. The geometry of this section resembles that of taking the shortcut back to the entrance of the temple from the Megaton Hammer room.
In addition to this image, some of the text at the bottom left corner can be seen more clearly in the document with the Ganon race outline.
Left Margin | |
炎の神殿仕掛け | Fire Temple Gimmicks |
<要素> ◯????? |
{Components} - [?] |
・??に 謎の部屋???? |
- Put in puzzle room [?] |
・ハンマー入手後。 上下??を?き?する |
- After getting hammer. Put in [?] |
・仕掛け 増えました | - Increased gimmicks |
・明るくしました | - Made brighter |
狭かった所を 広くしました |
Enlarged narrow places |
・その他?? | - Other [?] |
Diagram (Clockwise from Top Left) | |
ハンマー?? | Hammer [?] |
ショートカットルート | Shortcut Route |
迷路 | Maze |
??できるようにし ました |
Made it so you can [?] |
溶岩の海 ?増やしました |
Lava Sea Increased number of [?] |
エントランス | Entrance |
ボス部屋 広げました |
Enlarged boss room |
炎の迷路 炎の?方式に変更 |
Fire Labyrinth Changed [?] direction of flames |
Fire Temple 3
Upper Third | |
<中ボスバトルフィールド> | {Mini-Boss Battlefield} |
中ボスバトル フィールド |
Mini-Boss Battle- field |
スイッチを押して中ボスフィールド に入る。 |
Press the switch to enter the mini-boss field. |
Middle Third | |
<大きな燭台> | {Big Candlestand} |
リンクが大きな燭台の炎の 中のカギを取ろうと、燭台に近づく |
When Link tries to grab the key inside the big candlestand and |
シタッ | Boof |
炎の中から中ボス登場。 中ボスバトルへ |
The mini-boss appears from within the flames. To Mini-Boss Battle |
Lower Third | |
バトル終末後.... | After the battle is over... |
ボスを倒すと、燭台の?が 消えます。 |
Once the boss is defeated, the flame in the candlestand vanishes. |
リンクがカギをゲットした ら、何らかのデモがあって |
When Link gets the key, there's some kind of demo |
燭台はリフトとなって 上の層へリンクを上げます。 |
The candlestand becomes a lift and elevates Link to the upper level. |
ウィィィィン | Veeeeen |
Fire Temple 4
Additionally, by darkening the image, some text can be made out on the page below.
Upper Third | |
??ハンマー」ゲットの部屋(火口) | Room Where You Get [?] Hammer (Crater) |
燃えている?? | Burning [?] |
内角と外角で高さの違う ???? |
The difference in height between the inner and outer corners [?] |
?の??から | From [?] |
リフトに???りてから 再び?ると下?するように |
Made it so once you get [?] off the lift, you [?] |
[...]?で、外角によ????? | [?], [?] outer corners [?] |
???????く??りつける????????角の???け???でし? ????どき???????????????ハンマー?定に?る |
[?] corner [?] [?] hammer [?] |
Fire Temple 5
Upper Third | |
<迷路ヤク物> | {Burning Maze Objects} |
◯火炎吹き出しトラップ 炎が吹き出る場所(一定のリズムで炎が吹き出される) |
- Flamethrowing Trap Place from which flames shoot out (The flames are emitted on a fixed rhythm) |
☆ずーっと吹き出しっぱなしで 回転している物があっていい。 |
We should have an object that continuously shoots flames while rotating. |
ボボボーッ | Fwofwofwohh |
Middle Third | |
◯タイマースイッチで出たり引っ込んだりする炎 | - Flames which shoot out and recede on a timer switch |
最初から 出たままの |
Flames that shoot out from |
炎が邪魔で 先にいけないゾ |
The flames are in my way, I can't make it past! |
あっ、こんな ところにスイッチが! |
Oh, there's a switch here! |
迷路のレイアウトを 思い出して時間内に駆け抜けろ! |
I have to remember the maze layout and make it through in time! |
カチッ | Click |
カチッ | Click |
カチッ | Click |
Lower Third | |
◯ハンマーで落とすブロック | - Blocks Dropped Using Hammer |
上半分が地面に埋まっている。 大ブロック |
Big blocks whose upper half is buried in the ground. |
上の階でハンマーでたたいておけば | If you hit them with the hammer on the upper level, |
下の隙で、ジャンプ台となって行ける場所ができる。 | ...they become jumping platforms in the gaps below, forming a path. |
Water Temple
Water Temple 1
To do: Old Water Temple puzzle plans, might be close to one or two rooms from the Overdump? |
Clockwise from Top Left | |
[...]1階層 | [...] Level 1 |
上の階まで吹き抜けて いる。 |
Extends through to upper level. |
➂の部屋 への通路 |
Route to Room (3) |
水に浮く300㎤ のブロック |
300 cm3 Block Floating on Water |
押し引きブロック(300㎤) ➁の部屋へつながる |
Push & Pull Block (300 cm3) Underground Route |
動かせない 300㎤のブロック |
Immovable 300 cm3 Block |
注:この部屋の床は 100㎝で割り切れる |
Note: Please make the floor of this room divisible by 100 cm. |
ダメージ床 | Damage Floor |
水位2 レベル |
Water Level 2
Level |
Text in Room Diagram | |
入り口 | Entrance |
カギ扉 | Locked Door |
Note at Bottom | |
<ポイント> この部屋は最初水位2の状態でほぼ全体が水で満たされている。 |
<Point> In its initial Water Level 2 state, this room is almost totally full of water. |
Water Temple 2
Header | |
[...]と水位の関係 | Water Level Relationship to [...] |
Upper Diagram | |
壁部屋1 | Room 1 |
壁部屋3 | Room 3 |
壁部屋4 | Room 4 |
塔1 | Tower 1 |
塔2 | Tower 2 |
壁部屋2 | Wall Room 2 |
Text Below Upper Diagram | |
[...]てダンジョンに入ってきた時は水位2からスタート。その後、スイッチで水位1、水位3 [...]と変化する。 |
Start at water level 2 when you enter the dungeon and [...]. After that, switch between water level 1, water level 3 [...] using switches. |
[...]部屋の屋根は水位よりも少し高いように設定して、水中でヘビーブーツを脱いで水面に [...]れるようにしておく。 |
[...] set the room's roof to be a little higher than the water level and make it so it's possible to [...] on the water's surface by removing the Iron Boots underwater. |
Text Alongside Lower Left Diagram | |
・フローターや水面から上がらせる事を目的とした台等は 必ず水面から70センチ上に出るようにする。(以下でもOK) |
- Make it so that platforms, etc. meant to be raised from the water's surface or floaters always appear 70 cm above the water's surface. (Or below.) |
水中のリンクの制限 | Link's Limitations Underwater |
◯アイテムは使えません。(このダンジョンでもらえるフック ショットっだけ使えます。) |
- Items can't be used. (He can only use the Hookshot you obtain in this dungeon.) |
◯オートジャンプできません。ジャンプよじのぼりも同じく できません。 |
- He can't autojump. Similarly, he can't jump and clamber onto things. |
◯走れません。 | - He can't run. |
◯ヘビーブーツを着脱することで水底と水面を上下できます。 | - He can move between the bottom and the surface by putting on and taking off the Iron Boots. |
Water Temple 3
Additionally, by darkening and flipping the image, a page on the other side of the paper with some partially cut-off text can be seen.
Diagram | |
壁部屋2 | Wall Room 2 |
Header | |
??構成図 | [?] Structural Diagram |
Text in Box | |
?による水位の変化 ??フックショット |
Water Level Change via [?] [?] Hookshot |
List Below Box | |
????水位4スイッチ) ?スイッチのある部屋 |
[?] Water Level 4 Switch) Room with [?] Switch |
Ganon's Castle
Ganon's Castle 1
Japanese | English |
20m | 20m |
雲の発生 | Cloud Produced |
30m | 30m |
火山の火口 | Volcano Mouth |
溶岩[流?]の上昇 | Lava [Flow?] Rises |
50m | 50m |
Ganon's Castle 2
Instead of Link and Zelda escaping Ganon's Castle as it crumbled, Link was going to race Ganondorf to the top.
Page at Left | |
出す大変さや、大容量化するハードウェアに求められがちな[...]と「[...] なゲーム」をどう折り合わせてきたのか、を聞きたく思います。 |
2.『ゼルダ』新作について ● 新作を拝見して、ガラリと方向性を変えてきたと思いました。本作でオープンワー |
Open Page | |
ゲームオーバー | Game Over |
このゲームのゲームオーバーはリンクのハートが0になる他に次の2つの要素で行います。 | Other than Link's hearts reaching 0, the game over for this game will occur via the following. |
ガノンがリンクよりも20m上に登ってしまった。 | Ganon climbs 20 meters higher than Link. |
ガノンがリンクよりも20m上に登ってしまった時点でメッセージを表示。フェードアウトし てその時点での再スタート地点からハートを4つぐらい減らして再スタートします。 |
When Ganon climbs 20 meters higher than Link, a message will be displayed. The screen will fade out, and at that point, the game will restart from the restart point with about 4 fewer hearts. |
メッセージ例) 「むだだ小僧!もう勝負はあったわ!そこで世界の終末をじっくり見るがいい!」とか |
Message Example: Something like "It's hopeless, kid! You've already lost! Now stand there and watch carefully as the world ends!" |
ガノンがリンクよりも20m先に行っていなくても、最後の頭頂部のゴールにガノンが先に達してしまったら、すぐに画面にホワイトアウトしてメッセージを表示、再スタートとなる。 | Even if Ganon isn't 20 meters ahead of Link, if he reaches the final goal at the top, right away, the screen will white-out, a message will be displayed, and the game will restart. |
メッセージ例) 「きゃぁーー、リンク、リンク、たす け・・・・」とか |
Message Example: "Eeeeeek, Link, Link, help... me...." |
Ganon's Tower
Exclamation Mark Box | |
第1?終了 | Part 1 [?] Ending |
Demo 1 Text | |
デモ1 | Demo 1 |
ガノン???? ??? |
Ganon [?] |
カットは?えてリンクを ??の??にイニシャルセット |
The cutscene [?] and initial set Link to the [?] of the [?] |
??の?が???んで ?????に |
The [?] of the [?] [?] and [?] |
リンクの?下に 「城?の塔」の???? |
The [?] of the "Castle [?]" [?] |
ガノンゼルダと?化する ??をとなえる |
Ganon [?] with Zelda He chants [?] |
Demo 1 Exclamation Mark Box | |
リンク?ガノンに?? | Link [?] Ganon |
Demo 1 Text (Continued) | |
リンクとガノン 「城?の塔」から?ちていく。 |
Link and Ganon fall from the "Castle [?] Tower". |
Gray Circle | |
フェードアウト/イン | Fadeout/In |
Text to the Right of Gray Circle | |
??バトル用キャ ター、BGデータロ |
[Load?] BG data and [?] characters for battle |
Demo 2 Text | |
デモ2 | Demo 2 |
Demo 2 Exclamation Mark Box | |
ガノンと下に 落下してくるリンク |
Link falls down with Ganon |
ガノン落下のショックでフリーズ。 リンク飛びのく。 |
Freeze from the shock of Ganon's fall. Link jumps back. |
破壊を?らせる賢者のメッセージ | Message from the Sages who [?] the destruction |
Text Between Demo 2 and Demo 3 | |
リンク?を?り始める。 | Link begins [?] the [?]. |
Demo 3 Text | |
デモ3 | Demo 3 |
タイマーでガノン復活。 ??魔法で巨大獣人化。 |
Ganon revives on a timer. He transforms into a giant beast via [?] magic. |
Bottom Right Exclamation Mark Box | |
??ガノンバト | [?] Ganon [Battle?] |
By darkening the image, some text can also be made out from the page underneath the Ganon and Link battle flowchart.
Japanese | English |
<ガノン最終戦バトルの流れ> | {The Flow of the Final Battle with Ganon} |
ガノン第一??の???、ゼルダ???する? ???????????????ガノン??? |
The first Ganon [?] of [?], Zelda [?] [?] Ganon [?] |
??に?も?ガノンにダメージを受けて?リー ?、ガノンが???になって?かったリンクは |
[?] take damage from Ganon, [?] [?] Ganon [?] becomes [?], [?] Link |
メッセージに?いプレイヤーがフィールドに? ????が?める(??は?で?に?りゴー |
[?] the message, the player [?] the field [?] |
??からは塔登りゲーム、?い?がるガノンの ?からの????けながら、どんどん上に上が |
From the [?], while [?] the tower-climbing game [?] from Ganon's [?], Link gradually makes his way |
ガノンに追い抜かれることなく???に?じ・ ???のバトル(とどめ)が??る。 |
[?] without being overtaken by Ganon [?] [...] battle with [?] (final blow) is [?]. |