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Prerelease:Test Drive Unlimited 2

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Test Drive Unlimited 2.

E3 footage

The beta version of the game was tested during 2010. Not the biggest differences compared to the final version appeared, yet there are still a few worth noting. The Audi TT RS had a different engine sound as seen in this video, the Dealership Cars were not separated like in the final version (example: British Cars and American Cars in the Italian Dealership.), the rain effects were little dots that appeared on the car, meanwhile in the final version, they were much smoother. During some 2010 E3 footage, there is a short moment with the Italian Car Dealership where the cars were mixed, however, a V8 Audi R8 appears in that showroom which means that it was originally planned to be an actual playable car in the game. However, in the final version, it is only driveable during a single convoy mission.

(Source: Rsracerp60)

Compact art

Tdu2benjamin-hayte-cascade-hors-piste2.png Tdu2benjamin-hayte-marecages-01.png

(Source: Benjamin Hayte)

Canceled teaser

Before the game is announced,a wip teaser for this game was leaked in internet but never made this to public due to a massive change of direction at the head of the project,this teaser was made by Sylvain Pellan.

Tdu2sylvain-pellan-recherche-01-3.png Tdu2sylvain-pellan-recherche-03-3.png

(Source: Sylvain Pellan)