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Prerelease:Super Punch-Out!! (SNES)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Super Punch-Out!! (SNES).

Different Protagonist

Superpunchout proto2.jpg
Superpunchout proto3.jpg

Early screenshots for the game present a completely different character compared to the generic blonde, somewhat Toriyama-esque Westerner in the final game. He bears a resemblance to Little Mac, the franchise's staple hero, but it is unknown if this character was meant to be Little Mac or not.

There is also a trailer of unknown origin that shows this protagonist.

(Source: Unseen64)

Nintendo Power #63

Shown in "Pak Watch" in the August 1994 issue of Nintendo Power.

Bald Bull is back along with three circuits of knockout arcade boxing that will make your head bleed just thinking about it. Fans of the original Punch-Out!! will recognize some of the fighters like Piston Hurricane, who was Piston Honda in the NES game, and stars of the coin-op Super Punch-Out!! like Dragon Chan. But many of these fantasy pugilists have appeared straight out of the wonderfully warped imaginations of their programmers. Ten new faces include rasta-fighter Bob Charlie, old-timer Gabby Jay, and the ultimate boxer, Mr. Bruiser. In all, you'll have to battle it out with 16 contenders. The semi-transparent view of your fighter allows better sight of your opponent's moves.

Good play control made the difference for this Pak Puncher, plus good sound. It's the best Punch-Out!! to dale for fans of the arcade and NES classics, and the bell rings for the opening round this October.

— Nintendo Power, vol. 63, p. 105


Nintendo SCES 1994 Take Away Video

More footage of the early protagonist can be found at 9m37s in Nintendo's Summer CES 1994 promotional video.